
发布时间:2017-03-20 20:05



The beloved novelist put her lovely gloves above the stove.


lovely [ 'lʌvli ] a. 可爱的,令人愉快的

novelist [ 'nɔvəlist ] n. 小说家

glove [ glʌv ] n. 手套

It's proved that the approver improved waterproof roof.


prove [ pru:v ] v. 证明,查验,显示

approver [ ə'pru:və ] n. 批准者

improve [ im'pru:v ] v. 改良,改善,增进,提高

waterproof [ 'wɔ:təpru:f ] n. 防水材料 a. 防水的 v. 使...能防水

In the reaction, the fraction acts as an agent.


reaction [ ri(:)'ækʃən ] n. 反应

fraction [ 'frækʃən ] n. 分数,小部分,破片

agent [ 'eidʒənt ] n. 代理人,代理商,特工人员

Actually the actor and actress reacted actively to the activity.


actor [ 'æktə ] n. 男演员

actress [ 'æktris ] n. 女演员

react [ ri'ækt ] v. 反应,起作用,反动

actively [ 'æktivli ] ad. 积极地,活跃地

activity [ æk'tiviti ] n. 活动

In the racial horse-race, the white racer's race-horse won.


racial [ 'reiʃəl ] a. 种族的

race [ reis ] n. 种族,赛跑 v. 赛跑,竞赛

racer [ 'reisə ] n. 赛马者,比赛者,比赛用汽车

I feel a trace of disgrace for the gracious man's embracing her bracelet.


trace [ treis ] n. 痕迹,踪迹,微量 v. 追踪,回溯,描绘

disgrace [ dis'greis ] n. 耻辱,不名誉 v. 耻辱,使...失体面

gracious [ 'greiʃəs ] a. 亲切的,高尚的

embrace [ im'breis ] n. 拥抱 v. 拥抱,互相拥抱,包含

bracelet [ 'breislit ] n. 手镯

The preface is written on the surface of the furnace that faces the space facilities.


preface [ 'prefis ] n. 序文,绪言,前言 v. 作序,写前言,以...开始

surface [ 'sə:fis ] n. 表面,平面 a. 表面的,肤浅的 v. 使...成平面,被露出来,在表面工作

furnace [ 'fə:nis ] n. 炉子,熔炉

space [ speis ] n. 位置,空间,距离 v. 隔开,分隔

facility [ fə'siliti ] n. 设施,设备 n. 灵巧,容易,熟练

“In fact, some factors are unsatisfactory to the factory,” the dissatisfied manager said.


fact [ fækt ] n. 实际,事实

factor [ 'fæktə ] n. 因素,因子

unsatisfactory [ 'ʌnsætis'fæktəri ] a. 不能令人满意的

factory [ 'fæktəri ] n. 工厂

dissatisfy [ 'dis'sætisfai ] v. 使感觉不满,不满足

The manufacturer manually manufactured many machines for the manufactory.


many [ 'meni ] n. 许多人,许多 a. 许多的

manufacturer [ ˌmænju'fæktʃərə ] n. 制造商

manually [ 'mænjʊəli ] 用手,手动地

manufactory [ ˌmænju'fæktəri ] n. 制造厂,工厂

The exact contact with practice has practical impact on me.


exact [ ig'zækt ] a. 精确的 vt. 强求,要求,索取

contact [ 'kɔntækt ] 接触,联系

practice [ 'præktis ] n. 练习,实行,习惯 v. 练习,实习,开业

practical [ 'præktikəl ] a. 实际的,实用的

impact [ 'impækt ] n. 冲击,冲突,影响 v. 挤入,撞击,对...发生影响

To make the contract attractive, the contractor subtracted a tractor from it.


tractor [ 'træktə ] n. 拖拉机

attractive [ ə'træktiv ] a. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

contactor [ 'kɔntæktə ] n. 电流接触器

subtract [ səb'trækt ] v. 减去,扣掉,减少

In this chapter, the capture characterized the characteristics of the characters.


