背完这100个句子 你已经背过7000个单词

发布时间:2017-03-20 20:03

学习英语最关键的一项学习任务就是识记单词,扩大词汇量。单词就像是金字塔的最底下一层,基础的好坏就能决定上层建筑的优劣。所以扩大词汇量就变成了高中生每天必须要完成的学习任务。下面小编分享背完这100个句子 你已经背过7000个单词给你们,希望对你们有用。

背完这100个句子 你已经背过7000个单词如下:

1. The tall man installed a small wallet on the wall.


tall [ tɔ:l ] a. 高的

install [ in'stɔ:l ] v. 安装,安置,使...就职 n.[计算机] 安装,DOS命令 : 装入结束且驻留软件

small [ smɔ:l ] a. 小的

2. Except dishonest ones, anyone who is honest can get honey, everyone thinks so.


dishonest [ dis'ɔnist ] a. 不诚实的

honest [ 'ɔnist ] a. 诚实的,正直的

honey [ 'hʌni ] a. 蜂蜜似的 n. 蜂蜜,宝贝

one [ wʌn ] n. 一 int. 一,任何人 a. 一,一个

anyone [ 'eniwʌn ] pron. 任何人

everyone [ 'evriwʌn ] n. 每个人 pron. 每人,人人

3. The exhausted man and the trustful guy thrust a knife into the rusty crust.


exhaust [ ig'zɔ:st ] n. 排气,排气装置 v. 用尽,耗尽,使...精疲力尽 [计算机] 排除

trustful [ 'trʌstful ] a. 相信的,信任的

thrust [ θrʌst ] n. 推力,刺,力推 v. 插入,推挤,刺

rusty [ 'rʌsti ] a. 生锈的

crust [ krʌst ] n. 外壳,坚硬的外壳,面包皮 v. 盖以硬皮,结硬皮

4. I finally find that the financial findings are binding.


finally [ 'fainəli ] ad. 最后,最终

find [ faind ] v. 发现,感觉到,认为

financial [ fai'nænʃəl, ˌfi- ] a. 金融的,财政的

binding [ 'baindiŋ ] n. 装订 vbl. 绑

5. At the windy window, the widow finds a blind snake winding.


windy [ 'windi ] a. 有风的, 多风的

window [ 'windəu ] n. 窗户

widow [ 'widəu ] n. 寡妇

blind [ blaind ] a. 盲目的,瞎的 n. 百叶窗 v. 使失明

wind [ wind/waind ] n. 风,气味,卷 v. 上发条,缠绕,蜿蜒

6. I refuse to accuse Fuse of diffusing confusion.


refuse [ ri'fju:z ] n. 废物,垃圾 vi. 不愿,拒绝 vt. 拒绝

accuse [ ə'kju:z ] v. 责备,控告

fuse [ fju:z ] n. 保险丝 v. 融化,融合

diffuse [ di'fju:z ] v. 散播

confusion [ kən'fju:ʒən ] n. 混乱,混淆

7. He had an amusing excuse for executing the executive.


amusing [ ə'mju:ziŋ ] a. 有趣的,引人发笑的

excuse [ iks'kju:z ] n. 借口,理由;低劣的样品 v. 原谅

execute [ 'eksikju:t ] v. 执行,实行,完成 [计算机] 执行

executive [ ig'zekjutiv ] a. 行政的 n. 执行者,主管

8. At the dawn on the lawn the yawning drowned man began to frown.


dawn [ dɔ:n ] n. 破晓

lawn [ lɔ:n ] n. 草地,草坪

yawn [ jɔ:n ] n. 呵欠 v. 打呵欠

drown [ draun ] v. 淹死

frown [ fraun ] n. 皱眉 v. 皱眉头

9. Mr Brown owns the brown towels in the downtown tower.


brown [ braun ] a. 褐色的,棕色的 n. 褐色,棕色 (姓)布朗

own [ əun ] a. 自己的 pron. 特有的 v. 有,拥有 vi. 承认 vt. 拥有

towel [ 'tauəl, taul ] n. 毛巾 v. 用毛巾擦 vt. 用毛巾擦或擦干

downtown [ 'dauntaun ] n. 市中心区,市中心 a. 市中心的 ad. 往闹区

tower [ 'tauə ] n. 塔,高楼,堡垒 v. 高耸,超越

10. Lots of pilots plot to dot the rotten robot.


pilot [ 'pailət ] n. 飞行员,领航员,引航员 v. 领航,驾驶,向导

plot [ plɔt ] n. 图,阴谋,情节 v. 绘图,密谋,计划

dot [ dɔt ] n. 点,圆点,小孩子,小东西 v. 作小点记号,加小点于,点缀 [计算机] 点

rotten [ 'rɔtn ] a. 腐烂的,腐朽的

robot [ 'rəubɔt, 'rɔbət ] n. 机器人

11. In the hot hotel the devoted voter did not notice the noticeable notebook.


hotel [ həu'tel ] n. 旅馆,宾馆,酒店,饭店

devote [ di'vəut ] v. 投入于,献身

voter [ 'vəʊtə(r) ] n. 投票人,选举人

notice [ 'nəutis ] n. 注意,布告,通知 v. 注意,通知,留心

noticeable [ 'nəutisəbl ] a. 显而易见的

notebook [ 'nəʊtbʊk ] n. 笔记本

12. The notorious man's noted notation denotes a notable secret.


notorious [ nəʊ:'tɔriəs ] a. 臭名昭著的

note [ nəut ] n. 笔记,注解,备忘录 v. 记录,注解,注意 n. 票据,便条,纸币

notation [ nəu'teiʃən ] n. 记号法,表示法,注释 [计算机] 记法

denote [ di'nəut ] v. 指示,表示

notable [ 'nəutəbl ] a. 显著的,著名的 n. 名人

13. Yes, yesterday was the my pay-day; I pay you the payment today.


today [ tə'dei ] n.&ad. 今天

yesterday [ 'jestədi ] n.&ad. 昨天

pay [ pei ] n. 薪资,付款,报偿 v. 支付,付清,报偿

payment [ 'peimənt ] n. 支付,付款

14. Lay a layer of clay on the displayed layout before the relay race.


lay [ lei ] v. 放置,铺设,产卵 vbl. 横躺,摆放,说谎

layer [ 'leiə ] n. 层

clay [ klei ] n. 粘土,泥土

display [ di'splei ] n. 显示,陈列,炫耀 v. 显示,表现,夸示

layout [ 'leiˌaut ] n. 布局,安排,设计

relay [ 'ri:lei ] vt. 中继(用继电器控制,接替) n. 继电器(转播,备用品,替班人)

15. "The gay mayor maybe lay in the hay by the Baby bay," he says in dismay.


