
发布时间:2017-05-11 18:59



1. 与……相处 get along with =get on(well) with (well相处得好)

2.逃离 get away (from)

3.返回,回来 get back =be back

4.收获,达到 get in

5.下车 get off (下公共汽车bus)

6.上车 get on (上公共汽车bus)

7.上车 get into(上小汽车/电梯car/lift)

8.下车 get out of (下小汽车、电梯car/lift)

9.为……准备好 get ready for

10让某人搭便车 get sb. a ride = give sb. a ride

11.讨回 get sth. back

12.通过,拨通(电话) get through

13.聚会,联欢 get together

14.起床 get up

15.穿好衣服 get dressed

16.迷路 get lost

17.发烧 get a fever

18.抓住 get hold of

19.除掉 get rid of=do away with

20.捐赠/颁发/泄露 give away

21.屈服,让步 give in

22.分发 give out

23.放弃 give up

24.散发(气味) give off

25.作……的报告 give a talk on

26.向某人表达最美好的祝愿 give one's best wishes to

27.给某人打电话 give sb. a ring

28.给某人口信give sb.the message

29.归还 give sth. back

30.很高兴见到你Glad to meet you.

31.去滑冰 go skating

32.去滑雪 go skiing

33.去购物 go shopping

34.去游泳 go swimming

35.去徒步 go hiking= go trekking

36.上床睡觉 go to bed

37.去睡觉 go to sleep

38.进行 go ahead

39.去医院 go to hospital

40.加油,去做吧 go for it

41.回到,追溯到 go back

42.走开,离去 go away

43.走过,经过 go by=pass by

44.散步 go for a walk

45.走开 go off

46.继续 go on

47.不停地干某事 go on doing sth (继续做原来的事)

48.继续去做另一件事 go on to do sth.(继续做另外一件事)

49.继续 go on with sth.(继续原来 的事)

50.仔细检查,复习 go over

51.浏览,翻阅 go through

52.上升(价格,气温) go up

53.下降 go down 54.熄灭 go out

55.出错 go wrong

56.变质 go bad

57.祝你好运! Good luck to you !

58.干得不错 Good job!

59.长大成人 grow up

60.从---毕业 graduate from

61.去跳舞 go dancing

62.去打猎 go hunting

63.去划船 go boating

64.去爬山 go climbing

65.去散步 go walking =go for a walk

66.去露营 go camping
