
发布时间:2017-05-26 20:06




在高三英语复习中,书面表达方面的复习指导一直不受重视 在培养学生书面表达能力的实践过程中,如何谋篇一直是被忽视的。我们应该注意两个这样的现象;一是学生犯的词与句的错误虽然数量多,却远不如所犯的结构错误严重,信息点过多或不够、逻辑混乱、结构不严谨是造成书面表达”档次低”的”罪魁祸首”;二是词与句的错误并非都是由于不会用词或不会造句本身引起的,不会谋篇也会引发词句的错误。要纠正词句的错误,不能完全停留在词、句层面,正如治病不能仅仅“头疼医头、脚疼医脚”一样。培养学生谋篇的能力在高中英语书面表达中占有重要的位置。

本节课的教学设计即要解决学生书面表达中出现的谋篇问题,即从英语书面表达“审题六步曲”入手,提高学生的谋篇能力,提升学生作文档次。 二、学生分析


三 设计思路



本次书面表达复习课就从谋篇审题 六步入手来完成教学目的,侧重于引导学生在把握书面表达的写作前准备即谋篇审题能力,使学生在写作前以如下构思模式来完成谋篇审题: 1,体裁——学生要弄清楚写怎样的文章类型,确定作文格式。

2,人称——确定该以第几人称来叙述,避免代词错误。 3,时态——清楚文章总体时态,并确定句子的具体时态。

4,段落——确定文章段落,即文章逻辑结构,避免主次不分,结构混乱的错误。 5,主题句——段落或结构确定后,每部分主要要表述的内容就得体现在主题句上,确定每部分主题句,阐明观点。



一)认知目标:通过分析学生书面表达过程中存在的问题,使学生了解谋篇的重要性。 二).能力目标:通过两篇书面表达的实际演练,使学生养成写作前先谋篇的习惯。 三)情感目标:通过老师在书面表达方面复习教学中的“审题六步曲”的引导,让学生树立较强的书面表达写作自信心,特别是让部分学生消除英语写作的恐慌心理。




1.书面表达题目两个:一个日记要求的作文,一个书信要求的写作。(见附件) 2两篇.学生书面表达:有审题六步中各部分相应的错误。






4,练习,通过上述操作后学生基本弄懂审题六步曲的谋篇模式了,让学生就书信材料的写作题目进行有针对性的尝试练习,在准备五分钟后让部分学生上台口头叙述。 5,讨论与评价,让学生分组讨论部分同学的口述按审题六步曲而作的作文。


Teaching Aims

1.To get the students to appreciating remarks on friendship or friends.

2.To enable the students to write a short story about friends or friendships. Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Discussion

Now, I found 500 pounds in Roy’s pocket. Did Roy steal the money from the charity? Someone says ‘yes’, someone says ‘no’. If Roy did steal the money from the charity, shall I tell the teacher or call the police? If Roy didn’t steal the money, what should I do?

Discuss it in groups of four .

Collect answers from students. Draw a conclusion; whether Roy stole the money or not, we help him all the same. Because we’re friends. Friends are the ones we can get help from and we can trust.

In this unit, we have talked a lot about friends and friendship, knowing the importance of friends. And what do you think of a friend or friendship?

How to keep friendship?List good qualities and bad qualities a friend may have.

Suggested answers:

Good qualities:

outgoing hospitable considerate enthusiastic friendly kind polite honest loyal brave positive optimistic smart intelligent modest generous determined responsible mature Bad qualities:

dishonest unfriendly dishonest rude impolite selfish lazy careless pessimistic Brainstorming:

Step 2 Writing

Describe a problem you had with a friend and give advice on how to keep friends.

