
发布时间:2017-05-12 08:33

诗歌是一个国家语言的浓缩 ,它以最凝炼的文字传递了时间与空间、物质与精神、理智与情感 ,其中的文化因素是理解和欣赏诗歌的关键。小编整理了关于适合比赛的英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!



The Schoolfellow

Our game was his but yesteryear;

We wished him back; we could not know

The self-same hour we missed him here

He led the line that broke the foe.

Blood-red behind our guarded posts

Sank as of old and dying day;

The battle ceased; the mingled hosts

Weary and cheery went their way:

"To-morrow well may bring," we said,

"As fair a fight, as clear a sun."

Dear Lad, before the world was sped,

For evermore thy goal was won.


The War Films

O living pictures of the dead,

O songs without a sound,

O fellowship whose phantom tread

Hallows a phantom ground ——

How in a gleam have these revealed

The faith we had not found.

We have sought God in a cloudy Heaven,

We have passed by God on earth:

His seven sins and his sorrows seven,

His wayworn mood and mirth,

Like a ragged cloak have hid from us

The secret of his birth.

Brother of men, when now I see

The lads go forth in line,

Thou knowest my heart is hungry in me

As for thy bread and wine;

Thou knowest my heart is bowed in me

To take their death for mine.


The Nightjar

We loved our nightjar, but she would not stay with us.

We had found her lying as dead, but soft and warm,

Under the apple tree beside the old thatched wall.

Two days we kept her in a basket by the fire,

Fed her, and thought she well might live ? till suddenly

I the very moment of most confiding hope

She arised herself all tense, qivered and drooped and died.

Tears sprang into my eyes- why not? The heart of man

Soon sets itself to love a living companion,

The more so if by chance it asks some care of him.

And this one had the kind of loveliness that goes

Far deeper than the optic nerve- full fathom five

To the soul抯ocean cave, where Wonder and Reason

Tell their alternate dreams of how the world was made.

So wonderful she was-her wings the wings of night

But powdered here and therewith tiny golden clouds

And wave-line markings like sea-ripples on the sand.

O how I wish I might never forget that bird-


But even now, like all beauty of earth,

She is fading from me into the dusk of Time.


The Fighting TéméraireIt was eight bells ringing,

For the morning watch was done,

And the gunner's lads were singing

As they polished every gun.

It was eight bells ringing,

And the gunner's lads were singing,

For the ship she rode a-swinging,

As they polished every gun.

Oh! to see the linstock lighting,

Téméraire! Téméraire!

Oh! to hear the round shot biting,

Téméraire! Téméraire!

Oh! to see the linstock lighting,

And to hear the round shot biting,

For we're all in love with fighting

On the fighting Téméraire.

It was noontide ringing,

And the battle just begun,

When the ship her way was winging,

As they loaded every gun.

It was noontide ringing,

When the ship her way was winging,

And the gunner's lads were singing

As they loaded every gun.

There'll be many grim and gory,

Téméraire! Téméraire!

There'll be few to tell the story,

Téméraire! Téméraire!

There'll be many grim and gory,

There'll be few to tell the story,

But we'll all be one in glory

With the Fighting Téméraire.

There's a far bell ringing

At the setting of the sun,

And a phantom voice is singing

Of the great days done.

There's a far bell ringing,

And a phantom voice is singing

Of renown for ever clinging

To the great days done.

Now the sunset breezes shiver,

Téméraire! Téméraire!

And she's fading down the river,

Téméraire! Téméraire!

Now the sunset's breezes shiver,

And she's fading down the river,

But in England's song for ever

She's the Fighting Téméraire.


Living Room Altarby Catherine Barnett

Except for the shirt pulled from the ocean,

except for her hands, which keep folding the shirt,

except for her body, which once held their bodies,

my sister wants everything back now——If there were a god who could out of empty shells carried by waves to shore make amends——

If the ocean saved in a jar could keep from turning to salt——She's hearing things:

bird calling to bird,

cat outside the door,

thorn of the blackberry against the trellis
