Marion Raven – Better Than This歌词
歌手介绍:Marion Raven(玛丽安·雷文),1984年出生于挪威劳伦斯库克,挪威女歌手。童年时与儿时朋友[1] Marit Larsen(玛丽特·拉森)于1998年组合成[2] M2M,登上世界舞台,以一首《[3] Pretty Boy》红遍全球。2002年组合解散后开始单飞生涯,2005年发布首张专辑《Here I Am》。
Marion Raven – Better Than This歌词/lyrics
So now it's time to carry on
We're no longer stereo
Oh we lost the fire from september
And I can't do with only ember
And now's the day to let it be
Cause you don't really care for me
Weeks of silence you have put me through
And I never knew where I had you
I wish I could push pause tonight
In the middle of the applause and the light
How we are together I'll forever miss
Cause I know nothing gets better than this
But now its time to look ahead
Forget the things we never said
Wish I could go back and do it again
Maybe we would do it differently then
I wish I could push pause tonight
In the middle of the applause and the light
How we are together I'll forever miss
Cause I know nothing gets better than this
Oh how I wish time could stand still tonight
In front of me you are such a sight
How we are together I'll forever miss
Cause I know nothing gets better than this
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