
发布时间:2017-04-08 16:08


简单英语会话:fine arts

A: are you an art aficionado?

B: not really. I like going to an art exhibition once or twice a year. I hardly know anything about art or sculpture. You are a true art lover, aren’t you?

A; l love going to art galleries, particularly when one is holding an exhibition of abstract art.

B: I never understand the meaning of those painting. They are too abstract for me. I didn’t pay much attention in art class at school.

A: art isn’t for everyone. I’m going to an exhibition tomorrow at the national gallery. It’s an exhibition of greek and roman sculpture.

B: I like sculpture, especially that form ancient rome or Greece. What time are you thinking of going? I’d love to go with you.

A; I thought I’d have an early lunch and go immediately afterwards. Does that sound ok to you? Bus 51 goes directly there.

B; that sounds fine. What time shall we meet at the bus stop?

A; let’s meet at 12:30. it will probably take us there or four hours to see all of the exhibits.


A: the art critic from the daily chronicle doesn’t think much of the max oreo exhibition. He says that the artwork is uninspiring and old fashioned.

B; really? I thought the exhibition showed that he had real talent. What did you think of it?

A; I liked it. I didn’t think his works were masterpieces, but the certainly weren’t uninspiring , in my opinion.

B: I don’t think I’ve ever read a good review of an exhibition by that critic. He doesn’t seem to like anything. Which kinds of paintings do you prefer?

A; I like landscapes and still life. You prefer abstract paintings, don’t you?

B; yes, I do. I like painters who use rather than watercolors. The colors appear richer. What do you think?

A: I agree. I prefer oils too. I collect landscapes, but I only have a small collection. You have a small collection of abstract art, don’t you?

B; yes. Good artwork is very expensive nowadays. When I was in china, I bought some calligraphy by famous artists. You should come and see it sometime.

A: that would be nice. Can you read the characters?

B; I know what the characters on the paintings mean. I think Chinese characters look very artistic. It’s said that the way they are written can give insight into the artist’s character.

A: I think that’s true with any of the fine arts.


A; are you interested in history?

B: yes, I am. I enjoyed studying it at school, though I had trouble remembering all the dates, so my teacher never gave me good marks.

A: I love history, but I’ve always thought that learning the reasons behind events is more important than remembering exactly when they happened.

B; I wish you had been my history teacher! I might have got better marks!

A; some people say that history repeats itself.

B; what does that mean? The same events never happen twice, do they?

A: the idea is that the people and dates change, but the reason why things happen stay the same.

B: I see . I think I’d agree with that statement. People often seem to make the same mistakes over and over again.


A; London is such a historic city! There’s history everywhere you look. There’s nelson’s column, built as a monument to one of the Britain’s great admirals and his important victory. He won the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

B: I’m looking forward to seeing Westminster abbey, where many historic figures are buried, like Isaac Newton, the great mathematician and Winston Churchill, the great wartime leader.

A: nearby, on the banks of the thames, there’s the statue of Boudicea. She fought the Romans when they invaded Britain.

B: women have often played an important role in british history. Queen Elizabeth I built a navy strong enough to fight off the Spanish armada in 1588. more recently, Margaret thatcher transformed british society in the 1980’s.

A: she was a very controversial leader. Are we going to visit the famous tower of London later?

B: there’s a lot to see there. Perhaps we should go tomorrow.

A: I’m looking forward to seeing the famous castle and prison. Many historic figures were imprisoned there in the past. I really want to see the crown jewels too.

B: I’ve seen them before. They’re quite incredible. If you want to see historical figures in London , there’s one place you have to go.

A; where’s that? On, I know! Madame tussaud’s the waxworks museum.

B: there you can see british leaders, entertainers, crimicals, and royalty.

A: sometimes, it’s hard to know who belongs in each section of the museum!


A: so, you finally got your doctorate in genetics. Well done!

B: thanks. Now, I have to find a job.

A: what are you thinking of doing?

B: I’d like to conduct some scientific research into genes. It would be wonderful to make a medical breakthrough.

A: there must be several private companies that are interested in employing someone like you. You could do some research for a university. There’s a lot of discussion about genetics nowadays. Someone with you qualifications is bound to be in demand.

B: many companies and universities investing resources in genetics, because there are so many possibilities. Few people know where next discoveries will be made.

A: well, I hope scientists don’t decode to make a clone of me in the future! I wouldn’t like to be the subject of an experiment.


A; what are you reading about in that science magazine?

B: there are several interesting articles on recent scientific breakthroughs. I just finished reading one about cloning.

A: I’m not sure I like the idea of that. I don’t want people copying me or other people. It could be very confusing.

B; according to the article, you have no real need to worry. Research nowadays is foussing on cloning parts of a human body to replace damaged or lost parts, not on recreating a whole human.

A: in the future, that could be possible.

B: in this article, scientists say that if you took the genes from someone and tried to create a copy of a person, there’s no guarantee that the copy would look or act like the original!

A; really? What else have you discovered?

B: I read about how scientists are using material from plants and animals to create new medicines. For example, an animal be immune to disease that affects human. So, scientists find out why it’s immune and recreate that immunity for human.

A; that’s great, because it uses natural materials rather than ones that scientists make themselves. I prefer natural remedies to man-made ones.

