
发布时间:2016-12-02 12:25













Remember your dreams

In 1978, a Taiwan youth are ready to enter oneself for an examination department of the University of Illinois in the United States drama film, but it was father strongly opposed, father's reason is, Broadway in the United States each year, with only two hundred characters. But there are five thousand people to compete for this pitiful character. My father did not make him stop against youth, persist in wilfully and arbitrarily board a flight to the United states. Young graduated from the film, finally understand the good intentions of the original father. Because in the American film industry, without a background of the Chinese want to mix the tricks, almost prohibitively difficult!

Can youth to their dreams or patience, to help the crew to unattended equipment, do some chores such as assistant, juwu clips and dries is six years. Youth at the age of 30, the cause of his dreams have not even a shadow, not to mention the standing, even even his own life are nowhere to be found. In the face of the cruel reality, begin to doubt whether they were too ambitious youth in the brain. Even, he also wanted to give up the idea of a dream.

However, a into behind the men's affairs must stand a fortitude woman, young wife in him hesitate ignite the passion of his dreams. Since then, he has lived a life of his wife, he helps the life inside. He swept all the housework at home every day, for the children to buy food to cook. A little idle will round the clock to read, watch movies, writing the script.

Stuffy in the home of the day, young people are confused again, a man by a woman to keep, after all, is a matter of pride.

Finally one day, the man felt depressed, helpless, a sentence, or face the reality!

Later, his back to the wife, sad to report the a computer class, to keep a family on skills, and quietly do a mediocre man.

However careful wife still found his mind, after several times of silence, finally one day morning, his wife in the work to board the train at the moment, sonorous and forceful to throw the next sentence: "you have to always remember their dreams!"

Suddenly, his heart was like pulling a bit, the dream of flashing again in front of him. After a few years, his plays are sponsored by the foundation, start their own pick up the camera; then, some of the movie began in the international award-winning...... He is "pushing hands", "wedding", "eat drink man woman", "Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon", "the Hulk" and other films directed by Ang Lee.

In 2006's "Brokeback Mountain" won the Academy Award for best director, when Lee holding Oscar statuette, facing the Spotlight shining, his tears flashing. The heart stopping excitement, silent said his wife had said: "I always believe that as long as people have a good enough, your strengths is a movie. So many people learn the computer, they don't need an Ang Lee! Do you want to miss Oscar's Oscar, will always remember your dreams!"

Remember your dreams, the achievements of the Ang Lee film career -- happy won the Oscar Oscar! If Ang Lee had really learn the computer, to give up the dream of a film, I think, today he and all the same swamped by a life of mediocrity. Remember your dreams, but in reality is to grasp the rudder of success, always be the temptation of the outside world, helplessness, frustration, misery: open the dream of undivided attention, go ahead!























University at the age of 15 and 22 Master graduation, the 26 year old was hired as the Case Western Reserve University associate professor, 28 year old become Nanjing Information Engineering University history the most young professor, the Liu Qingjuan on the sturdy youth, let countless young people said in awe, admiration and worship.

Liu Qingjuan was born in Huaian City, Jiangsu Province, 5 years old, he was a negative number of parents to learn. Due to the kindergarten from the time, Liu Qingjuan has full course before the completion of the third grade, so through advanced placement tests directly forward four grade.

From reading the story of Liu Qingjuan, Edison would like to become a scientist, inventor. Strong interest in the invention, so that he would not be reluctant to take money to buy something to eat, his money almost all used to buy books and magazines of science and technology, thirsty or hungry, drink tap water.

Liu Qingjuan from a young age, it is clear that if you do not learn the course, high school graduation exam is not on the University, it is difficult to have the opportunity to realize their dreams when the inventor. Therefore, in order to dream and work hard, in any case endure hardship, he is also willing to.

Entering high school, know of weapons, the United States advanced key lies in microelectronic technology, Liu Qingjuan determined to doing research in the field of microelectronics, and to go to the United States to read doctor. As long as the summer and summer, he went to the University of microelectronics professional information buried learning, but also the two Jiangsu provincial youth invention award.

High school summer, Liu Qingjuan at home to recite the words, think they are better than other students. Let Liu Qingjuan did not think of is, after the opening of his English performance is actually the worst in the class. Find yourself behind the moment, the superiority of heavy pressure to let him from the moment all gone.

Valuable is, Liu Qingjuan did not give up on themselves. Instead, remind yourself that when faced with difficulties, can not blame others, to put an end to the loser mentality, towards the goal to continue to work hard, can succeed. The next day, Liu Qingjuan to bite the bullet, resistance to live lonely study hard, two months later, his achievement finally make progress.

Graduated from Qingjiang high school, Liu Qingjuan was admitted to the Southeast University to strengthen class. From the beginning to enter the University, almost every night after lights out, Liu Qingjuan is and class many students from the classroom carrying bench to under the staircase lights learning. Not only did they learn GRE, Yu Minhong's red book, but also the dictionary.

Liu Qingjuan not good at examination, natural memory is poor, the same test scores, he may be better than aptitude students pay two or three times the effort. In order to learn English, Liu Qingjuan began to practice English Rap, even when the scrub clothes, he also sang in the Rap.

When watching TV, as long as after hearing a word of English. Liu Qingjuan immediately suspended and himself to read again, and soundtrack were compared, tries to find the difference, then correct their pronunciation. Sometimes he also recorded his own pronunciation, so that after the comparison, and strive to do not listen to each pronunciation and the original sound of the difference.

After two years of perseverance and persistence, Liu Qingjuan unconsciously beyond my original goal, especially his spoken English, unexpectedly can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers, many foreigners believe that he must live in the United States too.

