Lai Changxing was repatriated back to China on Saturday afternoon on July 23rd 12 years after fleeing to Canada, according to the Ministry of Public Security.
The China Daily speculated that Lai may receive more lenient treatment if he returns to China voluntarily, although officials have not made any new statements on his case.
Chinese officials have assured Canada that Mr. Lai would not be executed or tortured and would get a fairtrial with access to a lawyer if he is returned to face charges.
Mr. Lai, who is accused of masterminding a huge smuggling operation that robbed the Chinese government of millions of dollars in unpaid taxes, has been fighting his deportation to China for 12 years. He has long maintained that he could be tortured or killed if he were returned to his home country.

Repatriate:vt. 把...遣返回国
Eg: repatriate prisoners of war
Speculate:vi. 思索;沉思;推测, 投机;做投机买卖
Eg: She speculated about her friend's motives.
Assure:vt. 向...保证,担保, 使确信,使放心
Eg: I can assure you of the reliability of the information.
Torture: n. 拷打,酷刑;拷问, 折磨,痛苦
Eg: Many of the POWs died under torture.
Trial:n. 审问,审判, 试;试用;试验
Eg: He was brought to trial on charges of arson.
Smuggle: vt. 走私,非法私运, 偷运;偷带
Eg: The gang smuggled weapons into that country.
the Ministry of Public Security表示公安部,那么还有什么类似的名词呢?让我们来看一下吧~
Ministry of National Defence 国防部
The National Security Agency 国家安全局
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security 人力资源和社会保障部
Federal Bureau of Investigation 美国联邦调查局(FBI)
Central Intelligence Agency 美国中央情报局(CIA)