A wolf and a jackal(豺,走狗) often went hunting together. Once they came to a sheepfold(羊圈) the walls of which were frimly built and too high for them to get over. Then they had an idea: Since the wolf had long forelegs and short hindlegs, while the jackal had short forelegs and long hindlegs, the wolf stood on the necks of the jackal, and the jackal stood up on its hindlegs. In this way the wolf climbed over the wall to where the sheep were.
This idiom is used to describe doing evil things in collusion with others.
【解释】: 狼和狈一同出外伤害牲畜,狼用前腿,狈用后腿,既跑得快,又能爬高。比喻互相勾结干坏事。
In the Warring States Period, a man in the state of Chu was offering a sacrifice(祭品) to his ancestors. After the ceremony, the man gave a beaker of wine to his servants. The servants thought that there was not enought wine for all of them, and decided to each draw a picture of snake; the one who finished the picture first would get the wine. One of them drew very rapidly. Seeing that the others were still busy drawing, he added feet to the snake. At this moment, another man finished, snatched the beaker(烧杯,大口杯) and drank the wine, saying,"A snake doesn't have feet. How can you add feet to a snake?"
This idiom refers to ruining a venture by doing unnecessary and surplus things.
楚国有一家人,祭过了祖宗之後,便将一壶祭祀时用的酒,留给办事人员喝。办事人员很多,仅仅一壶酒,到底给谁喝呢?有人提议让?a href='http://www.xx.com/yangsheng/kesou/' target='_blank'>咳嗽诘厣匣惶跎撸每旎煤茫桶颜夂聘4蠹叶既衔獍旆ê芎谩S幸桓鋈撕芸炀桶焉呋昧恕U夂凭凸樗谩U馐保赝房幢鹑耍济挥谢茫偷靡庋镅锏厮担?quot;你们画得好慢呀ⅵ等我再画上几只脚吧ⅵ"正在他画蛇脚的时候,另一个人已经把蛇画好了。那人把酒壶夺了过去说:"蛇是没有脚的,你怎麽画上了脚?"说罢,就喝起酒来。
in the spring and autumn period, a man in the state of song raised monkeys. the monkeys could understand what he said. as the man became poor, he wanted to reduce the monkeys' food. he first suggested that he give them three acorns(橡子) in the morning and four acorns in the evening. thereupon, the monkeys protested angrily. then their owner said, "how about four in the morning and three in the evening?" the monkeys were satisfied with that.
this idiom originally meant to befool others with tricks. later it is used to mean to keep changing one's mind.