
发布时间:2016-11-10 10:01


9月的英文单词:Sep; Sept.; September


1. Hugh Grant was born in London on September 9 th, 1960.


2. Are you available to travel to Queenstown for 9 - 13 th September 2008?

在2008年9月9日 —— 13日你是否可以到新西兰皇后镇参加世界总决赛.

3. New Zealand relayed the news to China on Sept. 9.


4. China Merchants Securities September 9 last year, the SFC issued through audit.



5. On Sep .12 th, The 9 th Solheim Cup was closed at Indiana America.

北京时间9月12日, 第9届索尔海姆杯欧美女子对抗赛在美国印第安纳州卡梅尔落下帷幕.

6. It heard arguments on September 9 th.


7. On September 9 th 1976, Mao Zedong died.

1976年9月9日, 毛泽东去世.


8. On September 2 9, Bulgaria signed an armistice.

9月29日, 保加利亚签署停战协定.

9. An exploded view of a typical dc actuator motor is show in Figure 9 - 15.


10. It is reported, the contest is preliminary on 9 Month 1 DayStart, 1 Month 9 DayAnnounce result of final bear the palm.

据悉, 大赛初步定于9月1日启动, 1月9日公布最终获奖结果.

11. This is the second part of review of papers presented at 9 ABC ( Bali Indonesia, Sept.2001 ).

第九届亚洲电池会议 ( 9ABC ) 于2001年9月12~14日在印度尼西亚的巴厘岛召开.现将从会议获得的信息及有关资料按专题综述为上下两篇.

12. Terilyn Patrick had celebrated her first wedding anniversary with her husband Jim on Sept.9.


13. Later, he turns around and heads back into Pisces and your twelfth house on September 9 th.

后来, 他转身又走进双鱼座和你的第12宫于9月9日.

14. Tideland will be premiered in the Toronto Film Festival on 9 September 2005.


15. Later, he turns around and heads back into Pisces and your eighth house on September 9 th.

后来, 他转身又走进双鱼座和你的第8宫9月9日.