gay [ gei ] a. 欢迎的,放荡的,色彩鲜艳的 b. 同性恋

hay [ hei ] n. 干草

bay [ bei ] n. 海湾

mayor [ mɛə ] n. 市长

maybe [ 'meibi ] ad. 大概,也许

dismay [ dis'mei ] n. 沮丧 v. 使...灰心,使...害怕

16. The delayed player delegation stay on the playground.


delay [ di'lei ] n. 耽搁,迟滞 v. 耽搁,延迟

player [ 'pleiə ] n. 比赛者,运动员

delegation [ ˌdeli'geiʃən ] n. 代表团,委派,,授权

playground [ 'pleigraʊnd ] n.&a. 操场

17. The X-rayed prayer preyed a gray tray.


x-ray [ 'eksrei ] n. X射线(X光机,X光照片) vt 用X射线检查

prayer [ prɛə ] n. 祈祷,祷告,祷文 v. 祷告,祷文

prey [ prei ] n. 被掠食者,牺牲者 v. 捕食,掠夺,使...苦恼

gray [ grei ] n. 灰色 a. 灰色的,阴沉的 v. 变灰色 [计算机] 灰色

tray [ trei ] n. 盘,托盘,碟

18. Anyway, the prayer swayed by me always goes away by subway.


anyway [ 'eniwei ] ad. 不管怎样

sway [ swei ] n. 摇,影响力,支配 v. 使摇动,支配

always [ 'ɔ:lweiz ] ad. 总是

away [ ə'wei ] ad. 远离,离开

subway [ 'sʌbwei ] n. 地铁

19. The chocolates on the plate stimulated my son to calculate.


chocolate [ 'tʃɔkəlit ] n. 巧克力

plate [ pleit ] n. 碟,盘,金属板,板块 v. 镀金,电镀

stimulate [ 'stimjuleit ] vt. 刺激,激励,鼓舞

calculate [ 'kælkjuleit ] v. 计算,考虑,计划

20. One of my relatives, a late translator, translated a book relating to public relations.


relative [ 'relətiv ] a. 相对的,比较的 n. 亲戚,亲属

translator [ træns'leitə ] n. 翻译者

relation [ ri'leiʃən ] n. 关系,家人,亲戚,叙述,陈述

21. He relates that he is isolated from his relatives.


relate [ ri'leit ] v. 讲,叙述,使联系,有关系

isolate [ 'aisəleit ] a. 孤立的 v. 隔离,孤立 vt. 使隔离,使孤立

relative [ 'relətiv ] a. 相对的,比较的 n. 亲戚,亲属

22. The educator located the local location allocated to him.


educator [ 'edju:keitə(r) ] n. 教育家

locate [ ləu'keit ] v. 找出,设于,位于

location [ ləu'keiʃən ] n. 地点,位置

allocate [ 'æləkeit ] v. 分派,分配,分配额

23. Comply with the compatible rule of complement when using compliments.


comply [ kəm'plai ] v. 顺从,答应

compatible [ kəm'pætəbl ] a. 能共处的,可并立的,适合 [计算机] 相兼容的

complement [ 'kɔmplimənt ] n. 补足物,补语,余角 v. 补助

compliment [ 'kɔmplimənt ] n. 称赞,恭维,致意 v. 称赞,褒扬,恭维

24. The complicated indicator is dedicated to the delicate delicious machine.


complicate [ 'kɔmplikeit ] v. 弄复杂,使错综,使起纠纷

indicator [ 'indikeitə ] n. 指示器,指示剂 [计算机] 指示符

dedicate [ 'dedikeit ] v. 献出

delicate [ 'delikit ] a. 细致优雅的,微妙的,美味的 a. 淡色的,淡味的 a. 娇弱的,纤细的

delicious [ di'liʃəs ] a. 可口的,美味的

25. Likewise, my bike gave a striking strike to the two men alike.


striking [ 'straikiŋ ] a. 引人注目的,显著的

strike [ straik ] n. 罢工,打击,殴打 v. 打,罢工,划燃

alike [ ə'laik ] a. 相似的,同样的 ad. 一样,以同样的方式

likewise [ 'laikˌwaiz ] ad. 同样地,也,又

26. The smoke choked the joking stroker at one stroke.


choke [ tʃəuk ] v. 窒息,阻塞

stroke [ strəuk ] n. 笔划,打,中风 v. 划尾桨,抚

27. Somewhere somebody sometimes does something good.


somewhere [ 'sʌm(h)wɛə ] ad. 在某处 n. (在)某处

somebody [ 'sʌmbədi ] n. 重要人物 pron. 某人,有人

sometimes [ 'sʌmtaimz ] ad. 有时

something [ 'sʌmθiŋ ] pron.某事(物),某东西

28. Wherever I go, nowhere I like; I dislike everywhere.


