
发布时间:2017-04-08 16:02



A: what are you reading?

B: oh, it’s the latest novel by ray blune. It’s a sic-fi thriller.

A; I thought he usually wrote horror books.

B: he does. He’s good at this genre too. It’s a captivating read.

A; we’re going to the bookshop. Would you like to join us?

B; yes, I would. I need to buy a textbook for my course and, as you know, I love browsing through the latest paperbacks.

A: me too. I need something to read on the flight to new york. I can never sleep on planes. Sarah wants to pick up some children’s books for her daughter.

B: I want to look at nelson mandela’s autobiography.

A: this is sure to be a worthwhile read.


A: good morning. I’m from the new york book review. Could I ask you some question about your latest book?

B: sure. Take a seat… what would you like to know?

A; first, I’ve heard that your latest book is based on a true story.

B; that’s correct. It’s a murder mystery based on actual murders that book place in florida several years ago. The main character-the police invesigator-is based on the man who investigated the case.

A: how do you research your books?

B: I always visit the places that I use as setting for stories. Readers like things to be as factually correct as possible-even in fiction! I usually base my characters on people I have met. Most character are a mixture of the characters of two or more people.

A; I really like your books. I’ve just finished this one. I read it from cover to cover in a single day. Congratulation on making the bestseller list yet again!

B; thank you. Let met sign it for you …there you go.

A; oh! Thank you very much. I heard that you are currently writing a collection of short stories. What are the stories about?

B: there’s a real mix of stories in the book. I haven’t finished all of them yet, though. Many of them are short detective stories, but there are also horror stories and sci-fi ones. If you give me your business card, I’ll make sure you get an advance copy to review.

A; thanks very much. I’m sure it will sell well. I can’t wait to read it. Here’s my card. Thank you for you time.


A: Which countries have you been to?

B: I’ve been to most of the countries in Europe, several countries in Asia: china, Japan, Korea and Thailand, and to the United States and Canada.

A: I thought you had been to Australia too.

B: No, but I’m planning on visiting Australia and New Zealand soon. I’ve heard that they are beautiful countries. Which is the most beautiful country you’ve been to?

A: I think I‘d say Norway. It has many picturesque fjords, waterfalls, and mountains.

B: Isn’t it really cold there?

A: Well, the north of Norway is almost always cold, but further south it can be fairly warm in summer. It’s a wet country, so there’s snow almost everywhere in winter.

B: I’ve been to other Scandinavian countries, but not to Norway. Perhaps I should go and do some winter sports there.


A: Ok. Let’s look at our short presentation on China. What do we need to include?

B: We need to talk about the size of the country and its population.

A: Ok. China is about the same size as Canada and the United States and it has a population of about 1.3 billion, making it the largest country in the world by population.

B: It says here that most of the people are Han Chinese, but there are 55 minorities that make up almost 10% of the population.

A: We need to say something about the geography and climate of China. Is there any way to divide the country into sections?

B: We could divide into five parts. There’s the northeast, which is mild in summer and very cold in winter. Then there is the northwest, which is largely desert. Tibet is famous for its mountainous climate. The rest of the country can be roughly divided into two parts. One is temperate, mild in winter and warm in summer. Then, in the south it is hot most of the year.

A: That sounds very general.

B: It is, but remember that we only have a few minutes to make our presentation. We can select some cities from each part and give data for each one.

A: One from each part? Lhasa, Urumqi, Harbin, Shanghai and Hong Kong. The capital city is Beijing, right?

B: Yes. The other large cities are Chengdu, Dalian, Wuhan, Tianjin, Shenyang, Chongqing, Hong Kong and Guangzhou.

A: We should take a large map and highlight those cities. What is each of them famous for?


A: is your city a historical place?

B: not rally. 200 years ago, it was just a small insignificant village.

A; how did it grow into such a large place?

B: large deposits of coal were found nearly and so many industries located themselves here. The village quickly grew into a key industrial centre.

A: as the city grew, it must have absorbed many village nearby.

B; yes, it did. The names of those village survive as the names of parts of the city.

A; I see. Are there any building more than 200 years old in your city?

B; oh, yes. Several of the buildings from the villages still survive. Many of them were inns for travelers and today survive as pubs. There was a castle near one village, so our city has a castle too.

A; really? So your city does have some old history after all.


A: what’s your city like?

B: it’s quite an interesting place to live. The best thing to do in my city is go shopping. There are several indoor and outdoor markets, department stores and shopping malls.

A; is the traffic bad in the city centre?

B; not really. Cars are not permitted in several parts of city centre, especially in the main shopping areas. The public transport system is pretty good.

A; what about restaurants and entertainment?

B: there are restaurants with food from all over the world. We have a small china-town near the city centre. There are many Indian,thai, and Italian restaurants all over the city centre. There are many sports events in my city. We have several sports venues for football, rugby, and cricket-even ice-skating and ice hockey.

A; is there a lot of nightlife in your city?

B; there are several good clubs near the city centre. Many people in my city prefer something more’cultural”, so we several theatres and venues for classical music concerts and operas.

A; it sounds like a really exciting city to live in.

B: it is. I hope you’ll have time to come for a visit soon. You really should come during the summer, when the weather is better and there’s more happening outdoors.

