
发布时间:2017-05-15 12:12



Lesson 11 Black,White,Brown

[教学目标] 1 继续学习字母:Uu, Vv, Ww, 七年级上册英语教案全册教案, Yy, Zz

2 学习颜色:black, white, brown

3 掌握单词:black, white, brown, window

4 掌握句型:What’s your favourite colour?

[教学难点] 字母的读音和他们在单词中的读音。

[教学重点] 学习表达物品的颜色。熟练掌握句型:What’s your favourite colour?

It’s „

[教具] 多媒体计算机,实物。


Step I Revision

1 Revise the letters from Aa—Tt.

2 Revise the numbers and the plural forms of nouns.

The teacher shows some items and asks: What are they? How many?

3 The students practice the dialogue on P13.

Step II Presentation:

The teacher shows the students some new letters and says: What’s this? It’s U u. Then write the phonetic symbols on the blackboard. [ju:]. Next teach the word umbrella. In this word, the letter u pronounce [ ^ ]. For example, us, up. Teach the other letters in the same way.

V v [v] vegetables, very, favourite

Ww [w] window, we, what

X x [eks] X-ray

Y y [j] yellow, yes, you

Z z [z] zoo

Step III Play the tape and read the letters

Step IV Sing a song.

Read the phonetic symbols and sing a song: The Alphabet.

Step V Presentation

1 Revise the colours.

2 The teacher teaches the new colours: black, white and brown.

The teacher says: Look at the blackboard, what colour is it? It’s black. My pen is black. His book is black. Please show me something black. Then teach white, brown in the same way.

3. Let’s sing colour song.

Step VI The students listen to the tape and practice in pairs.

Pattern drill

A: What colour is it?

B: It’s black.

white, brown, yellow, red, blue, green, purple, pink.

Step VII Presentation

1 Listen to the tape and repeat. Lesson 11 Part 3

2 Reading aloud.

Ask several students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud.

3 Pattern drill:

A: What’s your favourite colour?

B: My favourite colour is green.

number/ nine, letter/ Kk,

Step VIII Homework

1. Learn the new words by heart.

2. Recite the dialogue on P14 Part 3

Lesson 12 How many?

[教学目标] 1 学习数词:6, 7, 8, 9, 10

2 掌握单词:six, seven ,eight, nine, ten, desk, close, door, open, draw, write. 3 掌握句型:How many?

4 掌握语法:名词变复数。

[教学难点] 名词变复数。Desk---desks, chair---chairs, apple---apples, marker---markers, pencil---pencils.

[教学重点] 1熟练掌握句型:How many?

2 多个物品的表达方法:six desks, seven chairs, eight apples.

3 生活中的数字

[教具] 多媒体计算机,实物。


Step I Revision

1 Practice the dialogue in Lesson 11

2 Revise the numbers 1—5 .

3 Revise the plural forms of nouns.

Practice the following dialogue:

A: What are they?

B: They are four erasers.

five apples, three markers, two chairs, four roses

Step II Presentation

The teacher shows some pictures. Say: What are they? The students say: They are desks and chairs. Then the teacher says: How many desks and chairs? Count them. The students say: Six. The teacher teach the numbers: 6---six, 7---seven, 8---eight, 9---nine, 10---ten.

Step III Sing a number song.

Zero, one two, three, four, five, six, seven,

Eight, nine, ten. Begin again.

Zero, one two, three, four, five, six, seven,

Eight, nine, ten. That’s the end.

Step IV Read out the numbers

Can you read out these telephone numbers:

• 89976601

• 87077562

• 89094661

• 87688709

• 83025732

• 85058776

• 86607988

Please tell us your telephone number.

Step V Presentation

Show the students some pictures and say: Look at the pictures, Picture 1, walk to school. Picture 2, close the door. Picture 3, open the window. Picture 4, draw your classmate. Picture 5, write with a pen. Now let’s put some numbers before them That’s a chant. Try to read it, please.

Step VI Learn the chant

1 Listen to the tape and read the chant

2 Read the chant in groups. Boys read the number, girls read the words.

3 Ask the individual student to read aloud.

Step VII Homework

1. Learn the numbers by heart.

2. Recite the chant.