nowhere [ 'nəuhwɛə ] ad. 任何地方都不 n. 不知道的地方,无处

everywhere [ 'evrihwɛə ] ad. 到处,无论何处

like [ laik ] a. 相似的,同样的 v. 喜欢,愿意,想 prep. 像,如同

dislike [ dis'laik ] v. 不喜欢,厌恶 vt.&n. 不喜爱,厌恶

29. Therefore, the atmosphere is merely a sphere.


therefore [ 'ðɛəfɔ: ] ad. 因此,所以

merely [ 'miəli ] ad. 仅仅,只不过

sphere [ sfiə ] a. 球体的 n. 范围,领域,球,球体

30. The funny cunning runner uses his gum gun before sunrise or after sunset.


cunning [ 'kʌniŋ ] a. 狡猾的,巧妙的,可爱的

runner [ 'rʌnə(r) ] n. 赛跑的人

gum [ gʌm ] n. 树胶,橡皮,橡皮糖 v. 涂以树胶,使...有粘性

gun [ gʌn ] n. 枪,炮

sunrise [ 'sʌnraiz ] n. 日出

sunset [ 'sʌnset ] n. 日落

31. The applause paused because of the cause caused by a cautious plausible clause.


applause [ ə'plɔ:z ] n. 鼓掌,喝彩,赞许 v. 鼓掌

pause [ pɔ:z ] 暂停,中止

because [ bi'kɔz ] conj. 因为

cause [ kɔ:z ] vt.引起 n.原因

cautious [ 'kɔ:ʃəs ] a. 十分小心的,谨慎的

plausible [ 'plɔ:zəbl ] a. 似真实的,似合理的,说得蛮像回事的

clause [ klɔ:z ] n. 分句,从句,条款,款项

32. The county councilor encountered the accountant at the counter of a countryside shop.


country [ 'kʌntri ] a. 国家(的),农村(的) n. 国家

councilor [ 'kaunsilə ] n. 议员(理事,顾问,参赞)

encounter [ in'kauntə ] n. 意外的相见,遭遇 v. 遇到,偶然碰到,遭遇

accountant [ ə'kauntənt ] n. 会计

counter [ 'kauntə ] n. 计算器,计算者,柜台 [计算机] 计数器 a. 相反的 ad. 与…相反地 vt. 反对,反击 vi. 反对,反击

countryside [ 'kʌntrisaid ] n. 乡下,农村

33. I mounted the mountain and found a fountain with large amount of water.


mount [ maunt ] n. 山峰,乘用马,框,衬纸 v. 增长,装上,爬上,乘马

mountain [ 'mauntin ] n. 山,山脉

amount [ ə'maunt ] n. 数量,总额 v. 总计,等于

fountain [ 'fauntin ] n. 喷泉

found [ faund ] v. 建立,创立, 创办 vbl. (find的过去分词)找到

34. Step by step, the sleepy creeper crawled into my sleeve to sleep.


sleepy [ 'sli:pi ] a. 欲睡的

creeper [ 'kri:pə ] n. 爬行物(定速运送器,上螺丝器,探海钩)

crawl [ krɔ:l ] n. 爬行,匍匐而行 v. 爬行

sleeve [ sli:v ] n. 袖子

sleep [ sli:p ] n. 睡眠,静止,睡意 v. 睡觉,睡眠,静止

35. After a deep sleep, the weeping sweeper keeps on peeping the sheep on the steep.


weeping [ 'wi:piŋ ] n.&a. 哭泣(的)

sweeper [ 'swi:pə ] n. 清扫夫

peep [ pi:p ] n. 瞥见,偷看,初现 v. 窥视,慢慢露出,吱吱叫

sheep [ ʃi:p ] n. 羊,绵羊

steep [ sti:p ] a. 险峻的,陡峭的 v. 浸泡,浸透 vt. 浸,泡

36. The vice-adviser advised the reviser to devise a device for getting rid of vice.


adviser [ əd'vaizə ] n. 顾问,指导教授,劝告者

advise [ əd'vaiz ] v. 劝告,通知,与...商量

revise [ ri'vaiz ] n. 校订,修正,再校稿 v. 校订,修正,校正

devise [ di'vaiz ] v. 设计

device [ di'vais ] n. 装置,设计,策略,设备

37. The wise man used his wisdom in the vertical advertisement device.

聪明人把智慧用在垂直的 广告装置上。

wise [ waiz ] a. 明智的,有学问的,有智慧的,聪明的

wisdom [ 'wizdəm ] n. 智慧

advertisement [ ædvər'taizmənt ] n.&ad. 广告

38. With rhythm, the arithmetic teacher put the artist's artificial articles on the vehicle.


rhythm [ 'riðəm, 'riθəm ] n. 节奏,韵律

arithmetic [ ə'riθmətik ] n. 算术

artist [ 'ɑ:tist ] n. 艺术家,美术家

artificial [ ˌɑ:ti'fiʃəl ] a. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的

