
发布时间:2017-03-16 09:55


Rickshaw is the most popular form of transportation for tourists in Beijing's hutongs. It not only provides a unique view of traditional architecture and lifestyle in Beijing, but also allows the rickshaw puller to tell the stories of old Beijing.

Tourists can encounter many rickshaw pullers when they stroll in hutongs, where many local residents still live in traditional courtyard-style houses.


Pulling a rickshaw is not as fun as sitting on one. A rickshaw driver does not only offer the tourists a ride, but is also a walking name card of Beijing.





文中的rickshaw就是“黄包车”的意思。黄包车大约在1873年从日本传入上海,是一种用人力拖拉的双轮客运工具,它的前身叫东洋车,又称人力车。“拉黄包车的车夫”被称作:rickshaw driver或rickshaw puller;“乘坐黄包车”的英文表达是:ride in a rickshaw。英语中还有一个词:pedicab,解释为“人力三轮车”。

此外,文中的encounter用作动词,解释为“遇到”,如:Don't be afraid to encounter risks.(不要害怕遭遇危险。)