capture [ 'kæptʃə ] n. 抓取,战利品,捕获之物 v. 抓取,获得,迷住

chapter [ 'tʃæptə ] n. 章,回,篇

characterize [ 'kæriktəraiz ] v. 表示...的特色,赋予...特色

character [ 'kæriktə ] n. 个性,字符,人物

The captive captivated by the apt adaptation rapped the cavity with rapture.


captive [ 'kæptiv ] n. 俘虏,迷恋者 a. 被俘的,被迷住的

apt [ æpt ] a. 倾向于,易于

captivate [ 'kæptiveit ] v. 迷住,迷惑

adaptation [ ˌædæp'teiʃən ] n. 改编,适应,改编成的作品

cavity [ 'kæviti ] n. 洞,空穴,腔

rapture [ 'ræptʃə ] n. 狂喜 v. 使狂喜

I'm in charge of discharging a large amount of charcoal and coal at the coal mine.


charge [ tʃɑ:dʒ ] n. 电荷,指控,费用 v. 控诉,加罪于,要价,赊帐,充电,管理

discharge [ dis'tʃɑ:dʒ ] v. 卸下,放出,解雇,放电,解除

large [ lɑ:dʒ ] a. 大的,大量的,宽大的

charcoal [ 'tʃɑ:kəul ] n. 木炭,炭笔

coal [ kəul ] n. 煤

With shortcomings overcome, the outcome become welcome.


outcome [ 'autkʌm ] n. 结果

become [ bi'kʌm ] v. 变成,变得 vbl. 变得

shortcoming [ 'ʃɔ:tkʌmiŋ ] n. 短处,缺点

overcome [ ˌəuvə'kʌm ] a. 充满了的,占据了的 v. 战胜,克服

welcome [ 'welkəm ] 欢迎

At the station the statesman hesitates to state the status of the statue.


station [ 'steiʃən ] n. 车站,站,位置 v. 安置,配置

state [ steit ] n. 州,国,情形 a. 国家的,正式的 v. 说,陈述,声明,规定

status [ 'steitəs ] n. 地位,身份,情形,状况

statue [ 'stætju: ] n. 塑像,雕像

The limitation on the imitations is preliminarily eliminated.


limitation [ ˌlimi'teiʃən ] n. 限制

imitation [ imi'teiʃən ] n. 模仿,效法 a. 假造的,冒充的

eliminate [ i'limineit ] v. 除去,排除,剔除 [计算机] 消除

The unconventional convention put many people to inconvenience.


unconventional [ 'ʌnkən'venʃənəl ] a. 非传统的

inconvenience [ ˌinkən'vi:njəns ] n. 不便,困难 v. 使...感不便,使...感困难

The ventilator inventor's adventure prevented him from venturing revenge.


adventure [ əd'ventʃə ] n. 冒险,奇遇 v. 大胆进行

ventilator [ 'ventileitə ] n. 通风机,送风机,换气扇

inventor [ in'ventə(r) ] n. 发明家

prevent [ pri'vent ] v. 预防,防止

venture [ 'ventʃə ] n. 冒险,风险 v. 敢尝试,冒险一试

revenge [ ri'vendʒ ] n. 报仇,复仇,报复 v. 报仇,报复

Even the evening event couldn't eventually spoil the joy of the New Year's Eve.


even [ 'i:vən ] a. 平坦的,偶数的,相等的 ad. 甚至,恰好,正当

evening [ 'i:vniŋ ] n. 傍晚,晚上

event [ i'vent ] n. 大事,事件

eventually [ i'ventjʊəli ] ad. 终于,最后

spoil [ spɔil ] n. 战利品,奖品 v. 宠坏,溺爱,破坏,腐坏

After an explosion the explorer restored the storage of the explosive in the exploiter's storehouse.


explorer [ iks'plɔ:rə, eks- ] n. 探测者

explosive [ iks'pləusiv ] a. 爆炸(性)的 n. 炸药

exploiter [ eks'plɔitə ] n. 剥削者

storage [ 'stɔridʒ ] n. 储存体,储藏,仓库

restore [ ris'tɔ: ] v. 回复,恢复,归还

storehouse [ 'stɔ:haʊs ] n. 仓库,储藏所,宝藏

The sore is orally ignored by the ignorant immoral man.


