雅思考试大作文范文 文化类

发布时间:2016-12-01 20:47



The sweeping tempo of techology and sciencechange our lifestyles and the way we think.themethods of teaching is inevitably,though notextremely advanced,alterring,which irrevocably risea delimma whether the justifaction of lecture thatutilized as an out-dated approach will exist or not. I will display the positive and the negativeas a whole

The morden availability of teaching gradually capture the students’ mind,which is becauseof the obsessive access and the enlarged facilities. It spreads widely and somehow is acceptedin certain zones . For instant,the most prevailing is the Tele-education that generally assistthe governments to curtain the resource ,render more opportunities and even supply aplatform in which various cultures could be exchanged if possible.despite that ,these entail theindividuals’ self-discinple and the eager to learn for there remains lots of detailed and practicallydowmsides.

On second thoughts,lecture is shared as a mainstream and thereby ragarded as a typicalavenue.Not only it provides students the opportunities to have face to face communication,but also is indispensable for interpersonal skills,which in my angle is foremost,though thepressure between them is gained.It is universally known that teachers act as sophisticatedmaster to cultivate and in it form the methodology that courts.furthermore, they lit up thebeacon of the thirsty of pursuit to unknown world.in another way,spiritual friends theyare.given a compasible atmosphere,your spectrum is widen and horizon is broaden.critically, itmakes students more sustainable and enduring.

To sum up,the first nut to crack is the focus on the atitude towards the ever-increasingways,rather than the fair justifaction of lecture.what is worth mentioning but neglected is thefact that the lecture still take up the predominance.

雅思考试大作文范文 文化类


Museums are usually sites of attraction for visitors from elsewhere rather than local habitatants.Nowadays, good musems everywhere mix education with entertainment, but people do notfeel like visiting museums in their familiar cities and towns; instead, chiefly out of curiosity theytour museums when they travel to new places. The reason behind is that curiosity is strongerthan familarity.

When it comes to visiting a tourist establishment, familarity does not breed attraction. This iswhy people are not particularly motivated to set foot in museums near where they live, even ifadmissions are free. Although many people in cities and towns are aware that objects ondisplay are valuable to local society, it is enough for them to be sure that things of historicaland cultural importance are safe there. Generally speaking, visiting a local museum is rarelyconsidered as that kind of experience which they are waiting for. In the mind of a tourist, a newexperience is expected to be found only in a new place, probably beyond borders. That is tosay, people usually do not imagine that local museums with which they are familiar could be asamusing and surprising as those in other parts of the world.

On the other hand, curiosity often finds expression in enjoying unfamiliar events, such asvisiting museums far away which claim to house historical and cultural treasures of distantcivilizations. In view of this, it is not difficult to explain why people visit museums, referring to"in person" not "oneline". The question is why people do not visit museums in their local areas.To illustrate, an analogy can be made: touring a museum in a new place is like having the funof window-shopping whereas visiting a local museum is like reviewing old objects in a backyardwarehouse. Of course, there are feelings of two different kinds, given that museums aremeant to educate and entertain people just the same. As such, it is not that museums in localareas are less important, but that museums in less understood backgrounds may sound a lotmore fun.

In sum, people are not curious about local museums which they think they know well enoughand they no need to know more. By visiting museums in new places, they are in for surprises,besides obtaining an amount of knowledge and pleasure that may feed their curiosity. Moreoften than not, museums attract more tourists from other places than local residents.


Due to the advancement of era, internationalmusic is universally recognized and accepted. It notonly bridges cultures but also stimulates geographiccommunication. Therefore, accumulative numbersof people propose that we should promoteinternational music at full steam. Nevertheless,others argue that traditional music deserves moreattention because it embodies racial civilization. Infact, from all the aspects, traditional music is partof international music, and, in the meantime,international music is based on traditional one. Bothof them ought to be promoted.

To define the terms of international music and traditional one comes first. Internationalmusic falls to multitudes of factors, instancing classic music, pop music, R&B, and globaltraditional music. Simultaneously, traditional music is categorized into local and international.Therefore, we can see that the word of international represents a platform, and traditional iscontent. They are inseparable. Hence, while promoting international music, we must attachgreat importance to traditional one, and vice versa.

Another reason of progressing both international and traditional music is that they aremutually supportive. The significance of this practice has been evidenced by a Chinese work,Jasmine. This piece was passed to generations and enjoyed great reputation in China.However, the work wasn’t globally welcomed until it was performed in New Year Symphony,Vienna in 1994. It is apparent that this masterpiece makes international music more brilliantand international music makes it remarkable.

To sum up, traditionalized international music and internationalize traditional music are co-existent, so the evolution of former must be in conformity with the latter. Otherwise, we cannot sustain them because both platform and content are indispensable.

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