Suggested expressions:

close, trust, chat, be on good terms, get on very well, keep in touch, get to know, personal matters, be similar to , considerate, warm hearted, honest, 一些有关友谊的名言警句如:

On friends and friendship:

A true friend is one soul in two bodies. (---Aristotle)

A friend in need is a friend indeed. (---Ray)

Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in

changing.(---Benjamin Franklin)

A friend is a present which you give yourself. (---Robert Louis Stevenson)

Fate chooses your relatives, you choose your friends. (---Abbe Jacques Deille)

A faithful friend is the medicine of life. (---William Shakespeare)

The bird a nest, the spider a web, man

friendship.(---William Blake)

We choose our friend by instinct, but we keep them by judgment. (---Alfred Capus)

Friendship is love without his wings. (---George Gordon Byron)

True friendship is a plant of slow growth.(---George Washington)


Friendship is one of the most valuable relationship in our lives, it may even last through you whole life. I have a good friend. Sometimes I argue with my friend. For example, once we discussed a problem of our homework, as we held different ideas

and wanted to persuade each other, we argued a lot. However,

after we found the correct answer, the one that was wrong

apologized at once. No matter how often we quarreled and what

we quarreled for, we are good friends for ever.

My favourite proverb says ' friend are like stars, you don’

t always see them, but you know they re always there.' Thats

true, indeed friends are willing to help you all the time. When

you are down ,friends raise you up with their hearts .When you

lose your way, friends guide you and pull you to the right way.

When you have sorrow to complain of, friends are always the best

ears for you.

So please cherish your friends, because everyone of them is

unique and precious. Getting along with friends is just like

growing plants. We must use patience, trust, and honesty as

fertilizer to make friendship stonger. And never forget ,plants

need sunshine, so do friends. Often give them some warm and you

will find your hearts are getting closer.

Friendship stands on both sides , so the more you give and

the more you will get . Remember, the key is your sincere heart. Step 3 Promotion and Homework

1) Assign another writing task based on the following


What do you think of a friend or friendship?

How to keep friendship?

2) Instruct the students to write and revise by themselves.

3) Let the students hand in their final copies.

4) Select some good samples to read to the whole class. Suggested sample:

Friendship is the most important things in life. Good friend would like to help you when you met some troubles. Real good friends could put each other in their hearts. Real friendship is like the spring rivers flowing down the mountains, silently. Everybody is looking forward to meeting real friends.

How to find real friendship and keep it? I think it is like you planting a big tree. You should choose good seeds and take care of it to make it grow. Almost the same thoughts between each other is on base. Maybe fight also will happen. How to do? To make real friend, you don't be shy to explain your thoughts to the other. Try your best to keep friendship forever. It is necessary to tell the truth and respect each other.



由于时间限制,高考时一般在15分钟左右必须完成英语作文。高考的英语作文步骤如下: 1)作文动笔之前一般都要先打腹稿。在确立中心上,运用材料上,篇章结构上,充分酝酿。 2)考虑好想写多少句子,该用哪些动词和词组等。 3)边写边思考内容的连贯性,语言和句子的准确性。 4)写完后一定要再细看一遍。



例: The bell is ringing now.(一般)

There goes the bell! (高级)


例: People suggest that the conference be put off.(一般)

It is suggested that the conference be put off. (高级)


例: He is so kind that he can help me.(一般)

He is so kind as to help me.(高级)


例: ①She walked out of the lab and many students followed her.(一般)

Followed by many students, she walked out of the lab.(高级) ②Once it is seen, it can never be forgotten.(一般)

Once seen, it can never be forgotten.(高级)


例: ①When he arrives, please give me an e-mail.(一般)

On arriving/his arrival, please give me an e-mail.(高级) ②If the weather permits, I’ll come tomorrow.(一般)

I’ll come tomorrow, weather permitting.(高级)

③You work hard. You will succeed.(一般)

Working hard, you will succeed.(高级)


例: ①It disappointed everybody that he didn’t turn up.(一般)

The fact that he didn’t turn up disappointed everybody.(高级) ②I happened to have met him.(一般)

It happened that I had met him.(高级)

③To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things.(一般)

What surprises him is that the little girl knows so many things.(高级)


例:The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written. (一般) The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of. (高级)


例: ①I won’t believe what he says.(一般)

No matter what he says, I won’t believe. (高级)

②If you come back before six o’clock, you can go out.(一般)

You can go out on condition that (provided that) you come back before Six o’clock. (高级)

③If she doesn’t agree, what shall we do?(一般)

Supposing that she doesn’t agree, what shall we do?(高级)




(3)否定词置于句首 (4)地点副词置于句首


It is „„that (who)„