sore [ sɔ, sɔə ] a. 疼痛的,痛心的 n. 痛处,疮口

ignorant [ 'ignərənt ] a. 不知道的,无知的,愚昧的

ignore [ ig'nɔ: ] v. 不顾,不理,忽视

immoral [ i'mɔrəl ] a. 不道德的

The boring boy bored ashore for ore core at the score.


ashore [ ə'ʃɔ: ] ad. 在岸上,上岸

ore [ ɔ:(r) ] n. 矿,矿石

core [ kɔ: ] n. 果心,核心,要点 vt. 挖去(水果的)果心 =Congress of Racial Equality 争取种族平等大会

score [ skɔ:, skɔə ] n. 得分,刻痕,二十;背景音乐 v. 刻划,划线,得分

boring [ 'bɔ:riŋ ] a. 令人厌烦的 n. 钻孔

bore [ bɔ: ] n. 令人讨厌的人,枪膛,孔 v. 使烦扰,钻孔

In the famine I got familiar with this famous family name/surname.


famine [ 'fæmin ] n. 饥荒

familiar [ fə'miljə ] a. 熟悉的

famous [ 'feiməs ] a. 著名的

family [ 'fæmili ] a. 家庭的 n. 家庭

surname [ 'sə:neim ] n. 姓

The tame tigers play the same game on the frame.


tame [ teim ] a. 驯服的,柔顺的,乏味的 v. 驯养,使...驯服

same [ seim ] a. 同样的 ad. 同样地 pron. 同样的人或事

game [ geim ] n. 游戏 vi. 赌博

frame [ freim ] n. 框,结构,骨架 v. 构成,设计,陷害

The shameless lame man is to blame for the flaming frame.


lame [ leim ] a. 跛足的,僵痛的,不完全的 v. 变跛,使...成残废,瘸行

blame [ bleim ] n. 过失,责备 v. 责备

shameless [ 'ʃeimlis ] 无耻的

flaming [ 'fleimiŋ ] a. 火红的,火焰般的

frame [ freim ] n. 框,结构,骨架 v. 构成,设计,陷害

The plain woman explained to me why she complained about the chain.


plain [ plein ] n. 平原,草原 a. 简单的,平坦的,平常的,家常的 a.纯的,不掺杂的

explain [ iks'plein ] 解释,说明

complain [ kəm'plein ] v. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉

chain [ tʃein ] n. 链,连锁,束缚 v. 用铁练锁住,束缚,囚禁

After the entertainment the captain obtained an entrance fee.


entertainment [ entə'teinmənt ] n. 娱乐

captain [ 'kæptin ] n. 船长 v. 率领,指挥

obtain [ əb'tein ] vt. 获得,得到 vi. 通用,流行,存在

It's acertained that the certificate is behind the curtain of the stainless steel container.


certificate [ sə'tifikit ] n. 证(明)书,执照 vt. 批准

behind [ bi'haind ] ad. 在后地 prep. 在...之后

curtain [ 'kə:tən ] n. 窗帘

ascertain [ ˌæsə'tein ] v. 确定,探知

stainless [ 'steinlis ] a. 无瑕疵的,不锈的

container [ kən'teinə ] n. 容器,集装箱

In the building, the wild child hurt his mild chin on the china.


wild [ waild ] a. 放荡的,未开发的,野的,野生的,原始的 n. 荒野

mild [ maild ] a. (烟、酒)味淡的,轻微的,温柔的,文雅的

chin [ tʃin ] n. 下巴,颏

china [ 'tʃainə ] n. 中国,瓷器

The feeble man feels an ache on his heels and knees when he kneels on the steel steering wheel.


feeble [ 'fi:bl ] a. 虚弱的,无力的

feel [ fi:l ] v. 感觉,觉得,触摸

heel [ hi:l ] n. 脚后跟 v. 倾侧

knee [ ni: ] n. 膝,膝盖

kneel [ ni:l ] v. 跪

steel [ sti:l ] n. 钢,钢制品 a. 钢的 v. 使...坚如钢

steering wheel [ 'stiəriŋ ] n. 舵轮(转向盘,驾驶盘,驾驶轮,操向轮)

