Factories in Nanchang county in Jiangxi were the main source of "the toxic preserved eggsincident" and 30 companies have been closed by authorities since the discovery. Other factories are still undergoing investigation.
Preserved eggs generally take about two months to create, using baking soda, salt, and quicklime.
The plants were guilty of adding industrial copper sulphate to the eggs to speed up the production schedule, halving the time to a month.

文中"###preserved egg"即是皮蛋的意思,也可以表达为"preserved duck egg", 或者"thousand-year egg"。
其中preserved可译为“腌制的”,如preserved food (腌制食品),类似的表达还有smoked (烟熏的),salted (盐腌的),canned (罐装的)等。
文中的“copper sulphate”译为硫酸铜,这些企业采用的是工业级别的原料,根本无法用于食品生产。