
发布时间:2017-01-04 18:39




To come home to you...

People always say things like,

"Do you ever feel like getting away

from it all?" Away from the worries of

the rush-about days that always

seem to be?

I know that I do...

I need something in my life

that is solid and secure

and someplace that I can escape to —

where I can close out any worries

and open up to more peaceful things.

Noteget away 逃跑,逃离 secure adj. 安全的,可靠的,放心的

I'm luckier than a lot of people, I guess —

for I have found someplace I can go

where my heart is always happy to be

and where I have someone I can turn to,

someone who is an essential

part of me.

Noteessential adj. 本质的,基本的

And the best part of all

is that all I have to do...

is just come home to you.

关于爱情的英语文章:I love you and I hate you

It is the true test of how human we really are. How much we can accept in our fellow humans. And really how much we want to accept. If we accept too much does that make us strong. And if we don't accept enough does that make us weak. Or is it the other way around(从相反方向,倒过来) ?

All these things are a true test of how much you are capable of loving.

We all are born into this world with one thought - I shall love and be loved.

I am not afraid of love I am afraid of what too much love for the wrong reasons can do. It can make you into a person that you don't know you have become until it is all-wrong.

Until the day you look in the mirror and the reflection is not yours.

We marry our true love and then as time goes by we tend to lose whom we once were. And if we can't find ourselves during this time of marriage then we become a shell that will eventually crack. And your marriage will soon become a divorce statistic(统计数值) .

Marriage is commitment to the love you have for someone but it should not be the end of your identity. Because if you let it then you will truly Love You But Hate You.

Kahlil Gibran best said it many years ago in The Prophet on Marriage:

We need to remember that I will love you but I will not become you. I will not allow us to become one. Love when people are like meet my other half - what? And especially when they throw in the humor meet my better half. It's there way of being all happy and cute. But is it setting yourselves up for a relationship that in time will fail? I guess it all depends on how independent of a person you were prior to(之前,居先) becoming one. And will losing your independence really be an issue.

So don't be duped(欺骗,愚弄) into the relationship tricks. Be yourself and enjoy your partner as himself or herself not as you want them to be. Because you did fall in love with them knowing who they are.

关于爱情的英语文章:Just friends 仅仅是朋友

If ever(假如,要是) the scene had been set, this was it.

A week in Paris. He is strikingly(显著地,突出地) handsome with his classic Californian good looks and a smile that could melt butter, and I am probably at my physical peak, with wavy brown hair, bright blue eyes, and curves that could stop traffic.

Neither of us knew what to expect. After meeting on a humanitarian aid(人道主义援助) trip in Central America, there was clearly a connection between us that we had neither time nor opportunity to explore. The fact that he moved to Europe the day after our return left us to continue building our relationship online through email and chat.

So as I flew across the Atlantic to visit him during my vacation, the possibilities ran wildly through my head. Friends at home had inundated(淹没) me with notions that Paris is the city of love, and we would be fools not to be swept away. Pessimism(悲观) reared its head, too, taunting(嘲弄,讥讽) that I didn't really know this man, and for all I knew he was actually a monstrous human being I would be stranded(搁浅) with for a week.

However, from the time I stepped off of the metro(地铁,大都市) and jumped into his arms until the moment we tearfully said goodbyes at the same station, all speculation was forgotten and the natural flow of "us" prevailed(盛行,战胜) .

There were no impassioned kisses or nights of passion. But there were hours of conversation under the glow of the Eiffel Tower. Barrels of laughter over inside jokes that will never makes sense to anyone but us. Tears over the deepest secrets and pains of our hearts. Comfortable silences that can only happen in the peace of trust. Speculation over the future, our dreams and fears. Confession of our fears and failures. And reassurances(使安心) that we see each other beyond the facade(正面,表面) and to the truth.

And as I returned to anxious friends waiting to hear stories of scandalous(诽谤性的,可耻的) Parisian rendezvous(约会) , there seemed to be some hint of disappointment. No excitement, no scandal, no drama. As though(好像,仿佛) I had missed out on something.

Although our relationship did not progress or digress(离题) as I imagined or feared, I couldn't have written a more perfect story. No, I didn't walk away with(顺手带走,轻易获得) a lover, but I now have a friend who is dear to my heart. Who I shared an amazing week with, who holds many of my precious memories, and who knows me and loves me. How could I hope for more?

One moment that resonates(共鸣,共振) with me is of my last night in Paris.

Exhausted from a full week and dreading my departure the next morning, we collapsed onto the bed and looked at each other. His bright blue eyes softly pierced mine with a reassuring knowledge that he knew me, and I knew him, and this was good. As we lay there, I knew that this was right, and what was meant to grow between us had.

"Just friends" is not a disappointment. Sometimes it's exactly what you need.
