
发布时间:2016-12-11 13:39



Todd: So, Buddihini, today we're going to talk about roles and family: traditional roles orwhat people do. Now in Sri Lanka, is it common for usually the women to do all the cooking?


Buddhi: It was so. It was so, but still the mentality is such that they expect the daughters andthe wives to do the kitchen stuff and the cleaning, the laundry and all that, but we do have alot of working mothers now and they are many single parents as well so the culture has beenchanging a little bit, but still the majority is that women should do the usual household stuffand the men do the work outside and get the money. If it's like the cityside, and if the wife isalso working, obviously it's not expected that the wife ends up doing everything.


Todd: So, what happens? Do you split the duties or do you hire a servant?


Buddhi: Yes, hiring some helper is quite common in Sri Lanka. I personally don't agree withthat.


Todd: Oh, really, you don't want to have like a cook or a maid or anything like that?


Buddhi: It'll be nice to have but I wouldn't want to have. I want to do my things on my own.I think it's easier to do things on your own, and I'd make sure when I get married that Ihave the correct partner who'd want to help me out with things and having kids and all that. Iwouldn't want somebody else to come and help us out.


Todd: So, when you get married, you'd like to split the duties with your husband?


Buddhi: Of course.


Todd: So, you expect your husband to cook and clean?


Buddhi: At least help me out and make sure that he knows what I'm doing. He values whatI do cause I'm definitely not the kind who'll stay at home and do only the household stuff. I'lldefinitely go out and get the money as well.


Todd: So, you want to be the bread winner?


Buddhi: I wouldn't say that. We will share. I mean, why he suffer alone, and why I suffer aloneat home. We suffer together.


Todd: Now is this a common viewpoint with most young women from your country?


Buddhi: Yeah, I'd say so. I'd say so, but there are many people who don't like to go out and bea working mom. They'd rather prefer staying at home and you know, waiting for their husbandto come home in the evening or stuff like that, but I'm definitely not that kind.



Buddhi: Can you tell me about general roles in America? Is it that women do cooking or themen help out or how is it done?


Todd: I think it's changed a lot over the years. It's similar to what you said in your country.America's probably maybe one of the leading countries in trying to make it more equal, so yeah,so now it's ... the men are supposed to help cook and clean and stuff. But actually what I findinteresting is that over time I think people still settle into their old habits. I think that youngcouples start off that the husbands gonna cook and he's gonna help clean but as they get oldernaturally it does seem like women revert to more caretaking roles and men kind of get lazy Ithink. You know. Although, I have to say, growing up my step-father was pretty amazing. Hewas really good at cooking and he cooked a lot and he actually used to get home before mymother. She also worked. So he would do the most of the cooking, and he was actually thebetter cook, but my mom's a good cook too.


Buddhi: So looking at him, did you ever want to learn cooking and did you ever think like, "OK,when I grow up I'll always help whoever was around."


Todd: No, it was actually .... I'm quite ashamed. I never did really learn cooking from him ormy mother, so they never really showed me, so even to this day I'm a pretty terrible cook. Sowhat about you? Did your mother show you how to cook?


Buddhi: She did, it's just that I didn't learn and my brother ended up learning all the cookingand he's a very good cook right now, and it makes me be very ashamed of myself, but ...


Todd: So wait a minute. Wait a minute. Your mom actually took the time to show you how tocook, and you say you still can't cook?


Buddhi: Yes!!!!


Todd: Why? What happened?


Buddhi: I don't know. I don't know. Sri Lankan cooking is so difficult and it takes ... it's reallytime consuming, but I wouldn't want to say that out too loud cause there are some like manygood cooks as well, it's just that I'm not good at it, but .... I mean, I'm not that that bad. It'sjust that my food don't turn out to be as good as my mom's.


Todd: Right.