article [ 'ɑ:tikəl ] n. 文章,物品,条款,冠词

vehicle [ 'vi:ikl ] n. 传播媒介,工具,手段,交通工具,车辆; [语]喻体

39. The smart star starts to make cart chart for the commencement.


star [ stɑ: ] n. 星,明星 v. 以星状物装饰,变成演员

start [ stɑ:t ] n. 起点 v. 开始,起身,出发

cart [ kɑ:t ] n. 二轮运货马车 v. 驾运货马车,用车装载

chart [ tʃɑ:t ] n. 图表 v. 制成图表

commencement [ kə'mensmənt ] n. 开始,毕业典礼

40. The lady is glad to give the salad to the sad lad on the ladder.


lady [ 'leidi ] n. 夫人,女士

glad [ glæd ] a. 高兴的

salad [ 'sæləd ] n. 色拉

sad [ sæd ] a. 悲哀的,伤心的,不能令人满意的

lad [ læd ] n. 少年,小伙子

ladder [ 'lædə ] n. 梯子

41. You mad madam, my dad doesn't like the bad badminton pad.


mad [ mæd ] def#adj;maddish a.发疯的,狂热的,着迷的,生气的

madam [ 'mædəm ] n. 夫人,女士

dad [ dæd ] n. 爸爸

bad [ bæd ] a. 坏的

badminton [ 'bædmintən ] n. 羽毛球

pad [ pæd ] n. 填补,衬垫,印色盒,信笺簿 v. 填补,徒步,夸大

42. The one-legged beggar begins to beg eggs illegally.


leg [ leg ] n. 腿

beggar [ 'begə ] n. 乞丐 vt. 使贫穷

beg [ beg ] v. 请求,乞求

illegally [ i'li:gəli ] ad. 非法地

43. The promoter promptly made a quotation for the remote control motors.


promoter [ prə'məutə ] n. 促进者,助长者

promptly [ 'prɔmptli ] ad. 敏捷地,迅速地

quotation [ kwəu'teiʃən ] n. .引语,语录 2.报价单 3.行情表

remote [ ri'məut ] a. 偏僻的,遥远的,远程的

motor [ 'məutə ] a. 机动的,汽车的 n. 发动机,马达

44. Each pea and peach on the beach can be reached by the peacock.


each [ i:tʃ ] a. 每个,每,每一 ad. 每个 int. 每个,个人,个自

pea [ pi: ] n. 豌豆

peach [ pi:tʃ ] n. 桃子 v. 揭发,检举

beach [ bi:tʃ ] n. 海滩 v. 拖(船)上岸 vt. 使船冲上滩

reach [ ri:tʃ ] n. 延伸,范围,河段 v. 到达,伸出,延伸

peacock [ 'pi:kɔk ] n. (雄)孔雀 v. 炫耀

45. Although the plan was thorough, it was not carried through.


although [ ɔ:l'ðəu ] conj. 尽管,虽然

thorough [ 'θʌrə ] a. 彻底的,完全的,精心的

through [ θru: ] ad. 穿越,完全 prep. 经过,穿过,凭借

46. Thoughtful men ought not to be thoughtless about the drought.


ought [ ɔ:t ] conj. 应该,大概

thoughtless [ 'θɔ:tlis ] a. 没有考虑的,无深虑的,轻率的

drought [ draut ] n. 干旱

47. “Rough cough is tough enough,” Bough said while touching the torch.


rough [ rʌf ] a. 粗糙的,粗略的,大致的,粗野的,粗暴的 ad. 粗暴地 vt. 殴打,草拟

cough [ kɔ:f ] 咳嗽

tough [ tʌf ] a. 强硬的,艰苦的,棘手的,严厉的

enough [ i'nʌf ] a. 足够的 ad. 足够地 n. 充足,足够 pron. 足够(的)

bough [ bau ] n. 大树枝

touch [ tʌtʃ ] n. 触觉,接触,少许 v. 接触,触及,感动

torch [ tɔ:tʃ ] n. 火炬,火把,手电筒

48. The football team stopped the steam stream with beams.


team [ ti:m ] n. 队,组 v. 协同工作

steam [ sti:m ] n. 蒸气,精力 a. 蒸气的 v. 蒸发

stream [ stri:m ] n. 流,水流,人潮 v. 使流出,流动

beam [ bi:m ] n. 光线,电波,横梁,容光焕发 v. 微笑,闪亮

49. "Ice-cream!" he screamed in dream.


