
发布时间:2017-06-09 16:52



A Sheep was once forced to submit to much harm from the other animals. He therefore appeared before Jupiter, and begged him to lessen his misery. Jupiter appeared willing, and said to the Sheep, "I see plainly, my pious creature, that I have created you too defenseless . Now choose how I had best remedy this fault. Shall I arm your jaws with terrible fangs and your feet with claws?"


"O, no! " exclaimed the Sheep, " I will have nothing in common with the beasts of prey."


"Or," said Jupiter, " Shall I make your bite poisonous?"


"Alas!" replied the Sheep, " the poisonous snakes are so sadly detested."


"Well, what shall I do ? Shall I plant horns on your forehead, and give strength to your neck?"


"Nor that, gracious father; I should then butt like the goat."


"At the same time you would be able to injure others, if I gave you the means of defending yourself."


"Should I, indeed? "sighed the Sheep. "Oh! Then leave me, merciful father, as I am. For the power of injuring would, I am fearful, awake the desire of doing so; and it is better to suffer harm, than to inflict it."


Jupiter blessed the pious Sheep, who ceased from that moment his complaints.




Once upon a time there was a little girl whose father and mother had died, and she was so poor that she no longer had a room to live in, nor a bed to sleep in, and at last she had nothing else but the clothes she was wearing and a little piece of bread in her hand that some charitable soul had given her.


She was good and pious, however. And as she was thus forsaken by all the world, she went forth into the country, trusting in dear God.


Then a poor man met her, who said, "Ah, give me something to eat, I am so hungry." She handed him her entire piece of bread, saying, "May God bless it for you," and went on her way.


Then came a child who moaned and said, "My head is so cold. Give me something to cover it with." So she took off her cap duanwenw.com and gave it to the child. And when she had walked a little farther, she met another child who had no jacket and was freezing. So she gave her jacket to that child, and a little farther on one begged for a dress, and she gave her dress away as well. At length she made her way into a forest and it was already dark. Then there came yet another child, and asked for a shift, and the pious girl thought to herself, "It is a dark night and no one can see you. You can very well give your shift away," and she took it off, and gave it away as well.


And thus she stood there, with nothing left at all, when suddenly some stars fell down from heaven, and they were nothing else but hard shining talers, and although she had just given her shift away, she was now wearing a new one which was of the very finest linen. Then she gathered together the money into it, and was rich all the days of her life.


When autumn came, all the water in the large and small rivers rose higher and flowed into the Yellow River.

The surface of the River at once appeared much wider, On one side of the bank, one couldn’t see the cattle and sheep on the opposite side. The River deity Hebo was therefore immensely proud and considered himself the greatest in the world.

Hero followed the Yellow River to the North Sea. Then he looked at himself and felt he could not see the bounds of the sea. Then he looked at himself and felt he was so tiny and insignificant. He sighed and said to Hairuo, the deity of the North Sea.

“Asa the saying goes, a person who has gained a little learning duanwenw.com tends to regard himself as the wiset person under the sky. I am just that kind of person. Seeing how broad and great you are today, I have come to realize how insignificant and ignorant I am. If I didn’t meet you , I’m afraid I would I would always be laughed at by people with knowledge.”

Hairou said:

“We cannot talk about the sea with a frog at the bottom of a well, for the frog is restricted by its dwelling place; we cannot talk about ice with a small insect is restricted by the seasons; we cabbit talk about profound learning with superficial persons, for they have too little knowledge. Now you have come out of a small river to the North Sea, seen the greatness of it and realized your own insignificance. Since you have taken such a modest attitude, I can then talk with you about profound learning. ”






