
发布时间:2016-11-19 11:51


Some 87 per cent of gum-chewing teenagers who suffer regular headaches can cure themselves by giving up chewing gum, new research suggests.

Scientists at the Tel Aviv University-affiliated Meir Medical Centre, in Israel, found that most adolescents who give up the habit experience significant relief.

The scientists, led by Dr Nathan Watemberg, believe the finding could allow doctors to cure thousands of patients of migraines and tension headaches without the need for additional tests or medication.






文中的gum就是“口香糖”的意思,在此是一个不可数名词,相当于chewing gum。“嚼口香糖”,动词用chew,即chew gum。

此外,文中的migraine就是“偏头疼”的意思,是头痛(headache)的一个类型。“患偏头疼”,英语可作have a migraine或suffer from migraine。文中的tension headache是另一种类型的头痛,意思是“紧张性头痛”。