ice-cream [ 'aiskri:m ] n. 冰淇淋

scream [ skri:m ] n. 尖叫声 v. 尖叫,大笑

dream [ dri:m ] n. 梦 v. 做梦

50. For example, this simple sample similar to his can be exemplified.


example [ ig'zɑ:mpl ] n. 榜样,例子

simple [ 'simpl ] a. 简单的,简朴的,单纯的

sample [ 'sæmpl ] n. 样品,标本 v. 抽取样品

exemplify [ ig'zemplifai ] v. 例证,例示

51. The spy is shy of taking shelter on the shelf of the shell-like shed.


spy [ spai ] n. 间谍,侦探,侦察 v. 侦探,找出

shy [ ʃai ] a. 害羞的 vi. 惊退,畏缩

shelter [ 'ʃeltə ] n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护 v. 庇护,保护,隐匿

shelf [ ʃelf ] n. 架子

shell [ ʃel ] n. 贝壳,壳,外形 v. 去壳,脱落 n.[计算机] DOS命令 : 安装备用的COMMAND.COM文件, 并改变环境尺寸

shed [ ʃed ] n. 车棚,小屋,脱落之物 v. 使...流出,放射,脱毛

52. The optional helicopter is adopted to help the optimistic helpless in the hell.


optional [ 'ɔpʃənəl ] a. 可以任选的,非强制的

helicopter [ 'helikɔptə ] n. 直升飞机

adopt [ ə'dɔpt ] v. 采用,收养,接受

optimistic [ ˌɔpti'mistik ] a. 乐观的,乐观主义的

helpless [ 'helplis ] a. 无助的,无依靠的

hell [ hel ] n. 地狱

53. The cell seller seldom sees the bell belt melt.


cell [ sel ] n. 细胞,电池,单人牢房,蜂房

seller [ 'selə ] n. 售货者

bell [ bel ] n. 钟,铃

belt [ belt ] n. 带,腰带 v. 用带系上 vt. 系上腰带

melt [ melt ] n. 熔化,熔化物 v. 熔化,溶解,渐混

54. The costly post was postponed because of the frost.


costly [ 'kɔstli ] a. 昂贵的

post [ pəʊst ] n. 邮件,标竿,职位 v. 邮递,公布,布置

postpone [ pəust'pəun ] v. 延期 vt. 推迟,延期

frost [ frɔst, frɔ:st ] n. 霜,冰冻,冷漠 v. 覆着霜,冻结,结霜

55. Srain brain on the train is restrained.


strain [ strein ] n. 紧张,拉紧,血统 v. 劳累,拉紧,过份使用

brain [ brein ] n. 脑(子) v. 打...的脑袋

train [ trein ] n. 火车,行列;长裙拖地部分 v. 训练,教养

restrain [ ris'trein ] v. 抑制,阻止,束缚

56. The gained grain drained away with the rain, all the pains were in vain again.


gain [ gein ] n. 增益,获得,利润 v. 得到,增进,获利

pain [ pein ] n. 痛苦,疼痛,辛苦 v. 使...痛苦,痛苦,疼

grain [ grein ] n. 谷物,谷类,颗粒,细粒,纹理

drain [ drein ] n. 下水道,排水沟,消耗 v. 耗尽,排出沟外

vain [ vein ] a. 徒然的,虚荣的,空虚的

57. Cousin saw a group of couples in cloaks soak their souls in the soapy soup.


cousin [ 'kʌzn ] n. 堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹)