Sophomore year, face to strengthen the class propaganda to attract outstanding students of Department of radio engineering, Southeast University, Professor, Liu Qingjuan asked curiously, you study the microwave, communication system, inside the chip is from where?

The professor replied, it was imported. This answer deeply hurt Liu Qingjuan, in the field of China's most powerful electronic information in the Department, actually the best professors have to rely on imported chips to build the system! He decided to choose professional learning microelectronics Department of electronic engineering, developed in the future to look forward to Chinese control chip.

During the master of reading, Liu Qingjuan designed several kinds of chips, and published more than 10 papers, some of which are a few of the world's top 500 companies patent citation. After graduating from Southeast University master, Liu Qingjuan received a full scholarship to the University of California at Davis to pursue a doctorate degree.

When I first arrived in the United States, Liu Qingjuan felt a lot of pressure. Compared with the rise above the common herd Shixiongshijie he didn't know, their ability is poor. American students strong hands-on ability, so that Liu Qingjuan envy, but also a strong sense of crisis.

Liu Qingjuan had to double the study, ready to catch up even more than the students. Two years later, he not only in scientific research ability gradually catch up with the American students and mastery of the many car maintenance, modification and special technology driving skills, but also the use of spare time, put his car were modified.

Although the weather sensor is very small in the big family of sensors, it is very important for weather monitoring. However, China's high-end meteorological sensors, most rely on imports, to break the blockade of foreign technology and monopoly.

Thus, when the College of electronic and information engineering, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, thrown olive branch, engaged in the research and development of meteorological sensors Liu Qingjuan did not hesitate to take, and set foot on the road back to Nanjing as a professor. His goal is to fill the gaps in the development of China's Meteorological sensors.

The advantages of the school, let Liu Qingjuan a. He took the research team every day, in more than 200 square meters of laboratory work, often work late into the night. They developed a meteorological sensor chip, the performance is even more than the most foreign












































































This part is the cherry mountain in full bloom, in this season of youth, in the blossom season.

I'm afraid my teacher or said I did not think I would have such a day, my this once the reciprocal of the students can actually stand in such a good college to see such a beautiful cherry blossoms fiercely. There seems to be good to be true, but what is not true, with my own efforts to change what is not true!

Maybe I should write my reminiscences of the past, but I was afraid, afraid to hurt my heart bitter memories of those days. A few days ago, in Post Bar wrote a learning strategy, meet a lot of people listen to their confusion and hesitation. Looked at their flurried to walk on the road I have traveled, a round, I want to need I tell them how I through the thorns of the road of youth the.

A snail eighteen years

The college entrance examination, took the second.

Many people say, you really terrible week Mobai, simply Arts genius.

Genius? It sounds brilliant, this is how good a word ah. But the fact? This word is an understatement to erase my ten years of hard work? My achievement is a do?

I think in addition to my parents and I can not understand that for the college entrance examination scores I paid much effort.

I was born in 1997.

In 2000, still can not speak.

Parents suspected that I was dumb or mentally deficient, go to the hospital, the doctor for the judgment of language retardation. People often say "untouchables", three year old child three years old child how to show I think everyone is clear. I think I'm not a good learning materials.

In 2003, primary school.

I finally went to the first grade. Because I grew up in the countryside, and different city children's education. When urban children learn songs, I learned is catch loach, even more ironic I even learned to smoke, heard later took a long time to quit. So, when the students singing "where is the spring", I was confused.

So, when the students skilled from one to one hundred, I was confused.

A wild accustomed thought suddenly up is very difficult, because the first day to see the students playing the high grade glass ball was sent into the classroom forgot to stand outside for second days, forget the homework this. Third days to learn pinyin, do not know whether it is natural language learning is slow, I can not understand why the "B" and "Ai" will be able to issue a "worship" of the sound. At that time I didn't know there is a word called "Prejudice" or "Prejudice", but now I understand the teacher from then on I had a prejudice, she might think I was a good material for students.

The fact is if she expected, I really became an underachiever, or the most incompetent. Some people learn bad but good at sports, but I have nothing.

The seat is very interesting, grade one or two always good sitting in front of the poor, sitting in the back. In order to sit nearer the front, I try to learn. Later, I found that learning good also to sit around me, the front into some affordable brand students.

It was finally broken and I sit in the front seat of hope.

Then, around my seat that six years has not stopped in three rows, and most of the time I was with the trash. Parents often say: "you are from the trash." I think this is a few years I have been feeling the taste of home.

It feels so good.

I have never seen a teacher as snobbish, has not.

I've never hated a teacher so far.

Ordinarily in such an environment, encounter a scum like teacher, I should is to become that has become or will be going out into the abyss of crime. But no, I want to thank my parents and my six grade math teacher.

Fortunately, my parents did not give up on me, no matter at the age of three I will not talk about the anxiety or first grade 57 points of the first test.

God, my father is a college student! In his time, a village, a county can be a few college students? It is truly God's favored city ah, often thought of here, when someone says I am PA is genius, I million copies of shame, I can not my father extremely one! I often think, if I have such a stupid son, I will give it up early. Most of the parents probably would have given up on it.

I remember the students in primary school have a result, like me, her mother and my mother is a colleague. But when he failed, his mother would beat him, usually only he never played cards. Later, after graduating from primary school never seen him, but also lost his message, there is no middle school is not yet known.

Fortunately, my parents didn't give up on me.

Can't talk, my parents told me over and over again, "Dad" "Mom"";

Not Pinyin, my parents on the repeated "B" "Ai" "worship"


Because of my parents' insistence, I slowly dragged along the road to study. Like a clumsy snail, slow but still forward.

So, first grade, two grade just passed, grade seventy, grade eighty, four grade three, after the


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