
发布时间:2017-06-03 18:08



apple 苹果(Apple),是最常见的水果,苹果树属于蔷薇科,落叶乔木,叶椭圆形,有锯齿。其果实球形,味甜,口感爽脆,且富含丰富的营养,是世界四大水果之冠。苹果通常为红色,不过也有黄色和绿色。苹果是一种低热量食物,每100克只产生60千卡热量。苹果中营养成份可溶性大,易被人体吸收,故有“活水”之称,其有利于溶解硫元素,使皮肤润滑柔嫩 。 苹果公司(Apple Inc. )是美国的一家高科技公司。由史蒂夫·乔布斯、斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克和罗·韦恩(Ron Wayne)等三人于1976年4月1日创立,并命名为美国苹果电脑公司(Apple Computer Inc. ), 2007年1月9日更名为苹果公司,总部位于加利福尼亚州的库比蒂诺。苹果公司1980年12月12日公开招股上市,2012年创下6235亿美元的市值记录,截至2014年6月,苹果公司已经连续三年成为全球市值最大公司。苹果公司在2014年世界500强排行榜中排名第15名。2013年9月30日,在宏盟集团的“全球最佳品牌”报告中,苹果公司超过可口可乐成为世界最有价值品牌。2014年,苹果品牌超越谷歌(Google),成为世界最具价值品牌。


A is for apple

A is for apple a

a apple ,

B is for ball b b ball,

C is for cat c c cat,


is for dog d d dog,

E is for elephant e e elephant,

F is for fish

f f fish,

G is for gorilla g g gorilla,

H is for hat h h


I is for igloo i i igloo,

J is for juice j j juice,


is for kangaroo k k Kangaroo,

L is for lion l l lion,

M is for

monkey m m monkey,

N is for no n n no,

O is for octopus o o


P is for pig p p pig.

Q is for question q q


R is for ring r r ring,

S is for sun s s sun,


is for train t t train.

U is for umbrella u u umbrella,

V is for

van v v van,

W is for watch w w watch,

X is for box x x


Y is for yellow y y yellow

Z is for zoo z z zoo.


many things for you to learn about,

So many ways to sing a



singing in the twin


sing a song of a,b,c

come on boys and come on girls

sing a song of a,b,c

a for apple,b for boy

c for cat and d for dog

e for egg and f for fish

g for girl and h for hand

i for ice-cream,j for jack

k for kab,l for land

m for man and n for nose

o for orange and p for pen

q for queen and r for rain

s for sugar and t for tree

u for umbrella and v for van

w for wanter and x for expert

y for yellow and z for zoo

it's simple all can do

come on boys and come on girls

sing a song of a,b,c


sing a song of a,b,c

come on boys and come on girls

sing a song of a,b,c