couple [ 'kʌpl ] n. 对,夫妇,数个 v. 加倍,成双,连结

cloak [ kləuk ] n. 斗蓬,宽大外衣,掩护 v. 遮掩,隐匿

soak [ səuk ] n. 浸,湿透,大雨 v. 使上下湿透,浸,吸入

soap [ səup ] n. 肥皂

soup [ su:p ] n. 汤

58. The wounded founder bought a pound of compound.


wounded [ 'wu:ndid ] a. 受伤的 n. 伤员

founder [ 'faundə ] n. 创立者,建立者 v. 弄摔倒,弄跛,浸水

bought [ bɔ:t ] v. 买 vbl. 买

pound [ paund ] n. 磅,英镑 v. (连续)猛击,捣碎 vt. 猛击,敲打,跳动

compound [ 'kɔmpaund ] n. 混合物,复合字 a. 复合的,混合的,合成的 v. 混合,调合,妥协

59. It's easy and feasible to control the disease after cease-fire.


feasible [ 'fi:zəbl ] a. 可行的,可能的

disease [ di'zi:z ] n. 疾病

easy [ 'i:zi ] a. 容易的,安逸的,不费力的

60. After a decrease, the price of the grease increases increasingly.


decrease [ di:'kri:s ] n. 减少,减少之量 v. 减少

grease [ gri:s ] n. 兽脂,油脂 v. 涂脂,贿赂

increase [ in'kri:s ] n. 增加,增强,提高 v. 增加,提高

increasingly [ in'kri:siŋli ] ad. 逐渐地,渐增地

61. Please release that pleasant peasant teaser who brings us plenty of pleasure.


release [ ri'li:s ] n. 释放,让渡,发行 v. 释放,让与,准予发表

pleasant [ 'plezənt ] a. 令人愉快的,舒适的 vi. 满意,喜欢 vt. 使高兴

peasant [ 'pezənt ] n. 农民 n. 民工

tease [ ti:z ] n. 揶揄者,戏弄 v. 欺负,嘲弄

pleasure [ 'pleʒə ] n. 高兴,愉快

62. In the canal, the Canadian analyzed the bananas.


canal [ kə'næl ] n. 运河,沟渠

analyze [ 'ænəlaiz ] v. 分析,分解 vt. 分析

banana [ bə'nɑ:nə ] n. 香蕉

63. I pointed out the joint on the coin at the disappointing appointment.


disappointing [ ˌdisə'pɔintiŋ ] a. 令人失望的

appointment [ ə'pɔintmənt ] n. 约会,预约

joint [ dʒɔint ] a. 联合的,共同的 n. 关节,接合处 v. 连接,贴合

64. His parents apparently stare at the transparent cigarettes.


parent [ 'pɛərənt ] n. 父母,父母亲,根源

apparent [ ə'pærənt ] a. 明显的,表面上的

transparent [ træns'pɛərənt ] a. 透明的

stare [ steə(r) ] 盯,凝视

cigarette [ sigə'ret ] n. 香烟

65. The careful man is scarcely scared by the scarce parcel.


careful [ 'kɛəful ] a. 小心的,仔细的

scarcely [ 'skɛəsli ] ad. 几乎不,简直没有,勉强

scarce [ skɛəs ] a. 缺乏的,不足的,稀少的,罕见的

scar [ skɑ: ] n. 疤痕,伤痕,断崖 v. 结疤,使...有伤痕,痊愈

parcel [ 'pɑ:sl ] n. 包裹 v. 打包,捆扎 vt. 打包

66. I'm rarely aware that the square area is bare.


rarely [ 'reəli ] ad. 很少,难得

aware [ ə'weə ] a. 知道的,意识到的

square [ skwɛə ] n. 正方形,街区,平方 a. 正方形的,正直的,公正的 v. 一致,符合,使...成方形 n. 广场

area [ 'eəriə ] n. 地区,区域,面积,方面

67. “Beware the software in the warhouse during the warfare,” hare said glaring at me.


