
发布时间:2017-03-17 14:06



half an hour


1. Less than a half hour later he returned upstairs. 不到半个小时,他又跑上楼来。

2. After half an hour's commis-eration, we turned to more practical matters. 惺惺相惜了半个小时后,我们转而讨论一些更为实际的问题。

3. In half an hour, they'd switched the tags on every cable. 半个小时内,他们就给每根电缆都换了标签。

4. This piece is, what, about a half an hour long? 这首曲子有,嗯,大约半个小时那么长,对吗?

5. After half an hour, the fish stopped biting and we moved on. 半个小时以后,鱼儿不再咬钩了,我们只好换地方。

6. Other theatre-goers complained Joan was on stage for just half an hour. 其他剧院观众抱怨说,琼在台上只呆了半个小时。

7. I think I got there about four and left about half past. 我想我是4点钟左右到达那里,大约半个小时后离开的。

8. We were allotted half an hour to address the committee. 给了我们半个小时向委员会作陈述。

9. The moment the half-hour was up, Brooks rose. 半个小时一到,布鲁克斯便起来了。

10. Be here in half an hour, tops. 最晚半个小时以后到这里。



11. I've been waiting for the bus for half an hour. 我等车已等了半个小时了.

12. I was abruptly notified that a half - hour speech was expected of me. 我突然被通知要讲 半 个小时的话.

13. He held off for half an hour because of the rain. 因为下雨,他晚了半个小时才动身.

14. The woodshed burned down in half an hour. 那间柴屋只半个小时就给烧光了.

15. It is not just a little trick you can pick up in half an hour. 这不是你半个小时就能学会的小窍门。

16. The plane had to wait half an hour on the tarmac because of fog. 由于大雾,那架飞机不得不在跑道上等候半个小时.

17. I spent half an hour searching through dictionaries for the meaning of thatword. 我花了半个小时的时间在许多字典中寻找那个字的意义.

18. We're only going for half an hour, and you're not going to buy anything. Is that clear? 我们只去半个小时,而且你什么都不能买。听清楚了没有?

19. When he condescended to speak, he contradicted himself three or four times in the space of half an hour. 他赏脸开腔后,半个小时内就有三四次说话自相矛盾。

20. My boyfriend always arrives late. Last night I decided to give him a taste ofhis own medicine by keeping him waiting 我的男朋友总是迟到, 昨晚,我决定以其人之道还治其人之身,让他等了半个小时.

21. Almost immediately they fell asleep and slept for about half an hour. 他们马上睡去,直睡了半个小时.

22. I only slept about half an hour that night. 我那天晚上只睡了大约半个小时。

23. The vicar preached to the congregation for half an hour. 那位教区牧师向会众讲道半个小时.

24. We queued up for half an hour to get into the cinema. 我们排队等了半个小时才进到电影院.

25. Once we stood outside in a blinding snowstorm for half an hour. 我们有一次在令人眩目的暴风雪中站了半个小时.

26. It took us about half an hour to fit up the apparatus. 我们花了大约半个小时才安装好这套仪器.

27. He said he would check back in half an hour. 他说半个小时后再联系.

28. Within half an hour we had logged every car. 在半个小时内,我们把每一辆车都作了登记.

29. I had to cool my heels for half an hour. 我只好等了半个小时.

30. The meeting lasted half an hour. 这次会见持续了半个小时.
