名词解释:葡萄柚(学名:Citrus paradisi Macf. ) 芸香科、柑橘属小乔木,枝略披垂,无毛。叶形与质地与柚叶类似,但一般较小,翼叶也较狭且短,嫩叶的翼叶中脉被短细毛。总状花序,稀少或单花腋生;花萼无毛;花瓣比柚花的稍小。果扁圆至圆球形,比柚小,果皮也较薄,果顶有或无环圈,瓢囊12-15瓣,果心充实,绵质,果肉淡黄白或粉红色,柔嫩,多汁,爽口,略有香气,味偏酸,个别品种兼有苦及麻舌味;种子少或无,多胚。果期10-11月。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
A study has found that drinking grapefruit juice when eating fatty food lowers the amount of weight put on by up to a fifth.
The research also suggested that grapefruit could be as good as prescription drugs at keeping blood sugar levels under control —— a key part of managing diabetes.
The Grapefruit Diet, also called the Hollywood Diet, dates back to the 1940s and has a host of celebrity fans including singer Kylie Minogue. It involves having grapefruit or grapefruit juice with every meal while cutting back on calories.

文中的grapefruit就是“葡萄柚”的意思,又称为西柚,是亚热带植物(subtropical plant)常见水果之一,含有丰富的营养成分(nutritional components);常见的柑橘类水果还有:tangerine(蜜柑桔),shaddock(文旦),pomelo(柚子)等。
最后一句中的cut back是动词短语,表示“减少,削减,缩减”,如:They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.(他们将会考虑削减不必要的开销。)