beware [ bi'wɛə ] v. 小心,谨防

software [ 'sɔftwɛə ] n. 软件

warfare [ 'wɔ:fɛə ] n. 战争

glare [ glɛə ] n. 闪耀光,刺眼 v. 发眩光,瞪视

68. I daren't declare that the shares are my spare fare and welfare on the farewell party.


dare [ dɛə ] n. 挑战,挑动 v. 敢,胆敢

declare [ di'klɛə ] v. 宣布,声明,申报

share [ ʃɛə ] n. 部份,股份,分担 v. 共享,共有,分配

spare [ spɛə ] n. 剩余,备用零件,备用轮胎 a. 多余的,备用的,简陋的 v.节约

fare [ fɛə ] n. 费用,食物 v. 进展,进步,经营

welfare [ 'welfɛə ] n. 福利,社会保障

farewell [ 'fɛə'wel ] a. 告别的 int. 再会,别了 n. 告别

69. The external and internal interference interrupts my interpretation at short intervals.


external [ eks'tə:nl ] n. 外部 a. 外部的,外用的,客观的,表面的

internal [ in'tə:nl ] a. 国内的,内部的

interference [ ˌintə'fiərəns ] n. 冲突,干涉 [计算机] 于涉

interrupt [ ˌintə'rʌpt ] n. 中断 v. 打断,妨碍,插嘴 [计算机] 中断

interpretation [ inˌtə:pri'teiʃən ] n. 解释,演出,翻译,互動

70. The form of the former formula is formally formulated.


form [ fɔ:m ] n. 形式,形状,表格 v. 形成,组成,建立

former [ 'fɔ:mə ] a. 以前的,在前的 pron.&n. 前者

formula [ 'fɔ:mjulə ] n. 公式,配方,规则;婴儿食品

formally [ 'fɔ:məli ] ad. 正式地,拘泥礼仪,形式上

formulate [ 'fɔ:mjuleit ] v. 用公式表示,明确的叙述

71. The performer reformed the performance of the transferred transformer.


performance [ pə'fɔ:məns ] n. 表演,表现 n. 性能

reform [ ri'fɔ:m ] n. 改革,改正,感化 v. 改革,改过自新,改善

performer [ pə'fɔ:mə(r) ] n. 表演者,执行者

transform [ træns'fɔ:m ] v. 转换,使...变形

transfer [ træns'fə: ] n. 迁移,移动,换车 v. 转移,调转,调任

72. Normally, enormous deformation is abnormal.


enormous [ i'nɔ:məs ] a. 巨大的,庞大的

deformation [ ˌdi:fɔ:'meiʃən ] n. 变形

abnormal [ æb'nɔ:məl ] a. 反常的,不正常的,不规则的

normally [ 'nɔ:məli ] ad. 正常地

73. The bookworm in uniform is informed of the storm.


bookworm [ 'bukwə:m ] n. 书呆子

uniform [ 'ju:nifɔ:m ] a. 一致的,统一的 n. 制服

inform [ in'fɔ:m ] v. 告诉,通知 vi. 检举,告发 vt. 通知,告诉,向...报告

storm [ stɔ:m ] n. 暴风雨 v. 猛攻,捣毁,起风暴 vi. 起风暴,强攻 vt. 猛攻,捣毁

74. The story about the six-storeyed dormitory tells a glorious history.


story [ 'stɔ:ri ] n. 故事

storey [ 'stɔ:ri ] n. 楼层

dormitory [ 'dɔ:mitri ] n. (集体)宿舍

glorious [ 'glɔ:riəs ] a. 光荣的,辉煌的

history [ 'histəri ] n. 历史

75. The perfume consumer presumably assumes that the volume is resumed.


assume [ ə'sju:m ] vt. 假定,设想,承担

resume [ ri'zju:m,'resu'mi ] v. 再继续,重新开始 n. 简历,履历

76. The voluntary revolutionaries revolted like the outbreak of volcano.


voluntary [ 'vɔləntəri; (US) -teri ] a. 自愿的,志愿的

revolutionary [ 'revə'lu:ʃənəri ] a. 革命的 n. 革命者

revolt [ ri'vəult ] n. 叛乱,反抗,反感 v. 叛乱,起反感,使...恶心

outbreak [ 'autbreik ] n. 爆发

77. It's resolved by resolution that the solution will be used to solve the involved problem.


resolve [ ri'zɔlv ] n. 决定之事,决心,坚决 v. 决定,解决,决心

resolution [ ˌrezə'lju:ʃən ] n. 坚定,决心,决议,决定,果断,刚毅,消退:病理状态的减退,分辨率,清晰度

solution [ sə'lju:ʃən ] n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

solve [ sɔlv ] v. 解答(难题),解决 vt. 解答,解决

involve [ in'vɔlv ] v. 包含,含有,使陷入,使卷入,牵涉

78. The generous general's genuine genius is in making generators.


generous [ 'dʒenərəs ] a. 慷慨的,宽宏大量的

genuine [ 'dʒenjuin ] a. 真正的,真实的,诚恳的

genius [ 'dʒi:njəs ] n. 天才

generator [ 'dʒenəreitə ] n. 发电机,发生器

79. Several severe federal generals drank the mineral water on the miner's funeral.


several [ 'sevərəl ] a. 几个,若干 pron. 几个

severe [ si'viə ] a. 剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,严厉的,严格的

funeral [ 'fju:nərəl ] a. 葬礼(的) n. 葬礼

80. The lean man leans on the clean bean plant to read a leaf leaflet.


lean [ li:n ] n. 瘦肉,倾斜,弯曲 a. 瘦的,贫乏的,歉收的 v. 倚靠,倾斜,依赖

clean [ kli:n ] a. 干净的 ad. 完全地 n. 清洁 v. 打扫 vi. 打扫,清扫 vt. 把...弄干净

bean [ bi:n ] n. 豆

leaf [ li:f ] n. 叶,树叶,花瓣 v. 生叶,翻...的页

leaflet [ 'li:flit ] n. 小叶,传单

81. I mean he used mean means in the meantime on the ocean.


means [ mi:nz ] n. 方法,手段

meantime [ 'mi:n'taim ] ad. 与此同时 n. 其时,其间

82. The honourable journalist spent an hour on the journey of tour.


journalist [ 'dʒə:nəlist ] n. 记者,新闻工作者

journey [ 'dʒə:ni ] n. 旅程,旅行,行程 v. 旅行

hour [ 'auə ] n. 小时

tour [ tuə ] n. 旅游,观光旅行,任期 v. 旅行,周游

honourable [ 'ɔnərəbl ] a. 荣誉的(可敬的,体面的)

83. The sour vapour pours into the flourishing flour factory. It's the source of resources.


sour [ 'sauə ] a. 酸的,抑沉的,刻薄的 v. 变酸,变乖戾,变坏

vapour [ 'veipə ] n. 蒸气

pour [ pɔ:, pɔə ] n. 流出,倾泻,骤雨 v. 倒,倾泻,蜂涌而来

flour [ 'flauə ] n. 面粉

flourish [ 'flʌriʃ ] v. 繁荣,茂盛,活跃

source [ sɔ:s ] n. 来源

resource [ ri'sɔ:s ] n. 资源

84. Of course the man's courage encouraged the discouraged tourists in the courtyard.


course [ kɔ:s ] n. 课程,讲座,过程,路线,一道(菜)

