
发布时间:2017-03-10 19:04



研究称大象有4种性格 助其野外生存

Elephants have four distinct personalities that help their herd survive in the African bush,scientists have found.


With their grey skin, mournful eyes and slow plodding gait, you could be forgiven for thinkingelephants are uniformly melancholy creatures. But scientists have now discovered the largestliving land animals have personalities to match their size.


In a new study of African elephants, researchers have identified four distinct characters thatare prevalent with a herd – the leaders, the gentle giants, the playful rogues and thereliable plodders.


Each of the types has developed to help the giant mammals survive in their harshenvironment and are almost unique in the animal kingdom, according to the scientists.


Professor Phyllis Lee and her colleague Cynthia Moss studied a herd of elephants in theAmboseli National Park in Kenya known as the EB family – famous for their matriarch Echobefore she died in 2009.


Using data collected over 38 years of watching this group, the researchers analysed them for 26types of behaviour and found four personality traits tended to come to the fore.


The strongest personality to emerge was that of the leader. Unlike other animals, whereleadership tends to be won by the most dominant and aggressive individual, the elephantsinstead respected intelligence and problem solving in their leader. Echo, the matriarch andoldest in the group, her daughter Enid, and Ella, the second oldest female, all emerged asleaders.


The playful elephants tended to be younger but were more curious and active. Eudora, a 40-year-old female in the herd, seemed to be the most playful, consistently showing this traitthrough out her life while playfulness in some of the other elephants declined with age.


Gentle elephants, which included two 27-year-old females Eleanor and Eliot, caressed andrubbed against others more than the others.


Those that were reliable tended to be those that were most consistent at making gooddecisions, helped to care for infants in the herd and were calm when faced with threats. Echoand her youngest daughter Ebony seemed to be the most reliable.


Professor Lee said that elephants with these traits tended to be the most socially integrated inthe group while those who tended to be less reliable and pushy were more likely to split fromthe herd.




One of the largest circus companies in the USA will soon no longer have performing elephants as part of its shows. The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus said it would stop using elephants by 2018. All the 43 animals it currently uses will be moved to an animal conservation centre in Florida. There, the giant creatures will live out their retirement. The decision came after a lot of protests from the public. One hundred years ago, people thought it was OK for animals to perform to please humans. However, the world is different today and people are more worried about the lives of the animals. The circus will continue touse other animals, such as camels, dogs, horses, lions and tigers.

Circuses have been criticised for many years by animal rights activists and the public who care about the treatment of animals. Jessica Johnson, a spokeswoman for PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) explained how elephants have a bad life in circuses. She said: "Many of the elephants are painfully arthritic, and many have tuberculosis, so their retirement day needs to come now." Many cities and towns in the USA have banned the use of elephants for entertainment. This has made it hard for circuses to travel around the country. Owners of the circus company said the decision to stop using elephants was not easy but understood that: "There's been somewhat of a mood shift among our consumers."





or centuries, in the countries of south and Southeast Asia the elephant has been an intimatepart of the culture, economy and religion, and nowhere more so than in Thailand. Unlike itsAfrican cousin, the Asian elephant is easily domesticated (驯化). The rare so-called whiteelephants have actually lent the authority of kingship to its rulers and until the 1920s thenational flag was a white elephant on a red background.To the early Western visitors thecountry's romantic name was “Land of the White Elephant”.

Today, however, the story is very different. Out of work and out of land, the Thai elephantstruggles for survival in a nation that no longer needs it. The elephant has found itself more orless abandoned by previous owners who have moved on to a different economic world and awesternized society. And while the elephant's problems began many years ago, now it rates avery low national priority.

How this reversal from national icon (圣像) to neglected animal came about is a tale ofworsening environmental and the changing lives of the Thais themselves. According to RichardLair, Thailand’s experts on the Asian elephant and author of the report Gone Astray, at theturn of the century there may well have beenas many as 100,000 domestic elephants in thecountry. In the north of Thailand alone it was estimated that more than 20,000 elephants wereemployed in transport, 1,000 of them alone on the road between the cities of Chiang Mai andChiang Saen. This was at a time when 90 per cent of Thailand was still forest—a habitat (栖息地) that not only supported the animals but also made them necessary to carry goods andpeople. Nothing ploughs through dense forest better than a massive but sure-footed elephant.

By 1950 the elephant population had dropped to a still substantial 13,397, but today thereare probably nomore than 3,800, with another 1,350 roaming free in the national parks. Butnow, Thailand’s forest coversonly 20 per cent of the land. This deforestation (采伐森林) is thecentral point of the elephant's difficult situation, for it has effectively put the animals out ofwork. This century, as the road network grew, so the elephant's role as a beast of burdendeclined.