The bee paid the fee of coffee, beef and beer for the cheerful deer.


bee [ bi: ] n. 蜜蜂

fee [ fi: ] n. 费用

beef [ bi:f ] n. 牛肉 v. 抱怨,诉苦

beer [ biə ] n. 啤酒

coffee [ 'kɔfi ] n. 咖啡

cheerful [ 'tʃiəful ] a. 高兴的,快乐的

deer [ diə ] n. 鹿

To the ants, the infant elephant is a giant in the plantation.


infant [ 'infənt ] a. 婴儿的,幼稚的,初期的 n. 婴儿,幼儿

elephant [ 'elifənt ] n. 大象

giant [ 'dʒaiənt ] a. 巨大的 n. 巨人

ant [ ænt ] n. 蚂蚁

plantation [ plæn'teiʃən ] n. 种植园

The merciful merchant wants to grant some merchandise to the panting immigrants.


merchant [ 'mə:tʃənt ] n. 商人,店主 a. 商业的

merciful [ 'mə:siful ] a. 仁慈的,宽大的

immigrant [ 'imigrənt ] a. 移民的 n. 移民,侨民

The lengthened long fishing rod alongside the lake belongs to me.


long [ lɔŋ ] a. 长的,很久的,冗长的 v. 渴望,热望,极想 ad. 长期地

rod [ rɔd ] n. 杆,棒

alongside [ əlɔŋ'said ] ad. 在旁边 prep. 在...旁边

lengthen [ 'leŋθən ] v. 加长,延长,使...长

belong [ bi'lɔŋ ] v. 属于

The strong man among us strongly hates the wrongdoing.


strong [ strɔŋ ] a. 强壮的

strongly [ 'strɔŋli ] ad. 坚固地,坚强地,激烈地

wrongdoing [ 'rɔŋ'du:iŋ;'rɔ:ŋ- ] n. 坏事, 不道德行为

In occasional case the phrase emphasizes the importance of the phase to the laser.


occasional [ ə'keiʒnəl ] a. 偶然的,不时的

case [ keis ] n. 情形,情况,箱,案例

phrase [ freiz ] n. 短语,习语 vt. 表达,叙述

emphasize [ 'emfəsaiz ] v. 强调,着重 vt. 强调

phase [ feiz ] n. 相, 相位,时期,局面,阶段 v. 逐步执行,实行,按计划进行

laser [ 'leizə ] n. 激光

Based on the basic case, the purchaser found the vase in the basin in the basement.


basic [ 'beisik ] n. 基本,要素 a. 基本的,碱性的 [计] BASIC语言, 基本高级语言

vase [ vɑ:z, veis ] n. 花瓶

basin [ 'beisən ] n. 盆,脸盆,盆地

purchaser [ 'pə:tʃəsə ] n. 买方,购买者

basement [ 'beismənt ] n. 地下室

On the camp of the campus the campaign champion put the camera on the camel.


camp [ kæmp ] n. 露营,帐棚 v. 露营,扎营

campus [ 'kæmpəs ] n. (大学)校园

campaign [ kæm'pein ] n. 战役,运动,活动 v. 参加活动,参加竞选

champion [ 'tʃæmpjən ] n. 冠军,拥护者 v. 保卫,拥护

camera [ 'kæmərə ] n. 照相机

camel [ 'kæməl ] n. 骆驼

He stamped on the stamps and slammed the lamp on the damp dam.


lamp [ læmp ] n. 灯

damp [ dæmp ] n. 湿气 a. 潮湿的 vt. 使潮湿,使阻尼,抑制 vi. 衰减

stamp [ stæmp ] n. 印,邮票,打印器 v. 捺印,顿足,贴上邮票

slam [ slæm ] n. 砰然声,猛然 v. 猛然关上,砰地关上

dam [ dæm ] n. 水坝

When the boat floats through the throat, the goat in overcoat goes to the goal.


