
发布时间:2017-03-02 12:59





The great days of the Round Table were over when 150 knights left to search throughoutBritain for the Grail. But it was Sir Modred, a knight who was either Arthur’s nephew or hisillegitimate son, finally destroyed the fellowship of the Round Table. While Arthur was fightingLancelot in France, Modred seized his kingdom and attempted to marry Guinevere. Arthurquickly returned to Britain and a war broke out between the forces of the two men. Arthur killedModred in battle but he himself was badly wounded.

Facing death, Arthur ordered one of his knights Bedivere to throw Excalibur into a lake, so thatthe sword could not fall into the wrong hands. Then Bedivere carried Arthur on his shouldersand brought him to the edge of the lake. There they saw a boat with a number of fairies in it.The boat took him away to the island of Avalon, the land of heroes. People believe that Arthurwill return when Britain again needs him to defeat the nation’s enemies and to bring peace andsecurity to the land.





Tristram (Tristan) , one of the Knights of the Round Table, was the nephew of King Mark ofCornwall. His mother died after giving birth to him and he was brought up at the court of KingMark, and became a skilful hunter and harper. Tristram fought and killed Sir Marhaus, thebrother of queen of Ireland and he himself was wounded. He was sent to Ireland to be cured ofhis wound. Owing to his skill with the harp the king of Ireland kindly received him and told hisdaughter Isoud (Isolt or Isolde) to take care of him. Tristram and Isoud fell in love. When thequeen discovered the guest was the knight who had killed her brother, Tristram had to returnto Cornwall.

After a time, King Mark, who felt jealous of Tristram and wanted to get rid of him, sent him toIreland to ask for him the hand of Isoud. Tristram, having killed a poisonous dragon forIreland, asked the king to allow his daughter to marry King Mark as a reward for his service.Isoud and her maid Bragwaine returned with Tristram by ship to Cornwall. Bragwaine hadreceived from Isoud’s mother a magic liquid to be given to King Mark. The liquid could makethe man and woman who drank it love each other for the rest of their lives. On the voyageTristram and Isoud found the liquid and drank it without knowing its effect. Mark and Isoudwere married, but the love affair between Tristram and Isoud continued until Mark discovered it.Tristram had to leave Mark’s court.

While fighting in Brittany, Tristram fell in love with another Isoud (Isou the White Hand) andmarried her. Later, Tristram was wounded by a poisoned arrow. Feeling that he was dying, hesent for Isoud of Ireland to come to cure him. If she came, the ship that brought her was to seta white sail, if not, a black sail. When the ship returned, however, his jealous wife told him thesail was black. In despair, Tristram turned his face to the wall and died. Isoud of Ireland foundher lover died, lay down by his side and also died.





ir Gawain and the Green Knight

Sir Gawain was Arthur’s nephew. In English stories, he is always described as a brave, honestand loyal knight.

According to the story, King Arthur and his Round Table Knights were holding their New Year’sbanquet at Camelot when a tall knight dressed in green and riding on a green horse came in,holding a huge axe in his hand. He challenged a knight to cut his head off on condition that theknight agreed to have his head cut off a year after. Gawain accepted the challenge and cut offthe Green Knight’s head.. The knight picked up his head and rode away.

Soon after that, Gawain set off to look for the Green Knight to receive his cut. After goingthrough many strange adventures, on Christmas Eve Gawain came upon a beautiful castlewhere he was well entertained. He agreed to stay on till New Year’s Day since he was told thatthe Green Knight lived nearby. The lord of the castle made an agreement with Gawain that eachday he himself would go hunting, and Gawain stay in the castle, and in the evening they wouldexchange what they had got during the day.

For three days the lord went hunting but Gawain had to resist the temptation of the beautifullady of the castle, who gave him one kiss on the first day, two on the second, and on the thirdday three kisses and a girdle which had magic power and would save his life. Each eveningGawain exchanged the kisses with his host for animals killed in the hunt; but on the thirdevening he kept the girdle, thinking that it would protect him when he met the Green Knightand received the cut. In this way he broke his promise.

On the New Year’s Day, Gawain was brought to the Green Knight. He bent over for the cut hehad promised to accept. The Green Knight raised his axe and brought it down, but he stoppedhimself at the last moment, for Gawain had moved a little because of fear. The Green Knightlaughed at him. Gawain got ashamed and angry and urged the Green Knight to finish his jobquickly. The Green Knight lifted his axe to cut, but again held it in the air. He praised Gawain fornot moving this time. The third time the Green Knight made a slight cut in Gawain’s neck. Thenhe explained that he was the lord of the castle in a different form, and that the cut in the neckhad been made because Gawain was full of shame and threw the girdle away. But the GreenKnight forgives him and gave him the girdle as a gift.





