名词解释:太阳风暴是指在太阳的日冕层的高温(几百万开氏度)下,氢、氦等原子已经被电离成带正电的质子、氦原子核和带负电的自由电子等。这些带电粒子运动速度极快,以致不断有带电的粒子挣脱太阳的引力束缚,射向太阳的外围,形成太阳风暴。 太阳风暴的速度一般在200-800km/s。 一般认为在太阳极小期,从太阳的磁场极地附近吹出的是高速太阳风暴,从太阳的磁场赤道附近吹出的是低速太阳风暴。太阳的磁场的活动性是会变化的,周期大约为11年。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
Strong solar storm is heading for Earth.A strong geomagnetic storm is racing from the Sun toward Earth, and its expected arrival on Thursday could affect power grids, airplane routes and space-based satellite navigation systems, US space weather experts said.
The storm, a big cloud of charged particles flung from the Sun at about 4.5 million miles per hour (7.2 million km per hour), was spawned by a pair of solar flares, scientists said.