courage [ 'kʌridʒ ] n. 勇气

encourage [ in'kʌridʒ ] v. 鼓励,激励,支持 vt. 鼓励

discourage [ dis'kʌridʒ ] v. 使气馁,阻碍

85. The zealous dealer has an ideal idea of dealing with the meal.


zealous [ 'zeləs ] a. 热心的,热情的

dealer [ 'di:lə ] v.&n. 商人

ideal [ ai'diəl ] a. 理想的 n. 理想

idea [ ai'diə ] n. 主意,想法,观念

86. He conceals the fact that he is jealous of my seal and wants to steal it.


conceal [ kən'si:l ] v. 隐藏

jealous [ 'dʒeləs ] a. 妒忌的

seal [ si:l ] n. 印章,封条,海豹 v. 盖印,封闭,猎海豹

steal [ sti:l ] v. 偷

87. I really realized that a realm came into reality.


really [ 'riəli ] ad. 真正地,实在

realize [ 'riəlaiz ] v. 了解,实现,净得 察觉;领悟

realm [ relm ] n. 王国,领域

reality [ ri(:)'æliti ] n. 现实,实际,真实

88. The healer reveals an appealing fact that health is great wealth to the commonwealth.


healer [ 'hi:lə(r) ] n. 医治者,药

reveal [ ri'vi:l ] v. 显示,透露

appealing [ ə'pi:liŋ ] a. 引起兴趣的,动人的

health [ helθ ] n. 健康,卫生,保健

wealth [ welθ ] n. 财产,财富,大量,丰富

commonwealth [ 'kɔmənwelθ ] n. 共和国,联邦

89. The absent-minded student consents to the sentence in the presence of me.


absent-minded [ ˌæbsənt'maindid ] a. 心不在焉的

consent [ kən'sent ] n. 同意,许可 v. 同意,承诺

sentence [ 'sentəns ] n. 句子,意见,宣判 v. 宣判,判决

presence [ 'prezns ] n. 出席,在场

90. Presently the present is presented to the representative.


presently [ 'prezəntli ] ad. 不久,一会儿,现在,目前

representative [ ˌrepri'zentətiv ] n. 代表,众议员,典型 a. 代表性的,代议制的,典型的

91. Not for a moment has the comment on commercial phenomenon been mentioned.


moment [ 'məumənt ] n. 片刻,瞬间;力矩

comment [ 'kɔment ] 注释,评论

commercial [ kə'mə:ʃəl ] a. 商业的 n. 商业广告

phenomenon [ fi'nɔminən ] n. 现象

mention [ 'menʃən ] n. 提及,说起 v. 提到,谈到 vt. 说起,提到

92. The mental patient thinks the cement is the elementary element of the ornament.


mental [ 'mentl ] a. 精神的,脑力的

cement [ si'ment ] n. 水泥,接合剂 v. 接合,用水泥涂

elementary [ ˌeli'mentəri ] a. 初级的,基本的

element [ 'elimənt ] n. 成分,要素,元素

ornament [ 'ɔ:nəmənt ] n. 装饰(物) v. 装饰

93. As an exception I accept all his concepts and conceptions except one.


exception [ ik'sepʃən ] n. 例外

accept [ ək'sept ] vt.接受,同意,承担(责任等)

except [ ik'sept ] v. 除,除外,反对 prep. 除了...之外,若不是,除非

concept [ 'kɔnsept ] n. 概念,观念

conception [ kən'sepʃən ] n. 观念,概念;受精

94. I perceived that the veil clung on the ceiling of the clinic was deceit.


perceive [ pə'si:v ] v. 察觉,感觉,认知,理解

deceit [ di'si:t ] n. 欺骗

ceiling [ 'si:liŋ ] n. 天花板

clinic [ 'klinik ] n. 诊所

95. The receptionist received a receipt from the receiver.


receptionist [ ri'sepʃənist ] n. 接待员

receipt [ ri'si:t ] n. 收据

receive [ ri'si:v ] v. 收到,接受,迎接

receiver [ ri'si:və ] n. 接收器,收款员,接待者

96. The reaper leaped over a heap of cheap weapons.


reap [ ri:p ] v. 收获,获得

leap [ li:p ] n. 跳跃,剧增,急变 v. 跳跃,跃过,猛冲 a. 闰年的

heap [ hi:p ] n. 堆,许多,累积 v. 堆积 [计算机] 堆

cheap [ tʃi:p ] a. 便宜的 ad. 便宜地

weapon [ 'wepən ] n. 武器,兵器

97. The newly imprisoned prisoners poisoned poisonous moisture are hoisted out from the prison.


prison [ 'prizn ] n. 监狱

imprison [ im'prizn ] v. 使...下狱,关闭,拘禁

prisoner [ 'priznə ] n. 囚犯

poison [ 'pɔizn ] n. 毒药,败坏道德之事,毒害 v. 毒害,摧毁,中毒

poisonous [ 'pɔiznəs ] a. 有毒的

moisture [ 'mɔistʃə ] n. 潮湿,湿气

hoist [ hɔist ] n. 升高,起重机,推动 v. 升起,升高,举起

98. The gross grocer crossed his legs before the boss.


gross [ grəus ] n. 总数,总量 a. 总共的,未打折扣的,毛重的 v. 总共赚得

cross [ krɔs ] n. 十字架,十字架形物件,交叉路 a. 生气的,交叉的,相反的 v. 交叉,横过,越过

boss [ bɔs ] n. 老板,上司 v. 指挥,控制

grocer [ 'grəusə ] n. 食品杂货商

99. The lost Bible is possibly the biggest loss of my possessions.


loss [ lɔs ] n. 丧失,损耗

lose [ lu:z ] v. 遗失,损失,失败 [计算机] 失去

lost [ lɔst ] a. 失去的,遗失的,迷惑的 v. 遗失,损失,失败 vbl. 遗失,损失,失败

possibly [ 'pɔsəbli ] ad. 可能地,也许

possession [ pə'zeʃən ] n. 财产,所有,拥有

100. A dose of poison made the noisy man's nose rosy.


dose [ dəus ] n. 剂量,服用量 v. 配

poison [ 'pɔizn ] n. 毒药,败坏道德之事,毒害 v. 毒害,摧毁,中毒

noisy [ 'nɔizi ] a. 喧闹的,嘈杂的 n. 嘈杂声,响声

nose [ nəuz ] n. 鼻子,突出部分,嗅觉 v. 嗅到

rosy [ 'rəuzi ] a. 蔷薇色的,玫瑰红色的

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