
发布时间:2016-11-30 22:38



November [nəuˈvembə] ###缩写:Nov.



Referring to your inquiry of November20, we have quoted as below.


November is the eleventh month.


November is a good time to hunt deer.


This office will open in November.




November is the eleventh month of the year.


We are the best google r in the cyberspace.


It was now early november.


November is the eleventh month of the year.


They liberated Kweiyang on November 15 and Chungking on November 30.

1. Unfortunately she was diagnosed to have osteosarcoma of tibia (lower limb bone cancer) in November last year . 去年十一月她不幸被诊断出患上胫骨肉瘤(下肢骨癌)。

2. ( Promulgated by the State Council, November 15, 1984 ) ( 一九八四年十一月十五日国务院发布 )

3. Thanksgiving Day is usually on the last Thursday in November. 感恩节通常在十一月最后的星期四.

4. Early on 14 November Ely Curtiss's pusher biplane was hoisted aboard. 十一月十四日晨,伊利的柯蒂斯推进式双翼机被吊上船.

5. She treated Yahya's concessions of November 2 as of no account. 她对叶海亚十一月二日的让步根本不当一回事.

6. During the first week of November, Ben Rosselli's physical conditionworsened. 十一月的第一周, 本?罗塞利的病情进一步恶化.

7. It was the end of November and the day was very cheerless. 已经是十一月底了,天色十分阴暗.

8. He strictly kept the fact in the ensuing November election. 为了即将到来的十一月间的选举,他是严格保守秘密的.

9. November is a good time to hunt deer. 十一月正是猎鹿的好时节.

10. Carol started for home, through the November wind. 卡罗尔冒着十一月里的寒风,走回家去了.

11. It's November the twelfth. 今天是十一月十二日.

12. A cold November wind rattled the windows. 十一月的寒风刮得窗户格格作响.

13. I issued a directive on November 9. 我在十一月九日发出了一个指示.

14. Prisoners captured in the Germans'November drive on Moscow made up thislabor draft. 德国人十一月进攻莫斯科时的战俘补足了这支劳工特遣队的人数.

15. The airport at Cairo was blacked out when I arrived late Tuesday, November6. 当我于十一月六日星期二很晚的时间到达开罗飞机场的时候,那里正实行灯火管制.

16. She was born on November 24,1885 , in the small frontier town of Friend,Nebraska. 她一八八五年十一月二十四日出生于内布拉斯加州一个叫弗伦德的边疆小镇.

17. In November Ray himself escaped from Cuba and made his way to Miami. 十一月,拉伊本人逃出古巴,来到了迈阿密.

18. Many a long October and November evenings she must struggle through atHartfield. 她必须在哈特费尔德熬过十月和十一月的许多漫长的夜晚.

19. We got in just under the wire with the Vladivostod agreement of November1974. 就在限期快到时,我们于一九七四年十一月签署了符拉迪沃斯托克协议.

20. It happened on a day in November when the weather was very wet and cold. 这事发生在十一月的一天,那时天气又潮湿又寒冷.


月份 缩写 全拼

一月 Jan. January

二月 Feb. February

三月 Mar. March

四月 Apr. April

五月 May May

六月 June. June

七月 July. July

八月 Aug. Aguest

九月 Sept. September

十月 Oct. October

十一月 Nov. November

十二月 Dec. December

May 是没有缩写的.其他的如上.缩写第一个字母一定要大写,后面得有个点。
