
发布时间:2017-03-16 11:17


The day the children move out of home and start a life of their own is a milestone many mothers dread. Really?


Far from rattling about their empty nest, most women find themselves enjoying their new freedom and savouring the pleasure of having their home to themselves.

Researchers surveying mothers who had waved their children off gave them the title "happy empty nesters" —— or HENs.

One in seven mothers said they were not as upset as they thought they would be after their children flew the nest, and a third said they were "relaxed" about the life change.






文中的happy empty nester就是“快乐空巢族”的意思,其中nester用作名词,解释为“筑巢鸟”,其核心词汇为nest(鸟巢),与此相关的词汇搭配还有:cozy nest(安乐窝)、feather one's nest(中饱私囊)等。

第二段中的savour作动词,意为“细品,品味”,如:You need to savour this wine to get its full flavour. (要想充分体验这种酒的醇美,你需要慢慢地去品尝。)
