
发布时间:2017-03-22 12:15



"On my head pour only the sweet waters of serenity. Give me the gift of the Untroubled Mind."


Once, as a young man full of exuberant fancy, I undertook to draw up a catalogue of theacknowledged "goods" of life. As other men sometimes tabulate lists of properties they own or would like to own, I set down my inventory of earthly desirables: health,love, beauty, talent, power, riches, and fame.


When my inventory was completed I proudly showed it to a wise elder who had been the mentorand spiritual model of my youth. Perhaps I was trying to impress him with my precocious wisdom. Anyway, I handed him the list. "This", I told him confidently, "is the sum of mortal goods. Could a man possess them all, he would be as a god.”


At the corners of my friend's old eyes, I saw wrinkles of amusement gathering in a patient net.An excellent list," he said, pondering it thoughtfully. "well digested in content and set down in not-unreasonable order. But it appears,my young friend,that you have omitted the most importantelement of all.You have forgotten the one ingredient,lacking which each possession becomes ahideous torment."



"And what,"I asked,peppering my voice with truculence,"is that missing ingredient?"


With a pencil stub he crossed out my entire schedule. Then, having demolished my adolescentdream structure at a single stroke, he wrote down three syllables: peace of mind. "This is the gift that God reserves for His special Proteges," he said.


Talent and beauty He gives to many. Wealth is commonplace, fame not rare. But peace of mind-that is His final guerdon of approval, the fondest insignia of His love.He bestows it charily. Most men are never blessed with it: others wait all their lives-yes,far into advanced age-for this gift to descend upon them."



People often expect someone with a severe disability to be inactive, maybe even angry andwithdrawn. I like to surprise them by showing that I lead a very adventurous and fulfilling existence. Despite my physical limitations, I'm living as though I have no limits.

人们常常认为一个有着严重残疾的人应该是消极的, 甚至也许脾气暴躁、沉默寡言。而我想令他们凉讶,我要向他们展示我的生活极具冒险色彩。并且富有成就。尽管我没有四肢,有着严重的身体缺陷,但我就像没有限制一样生活着。

I often ask myself the very question: "Nick, how can you be so happy?" Here is my answer: I found happiness when I realized that as imperfect as I may be, I am the perfect Nick Vujicic. I am God's creation, designed according to His plan for me. That's not to say that there isn't room for improvement. I'm always trying to be better so I can better serve Him and the world!


I do believe my life has no limits. I want you to feel the same way about your life, no matter what your challenges may be. As we begin our journey together, please take a moment to think about any limitations you've placed on your life or that you've allowed others to place on it. Now think about what it would be like to free of those limitations. What would your life be if anything were possible?


I'm officially disabled, but I'm truly enabled because of my lack of limbs. My unique challenges have opened up unique opportunities to reach so many in need. Just imagine what is possible for you!


Too often we tell ourselves we aren't smart enough or attractive enough or talented enough topursue our dreams. We buy into what others say about us, or we put restrictions on ourselves. What's worse is that when you consider yourself unworthy, you are putting limits on how God can work through you!


When you give up on your dreams, you put God in a box. After all, you are His creation. He made you for a purpose. Therefore your life cannot be limited any more than God's love can be contained.


I have a choice. You have a choice. We can choose to dwell on disappointments and shortcomings. We can choose to be bitter, angry, or sad. Or when faced with hard times and hurtful people, we can choose to learn from the experience and move forward, taking responsibility for our own happiness.


As God's child, you are beautiful and precious, worth more than all the diamonds in the world. You and I are perfectly suited to be who we were meant to be! Even still, it should always be our goal to become an even better person and stretch out boundaries by dreaming big. Adjustments are necessary along the way because life isn't always rosy, but it is always worth living. I'm here to tell you that no matter what your circumstances may be, as long as you are breathing, you have acontribution to make.


I can't put a hand on your shoulder to reassure you, but I can speak from the heart. Howeverdesperate your life may seem, there is hope. As bad as circumstances appear, there are better days ahead. No matter how dire your circumstances may appear, you can rise above them. l'o wish for change will change nothing. To make the decision to take action right now will change everything!


All events come together for the good. I'm certain of that because it's been true in my life. What good is a life without limbs? Just by looking at me, people know that I faced and overcame manyobstacles and hardships. That makes them willing to listen to me as a source of inspiration. They allow me to share my faith, to tell them they are loved, and to give them hope.


That is my contribution. It's important to recognize your own value. Know that you also have something to contribute. If you feel frustrated right now, that's okay. Your sense of frustration means you want more for your life than you have right now. That's all good. Often it's the challenges in life that show us who we are truly meant to be.







