
发布时间:2016-11-14 11:13

下面是小编整理的一些关于介词on的用法总结, 希望让大家更好地认识on这个单词,提高英语水平。




2. 关于





Lucy’s coat is on the desk .

We’re going to work on a farm .

There are many apples on the trees .

I have them on this piece of paper .

There was a big smile on her face .

Jim and Li Lei meet on the road outside Li Lei’s house .

Which channel is it on ?

2. on表示时间:在……(天)

Everyone eats mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Day .

They arrived early on a Tuesday morning .

I eat mooncakes on that day .

I was born on February 18 , 1981 .

Either Tuesday or Wednesday is OK . I’ll be free on these days .

3. 关于……

In the library she has got books on many different subjects .

spend … on在……花费

I like writing to my penfriend , but I can’t spend much time on it .

work on 致力于

He works on the Great Green Wall with many other people .

Please tell Mr. Hu that I am working hard on my Chinese .

live on靠……为生

They lived on potatoes .


go on继续

Autumn starts in August , and goes on to October .

Go on until you reach the end .

hold on(for a moment)别挂断电话,等一等

A : Hello ! Could I speak to the headmaster , please ?

B : Hold on for a moment , please . I’m sorry , he isn’t here right now . May I help you ?

pass on传递

They both passed on their sticks at the same time .

go on with(sth. )继续做……

They went on with their work .

walk on继续走

Walk on and turn left .


1. and so on等等

There are different kinds of vegetables in the shop , such as tomatoes , potatoes , carrots , peas , cabbages and so on .

2. on and on继续,不断

They talked on and on very happily .

3. from now on从此以后,今后

Please be more careful from now on .

4. later on过后,以后

The radio says the rain will stop later on
