
发布时间:2016-11-12 02:22


"Your iPhone uses more energy than a refrigerator," was Carmel Lobello's headline in The Week.

The Week杂志上,卡梅尔•洛贝罗给出的头版标题是“iPhone比冰箱能耗更高”。

"The majority of the energy is used for cloud services, not charging the iPhone," wrote Ryan Gorman on The Mail Online, adding that "the majority of the energy used to power the cloud comes from coal."

而在The Mail Online上,瑞安•戈尔曼则写道:“大部分能量被用于云服务,而不是iPhone充电”。 戈尔曼补充说:“云服务消耗的能量主要来自于煤炭”。

Sounds pretty ominous, especially when you observe, as Bryan Walsh did in Time, that "the digital economy uses a tenth of the world's electricity -- and that share will only increase, with serious consequences for the economy and the environment."



Where is all this bad news coming from? From a study called "The Cloud Begins with Coal" by Mark Mills, a senior fellow with the Manhattan Institute who writes the Energy Intelligencecolumn for Forbes.

上面这些坏消息从何而来?它们都源自由马克•米尔斯进行的一项名为“云始于煤”的研究,米尔斯是曼哈顿研究所(the Manhattan Institute)高级研究员,也是《福布斯》(Forbes)“能源情报”专栏的作者。

Before you toss your iPhone in the recycling bin, a few points:


Whatever the cost of powering the Internet economy, iPhones are not the culprit. They are, in fact, unusually energy efficient. According to a 2012 study by Electric Power Research Institute, the cost of keeping an iPhone 5 charged is 41 cents a year.

为互联网经济提供动力的成本不论多高,iPhone都不是问题的原因所在。iPhone实际上相当节能。美国电力研究院(Electric Power Research Institute)2012年开展的一项研究表明,iPhone 5每年充电所耗电费仅41美分。

Coal may be the world's No. 1 fuel for generating electricity, but it is not Apple's (AAPL). According to the company's most recent environmental report, its data centers are 100% powered by renewable energy, including a solar farm in Maiden, NC, that is supposed to be the largest end user-owned, onsite solar photovoltaic array in the U.S.


As Time's Wash points out in a well-researched update, Mark Mills, the author of the study everybody was citing, tends to exaggerate the Internet's power consumption because he believes burning all that coal is a good thing. He has founded several power-industry funded non-profit organizations and 2006 he co-authored "The Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, The Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy."

