发布时间:2016-11-19 12:39
摘要:上海购物节开幕式将于9月14日晚7点30分在南京路步行街世纪广场举行,开幕式的主题是“购物魅力秀 欢乐黄浦行”。 你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
The 2012 Shanghai Shopping Festival will be held from September 14th to October 7th. The official opening ceremonies—part-fashion show, part-musical performance, part-interactive fun fest—will be held at Century Square on Nanjing East Road Shopping Street on the evening of September 14th.
“上海购物节”的英文表达为Shanghai Shopping Festival。与购物相关的英语词汇有:
go shopping 买东西,shopping centre 购物中心,department store 百货商店,cashier's desk 收银处,shelf 货架,price tag 标价签,discount 折扣(如:10% discount 九折) ,promotion 促销,on sale 减价,change 零钱,free of charge 不收费,shop assistant 售货员,salesman/saleswoman 男/女售货员。