boat [ bəut ] n. 船 v. 划船

goat [ gəut ] n. 山羊

overcoat [ 'əuvəkəut ] n. 外套,大衣

float [ fləut ] n. 漂流物,浮舟,浮萍 v. 浮动,飘,散播

throat [ θrəut ] n. 喉咙

goal [ gəul ] n. 目标,终点 n.球门;得分

The competitor is compelled to complete the competition.


complete [ kəm'pli:t ] a. 彻底的,完整的,已完成的 v. 完成,使完整

competitor [ kəm'petitə ] n. 竞争者

compel [ kəm'pel ] v. 强迫,迫使

competition [ kɔmpi'tiʃən ] n. 比赛,竞争

I'm perplexed by the flexible complex index of sex and age.


flexible [ 'fleksəbl ] a. 灵活的,易弯曲的,柔韧的

complex [ 'kɔmpleks ] a. 复杂的 n. 复合体

index [ 'indeks ] n. 索引,指针,指数 v. 编入索引中,指出

sex [ seks ] n. 性,性别,男性或女性

perplex [ pə'pleks ] v. 使...困惑,使...更复杂,使...为难

Since then the sincere princess has known the principal principle.


since [ sins ] ad. 后来 conj. 既然,因为 prep. 自从

sincere [ sin'siə ] a. 真诚的,诚挚的

princess [ prin'ses, 'prinses ] n. 公主,王妃

principle [ 'prinsəpl ] n. 原则,原理,主义,信念

The bead is put on the forehead of the dead shepherd ahead of the herd.


forehead [ 'fɔrid, 'fɔ:hed ] n. 额,前额

dead [ ded ] a. 死的 ad. 完全地 n. 死者

shepherd [ 'ʃepəd ] n. 牧羊者,牧师,指导者 v. 看守,领导,指导

ahead [ ə'hed ] ad. 向前地,胜于,在...前面

bead [ bi:d ] n. 珠子,滴

The misleader let me use the lead instead of the unsteady METAl.


lead [ li:d ] n. 铅,领引,榜样 v. 引导,带领,以铅接合

instead [ in'sted ] ad. 代替,顶替

unsteady [ 'ʌn'stedi ] a. 不稳定的(易变的) vt 使...不稳定(动摇)

The reader already readily spread the thread on the ready-made bread.


reader [ 'ri:də ] n. 读物,读本,读者

already [ ɔ:l'redi ] ad. 已经

readily [ 'redili ] ad. 不迟疑地,迅速地,轻易地

spread [ spred ] n. 传布,伸展 a. 扩延的 v. 传布,推广,伸出

thread [ θred ] n. 线,纤维,思路,线索 v. 穿线于,穿过,成线

bread [ bred ] n. 面包

"Ten percent of the cents are made in recent centuries," he said with strong accent.


percent [ pə'sent ] a. 百分之一,(与基数词连用)百分之...的 n. 百分之...

cent [ sent ] n. 分

recent [ 'ri:snt ] a. 近来的,新近的

century [ 'sentʃuri, -tʃəri ] n. 世纪

accent [ 'æksənt ] n. 重音,口音 v. 重读,强调

The neutral scent of kerosene is concentrated in the center of the scene.


neutral [ 'nju:trəl ] a. 中立的,中性的 n. 中立者

center [ 'sentə ] n. 中心,中央 v. 集中 vi. 居中 vt. 使集中

kerosene [ 'kerəsi:n ] n. 煤油

concentrate [ 'kɔnsentreit ] n. 浓缩,精选 v. 集中,专心,浓缩 [计算机] 集中

scene [ si:n ] n. 场,景,情景

Those innocent adolescents ascending the hill are the tribe's descendants of decent descent.


innocent [ 'inəsnt ] a. 无罪的,不懂事的,无知的,无辜的

decent [ 'di:snt ] a. 有分寸的,得体的,相当好的

adolescent [ ˌædəu'lesnt ] a. 青春期的,青少年的 n. 青少年

ascend [ ə'send ] v. 上升,攀登

descendant [ di'send(ə)nt ] n. 子孙,后代

descent [ di'sent ] n. 降落,家系,侵袭
