Afraid to just believe
i cant believe it
couldn't believe my ears
Can't believe
I can't believe it of him.
Joan: I cannot believe how ignorant you are some days.
I can't believe this happened to me.
They can't believe you can even hold a conversation 他们不敢相信你竟然能够把一场对话进行下去。
We were dumbstruck We just couldn't believe our eyes when she appeared 我们惊呆了。她出现时我们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。
I couldn't believe how straight-looking he was, how preppy 我真不敢相信他看起来竟如此正统,一点也不像同性恋。
"You told Pete?" Rachel said incredulously "I can't believe it!" “你告诉皮特了?”雷切尔怀疑地说:“真不敢相信!”
Andy knew the risks I cannot believe he would have chanced it 安迪知道有风险,我不敢相信他竟然甘冒其险。
It felt so unreal to be talking about our son like this 真不敢相信我们会这样谈论我们的儿子。
They sat there in shock and disbelief 他们吃惊地坐在那里,不敢相信这是真的。
I can scarcely believe it 我几乎不敢相信。
I could not believe my eyes She was far more beautiful than I had imagined 我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。她比我想象的漂亮多了。
Unable any longer to keep from breaking in she said, "I simply cannot believe you're serious" 她再也忍不住了,便插话道:“我真不敢相信你是认真的。”
How did you get so big? Can't believe it, now you're two 你怎么长那么大了? 真不敢相信, 你两岁了
I can't believe it! I feel I'm on cloud nine right now 我简直不敢相信 我觉得我现在就好像置身在九霄云端上
Rapunzel begins to cry She can't believe her prince is there 蕾伴柔哭了起来, 不敢相信她的王子居然会在这儿出现
I could hardly believe my own eyes when I read her letter 我读到她的信时,几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛
I can hardly believe that so many young people take drugs 有这么多的年轻人吸毒,我简直不敢相信
I can't believe he sold me a lousy fake watch! 我真不敢相信,他居然卖给我一块糟糕的假表!
In disbelief I bent over for a closer look 我简直不敢相信,于是低下头去看个仔细
Is he really coming? I can hardly believe my ears 他真的会来 吗 ?我几站不敢相信
Scott: I can't believe spring break is already over 史考特: 真不敢相信春假已经结束了
He couldn't believe his eyes! It was his very own grave! 他简直不敢相信自己的眼睛, 这竟然是他自己的坟墓!