
发布时间:2017-06-12 08:44





Two weeks ago while at a soccer match in Houston, the woman beside me said she was in London last year and "the Olympics will be a mess", or at least that was a polite paraphrase. It had been clear from my pink freckled skin and my lack of enthusiasm for using the word "awesome" that I was from elsewhere. Asking me if I was a Brit, the woman then shared her expectation of the British ability to deliver . I muttered quietly, and it has to be said not with great confidence, that it will be good. I wish that I had been beside my American friend watching television on Friday. With virtually the whole nation, I was amazed, amused and filled with awe at British creativity and achievement. My own whingeing about tickets and our failings as a nation were simply superseded by the delight of history, spectacle and a parachuting monarch. I was proud to be British. Yet pride can be a difficult thing.


The early church theologian, St Augustine, said that it was "pride that changed angels into devils. It is humility that makes men as angels". Certain types of pride can lead to unhealthy nationalistic fervor, arrogance and even aggression. But pride is a complex thing, often expressing itself differently in different cultures and genders. Jane Austin famously distinguished between pride and vanity, suggesting, "Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity, to what we would have others think of us". It seems to me that pride is healthy if woven with modesty, self deprecating humour and an honesty that sometimes we don't get it right. Perhaps most importantly it is the attitude that does not grasp selfishly at power and status but shares its gifts with all.


At the heart of the opening ceremony, pride was earthed by the message that this is for everyone, symbolised supremely by the stepping aside of the great Olympians to allow young people to light the flame. This comes not from vanity but confidence. Former President Jimmy Carter picked up on this confidence when he commented, "A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It's a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity." So in all that is to come I want to take pride in my nation, my family, others and even myself in a way that names and celebrates that which is good, while still refusing to use the word awesome.




J. K. Galbraith once said, "Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists of choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable." He could have been speaking of the decisions we keep putting off about how we pay for future care of the elderly. Yet the urgent need for decisions was underlined this week by the Office for National Statistics. It revealed that already one in six of us is over 65, with 430,000 over 90. That compares with just 13,000 nonagenarians in 1911. But finding resources is not the only thing we should think about. Every day now we seem to hear about instances of neglect or worse on the part of some carers.


What is going wrong? Last week in Newcastle someone told me about her elderly father. He's in his 80s and receives care at home. The care is good. However, the carer has the greatest difficulty completing her tasks because her elderly client wants her to stop and talk to him all the time. Could this be a clue to the one thing needful? Caring is more and more task-focused with little time for chatting. Yet the talking is valuable in itself, and in conversation, other things are learnt, which if not acted on lead to bigger problems. But job descriptions increasingly squeeze out the possibility of simply talking. It looks like dead or wasted time. Then disasters follow. Christians are reminded of the importance of making this sort of time for others in two ways.


There is the example of Jesus. He engages in conversation with those he helps, because that is an important part of the care. As he talks he helps others understand why a need has to be met and he gives confidence to those who are helped. But there is a second way in which Christians are actively trained to make time for one another. It's incorporated into the principal act of worship, the communion service. Just before receiving the sacrament of bread and wine, the priest invites the congregation to share the peace of Christ with one another by shaking hands with those around them. It's a short, unscripted moment when the flow of the liturgy is put on hold and people take time out to notice and greet one another. And what is done in the context of the liturgy, breaks the ice for a conversation to be picked up over coffee afterwards. The exchange of peace and the after service gathering is a way the Church fashions its members in the importance of simply making time for somebody else, and to talk. There must surely be a way of enabling this to happen again in those institutions and at those points where the elderly are cared for and where time for conversation is not always valued. The danger is that in pursuit of what is most cost-effective, such time is more likely to be factored out than factored in.




It was Bob Diamond, recently of Barclays, who defined business culture as "how people behave when no one is watching." Speaking in a lecture sponsored by the Today programme last year, he declared that business corporations like Barclays had to learn how to be better citizens. Leaving on one side the irony of all this, what is remarkable is not that he said it, but that so many other people are saying it too. Open any edition of the Harvard Business Review or look in the comment pages of the Financial Times, and there it is. "What is wrong with the culture of business and how do we put it right?" they're all asking each other.


The Labour MP Jon Cruddas quoted with approval a theologian last year who'd said that our basic choice was between a neoliberal and a neo-Aristotelian view of the good society. Neoliberal means relying on the free market and the pursuit of self-interest as the driving force, not just in business but in life. We are familiar enough with that. But what about Aristotle, where does he come in? The memory of this ancient Greek philosopher is invoked whenever people talk about virtue and good citizenship, for it is to him primarily that we owe our notions of how we should behave when no one is watching. We should, he said, behave virtuously, and he classified virtue under four headings, the so-called cardinal virtues. They are, in whatever order you like, justice, prudence, temperance and courage. These, said Aristotle, were the personal qualities that ancient Athenians needed, in order to be good citizens of democratic Athens to make it work. The many people who are saying that the internal culture of business badly needs reform of its values to make it work, are really talking about the Aristotelian virtues, or something like them. How you behave when nobody's watching depends on qualities of character, acquired by good example and by practice.

去年,工党议员乔恩·克鲁达斯引用了他所赞成的一位神学家的言论:我们最根本是要在新自由主义的优质社会和新亚里斯多德主义的优质社会中做出选择。新自由主义意味着依靠自由市场,不仅在商业中,还在生活中把追逐个人利益作为驱动力。这已为我们所熟知。而亚里斯多德有何由来呢?每当人们谈论美德和优秀公民素养时,我们就会想起这位古代希腊哲学家,因为他最关注的就是当无人注意时人们缺少该如何言行的概念。他提倡为人正直,并把美德分为了四个标题,即所谓的基本美德。它们是坚忍 正义、审慎、节制与勇气(排序不分先后)。亚里斯多德说这些是古代雅典人必须具备的品格,这样才能成为一个良好的公民,使民主政体的雅典发展下去。许多人都说企业亟需改革内在文化价值观才能继续运作,他们正是在谈论亚里斯多德式的美德,或者和它类似的东西。当无人留意时,你的行为取决于你通过学习和实践所获得的品质。

One place where these ideas are being systematically thought through, is in what is called Catholic Social Teaching. Business people are slowly becoming more aware of it, including people who do not normally look towards Rome for anything. It provides, so to speak, the theoretical basis for a ready-made architecture of virtue. And it says a business culture based on virtue would strive towards serving the common good rather than just self-interest, and would even work better. As well as Aristotle, it owes a lot to the philosopher Thomas Aquinas, who Christianised the four cardinal virtues by adding three more: faith, hope and charity. Can the bottom line of successful modern business be humanised by taking all these virtues into its culture, rather than just profit and the maximising of shareholder value? An increasing number of people seem to think it has no alternative.

