
发布时间:2017-03-16 15:49

以下是小编整理的英语文章:最大斗牛犬宝宝身价50万美金, 希望能对大家的英语学习有帮助。

The world's biggest pitbull cuddles up to his adorable new litter - valued at a whopping half-a-million dollars.And even though his owners say his bite could 'snap a man's arm like a toothpick', here he shows off his softer side by nuzzling and licking his new brood.


The eight pups could collectively command $500,000 (£320,000) if they go through owner Marlon Grennan’s training school to become elite protection dogs. And there are even hopes one of the new batch could one day grow big enough to steal their father's crown.

这八只狗宝宝如果经主人马龙·格瑞南的培训学校培养成为精英护卫犬的话,总价值将达50万美金 (32万英镑)。在新狗崽中,甚至有希望某只将来长得足够大,能夺走爸爸的王冠。

Marlon, 28, said: "This is definitely one of the most valuable litters we have had. If the litter were all trained as protection dogs they could be worth in excess of half-a-million dollars, absolutely.



"In about five to seven weeks we'll start to see them separate out and get a good idea of just how big they will get. Their papa isn't a legend for no reason but the potential to have another record-breaking world famous dog amongst his puppies is definitely there."


"Most of them are already sold. That's just how well thought of Hulk's bloodline is thought of."Hulk's puppies would usually sell for up to $30,000 (£19,000) at birth, simplybecause who their father is.But if they were to be trained as elite protection dogs then Marlon says they could sell for $55,000 (£35,000) or more, Marlon says.

“大部分狗宝宝已经被卖掉了,这就体现了人们多认可浩克的血统。”浩克的宝宝通常一出生就能卖到高达3万美金 (1万9000镑),就因为它们有这个爸爸。马龙说:“但如果它们被训练成精英护卫犬,就能卖到5万5000镑 (3万5000英镑)或更多。”
