
发布时间:2016-12-02 00:55



Once upon a time there was a girl who wasbeautiful, but lazy and negligent. When she had tospin she was so ill tempered that if there was a littleknot in the flax, she at once pulled out a whole heapof it, and scattered it about on the ground besideher. Now she had a servant who was industrious,and who gathered together the discarded flax,cleaned it, spun it well, and had a beautiful dresswoven out of it for herself.

A young man had courted the lazy girl, and the wedding was about to take place. On theeve of the wedding, the industrious girl was dancing merrily about in her beautiful dress, andthe bride said,

Ach, wat kann das M??ken springen

in minen Slickerlingen!

Ah, how that girl can jump about,

in my hurds!

the bridegroom heard this, and asked the bride what she meant by it. So she told him thatthe girl was wearing a dress made from the flax which she had thrown away. When thebridegroom heard this, and saw how lazy she was, and how industrious the poor girl was, hegave her up and went to the other girl, and chose her as his wife.






there was a young herdsman who wanted verymuch to marry, and was acquainted with threesisters. Each one was just as beautiful as the other,so it was difficult for him to make a choice, and hecould not decide to give the preference to any oneof them. Then he asked his mother for advice, andshe said, "Invite all three, and set some cheesebefore them, and watch how they cut off a slice."

the youth did so. The first one ate the cheese with the rind on. The second one hastily cutthe rind off the cheese, but she cut it so quickly that she left much good cheese with it, andthrew that away also. The third peeled the rind off carefully, and cut neither too much nor toolittle. The shepherd told all this to his mother, who said, "Take the third for your wife."

This he did, and lived contentedly and happily with her.




2.格林童话 穷人和富人



5.经典格林童话 钉子





