
发布时间:2017-04-07 00:25



MARTIN: What tennis players do you like, Daoud?

DAOUD: I like many tennis players. I like Jimmy Connors. I like Andre Agassi.

MARTIN: What tennis players do you like, Mona?

MONA: I like Daoud.

JUMA: We all like Daoud!

MARTIN: Do you like women tennis players?

DAOUD: Of course, I like women tennis players.

MARTIN: Who do you like?

DAOUD: I like Stefi Graf. She's very good. I like Monica Seles. I like Martina Navratilova.

MONA: I like Martina, too.

MARTIN: Mona, do you like music?

MONA: Yes, I do.

MARTIN: What kind of music do you like?

MONA: I like old music.

MARTIN: What do you mean? Old music?

MONA: I like Elton John.

JUMA: I like Elvis Presley.

MARTIN: Daoud, do you like music?

DAOUD: Sometimes. I listen to music on the radio. I like some new music.

MARTIN: Do you like classical music?

DAOUD: Opera? Symphony?

MARTIN: Yes, that kind of music.

DAOUD: No, I don't like that kind of music. I don't understand that kind of music. I like popular music and folk music.

MARTIN: What kind of folk music do you like?

DAOUD: I like music from my country.

MONA: Your country is the United States.

DAOUD: I know. I mean my parents' country.

MARTIN: Where did your parents come from?

DAOUD: They came from Afghanistan.

MARTIN: Did you travel last year?

DAOUD: Yes, I did. I went to many cities in the United States. I traveled to Europe. And I traveled to Asia.

MARTIN: Did you go to Afghanistan?

DAOUD: No, I didn't. I traveled to Australia, too. I like Australia.

JUMA: I like Australia, too. I went with Daoud last year.

MARTIN: Did you go to Australia, Mona?

MONA: No, I didn't. I'm going to go to Europe next year.

MARTIN: What countries are you going to visit?

MONA: I don't know. I want to visit France and Italy.

MARTIN: Juma, what do you do?

JUMA: I'm an engineer.

MARTIN: When did you meet Daoud?

JUMA: We went to school together. Mona went with us, too.

MARTIN: Where did you go to school?

JUMA: In Virginia. We lived in Arlington, Virginia. Mona and I are cousins.

MARTIN: Is Daoud your cousin?

JUMA: No, he isn't. He's only a friend.

DAOUD: My father and Juma's father were friends, too. They went to school together in Afghanistan.

MARTIN: Did you like school?

DAOUD: Yes, I did.

MARTIN: What did you like?

DAOUD: I liked science and sports.

MARTIN: Juma, do you like your work?

JUMA: Yes, I do. I like engineering.

MARTIN: Mona, what do you do?

MONA: I'm a social worker.

MARTIN: Where do you work?

MONA: I work in Arlington.

MARTIN: Where do you live?

MONA: I live with my parents.

MARTIN: Do you like your work?

MONA: Yes, I do.

MARTIN: Thanks for your time, Daoud. Let's watch the tennis match. Thanks, Juma. Thank you, Mona.


MARTIN: Hello. How are you?

2ND FEMALE: I don't like walking.

MARTIN: Don't you like the park?

2ND FEMALE: I love the park. But I don't like walking. I like driving.

2ND MALE: She doesn't like walking. She likes sitting.

2ND FEMALE: He doesn't like the park. He likes cities.

MARTIN: See you later.

MARTIN: Good afternoon.

GUIDE: Did you like your walk this morning?

MARTIN: Yes, I did. Do you walk every day?

GUIDE: Yes. I take visitors.

MARTIN: Do you like it?

GUIDE: Of course. I like being outside.

MARTIN: Are you going to walk this afternoon.

GUIDE: Yes. I'm going to take some people to the river.

MARTIN: May I go with you?

GUIDE: Of course. Come with me now. I'm going to meet them over there.

MARTIN: Thanks.

GUIDE: I don't like being late. Good afternoon. I'm Judy. I’m your guide this afternoon. We’re going to have a fast walk to the river.

MALE: I can't walk fast.

GUIDE: Don't you like to walk fast?

MALE: I like to, but I can't walk fast.

GUIDE: OK. We won't walk too fast. This is Martin. He's a reporter.

MARTIN: Good afternoon. I want to ask some questions. May I walk with you?

MALE: I don't like reporters.


MALE: They ask too many questions.

FEMALE: You don't know any reporters.

MALE: I know the reporters on TV. I don't like them.

MARTIN: What questions don't you like?

MALE: I don't like questions about my family. I don't like questions about my work.

FEMALE: That's everything!

MARTIN: I'm not going to ask about your family or your work.

MALE: Good.

FEMALE: I like reporters. You can ask my anything.

MARTIN: Where are you from?

FEMALE: We're from St Louis.

MARTIN: Do you like cities?

FEMALE: I like St Louis. I don't like New York. I don't like Detroit. I like some cities.

MARTIN: What do you like?

MALE: I like fishing.

MARTIN: Do you like fishing in the ocean?

MALE: I don't like fishing in the ocean. There is no ocean is St Louis. I like fishing the river.

FEMALE: He doesn't like fishing in small rivers. He likes fishing in big rivers.

MARTIN: Do you like fishing in the Mississippi River?

MALE: Of course. I live in St Louis. Slow down, please.

GUIDE: OK. We're almost there.

MALE: Where?

FEMALE: At the river.

MARTIN: I like this.

FEMALE: It's beautiful! Isn't it beautiful?

MALE: Yes, it is. Look, look at the fish!

GUIDE: Do you like fishing?

MALE: Yes, I do.

GUIDE: I don't like fishing. I like walking. I like moving. I don't like sitting.

FEMALE: I don't like fishing. I can't talk. I like talking.

MARTIN: Are we going to sit here?

MALE: Let's watch the river.
