
发布时间:2017-03-02 17:44




1) For great science!

2) 为了伟大的科学!

3) I theorize… your defeat!

4) 经过我的推导……结果只有一个,那就是:你会输!

5) Back, you dirty ape, back!

6) 回来,你这只肮脏的猿猴,快回来!

7) Force = mass * speed.

8) 力等于质量乘以速度。

9) You are poorly designed for this.

10) 你生来就不是干这个的料。


1) If you attach the proto-flobulator to the maxi-wamulinating coils, you get…

2) 如果将原始弗罗布雷特附在特大号瓦姆理内汀圈上,你会得到……

3) Why do chemists call heium, curium, and barium the medical elements? Because if you can't helium or curium, you barium!

4) 只要将溶液A倒入溶液B,就会……BOOM……该死,又出事故了。

5) Why walk when you can fly?

6) 你能飞的时候干嘛还要走路呢?

7) The cosine of your route, divided by…

8) 你路线的余弦,再除以……

9) Hmm… very interesting…

10) 恩恩……非常有趣……

11) I could help you do that better.

12) 我可以帮你把它做得更好

13) Order. Entropy. A never-ending cycle.

14) 顺序。熵值。无限循环的数列。

15) I concur!

16) 我和你意见相同!

17) Yes, yes. Hurry. I have important work to get back to!

18) 是的是的,赶快!我回头还有更重要的事情要做。

19) And what did you expect from such a substandard intelligence?

20) 你们的智商如此之低,还有什么好指望的?


1) Try to keep up!

2) 别掉队吖!

3) Have you seen my bear Tibbers?

4) 那个……你看见过我的小熊吗?

5) Beaten by a little girl!

6) 你们好犀利,败给小萝莉,羞羞脸

7) The only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it. HAR HAR!

8) "我喝酒时唯一遇到过的问题,就是不小心把酒给弄洒了。哈哈!"

9) I'll drink you under the table, scrub.

10) 我会让你喝翻到桌子底下去,烂人。

11) You can't milk those!

12) 战士的最高境界,就是不拿盾牌也能够开盾墙!

13) Nothing can hold me back!

14) 没有什么可以击退我!

15) Mess with the bull, and you get the horns!

16) 和公牛角力?你会尝到牛角的滋味的

17) Magic and steam, guide me!

18) 魔法和蒸汽指引着我!

19) I'm squeaking. Anybody got oil?

20) 我在嘎吱作响。有谁带润滑油了么?
