
发布时间:2017-03-16 13:33


Dress correctness refers to the style of dress that is considered to be appropriate for women who wish to climb the corporate ladder. The style depends on the corporate culture, but is usually of the dark-suit-and-white-blouse variety.

Dress correctness(正确穿衣法)指那些希望在公司爬到更高位置的女性认为妥当的穿衣风格。这种风格一般因公司文化而有所不同,不过通常都是白衬衫配深色套装系列。


The rapid entry of the majority of women into the work world over the last 20 years, particularly the increase of women in professional and managerial positions, has changed not only women's shopping priorities, but the control — financial and stylistic — women exert over the way we look. We have entered the era of dresscorrectness, in which women's clothes are purchased less to attract male sexual attention and more to match rising professional ambitions.

