Having a relationship might one of the hardest things there is. This is even more difficult if you’re in your 20s. Couples still have a long list of mistakes they must go through before they learn key lessons to getting and maintaining a great relationship.
Here are some things you should keep in mind if you plan on having a relationship in your 20s.Recommend For You
1. Make Time for a “Date Night”
Young couples are constantly going out, spending time with friends, working, or going to school. In order to show one another how much you care, it’s a very good idea to plan a date night, even if it’s just once a month.
年轻情侣总是忙忙碌碌,不是和朋友聚会,就是工作,要么上学。为了向对方表示关切,“约会之夜” 是个很不错的主意,哪怕一个月只有一次也好。
Take turns picking the restaurant, or even prepare a romantic dinner at home. Make sure your cellphone is off and you’re as mindful as possible.
2. Take Turns Paying for Dinner
The days where the man pays for everything are gone. It’s okay to take turns paying for whatever it is that you do. Whether one pays for the dinner and the other the movie, it doesn’t matter. You’re both young, just starting out, and this will help keep your relationship balanced.
3. Set Honest Expectations
The most important rule when it comes to any kind of dating is to be clear what your expectations are with the relationship. If you see it lasting for the long run, then make sure that your partner knows that. In other hand, if you’re looking for someone just to have sex, then say that as well.
就各种约会而言,最重要的一条是,明确你期望从关系中得到什么。如果你希望长期相处,让对方明白。另一方面,如果你只是在寻找“炮友” ,也要坦诚说明。
Believe me, being honest with what you expect will show that you’re confident and will earn you a lot of respect from your partner. Don’t disregard this.
4. You Can Still Have Friends
It’s very important to not exclude yourself from your social circle to hang out with your partner 24/7. This person isn’t the only thing that’s important in your life. You still have other people who want to spend time with you. Be sure to keep up with your friends and do fun things together. You need to give each other space to keep the relationship fresh.
5. Nagging Isn’t Cool
Your partner will do things that piss you off. Don’t nag. This is immature and you will lose your partner’s respect for doing it. Calmly discuss your opinion and why you feel the way you do.
6. Keep Your Relationship Semi-Private
It’s ok to post a couple of cute pictures here and there on Instagram and Facebook, but the reality is that people really don’t want to see pictures of you kissing multiple times per day.
在Instagram 和Facebook 各处晒几张你们可爱的照片,人们有兴趣欣赏,但如果每天在屏幕上频繁看到你们亲吻的照片,人们会生厌。