高中英语必修三单词及语言点总结 Unit 1

发布时间:2017-03-15 06:47

随着近几年高考中,阅读和作文比重的增加,单词的重要性日益突出。以下是小编整理的关于人教版高中英语必修三单词及语言点总结:Unit 1 Women of achievement,旨在提供综合运用所需材料!


Unit 1 Women of achievement

Word usage

1. achieve v: attain or reach a goal through a lot of effort

eg. You will never achieve anything if you spend your time that way.

She finally achieved what she wanted.


eg. The invention of the computer is a great achievement.

They made great efforts in the achievement of their goals.

2. condition n:

a) [C]situation or state that under which person or thing exist

eg. After the king came to power, the condition of the people became worse.

My bike is in bad condition. I want to buy a new one.

Our living and working conditions have been improved in the past few years.

b) [U]the state of general health

What's the patient's condition?

The old man’s condition is improving.

3. connection: union or relationship linked by different means

eg. His connection with the family is slight.

There’re excellent road and rail connections between the two cities.

Is there a connection between the sun and seasons?

4. campaign

a) n: organize activity+ for/against/to do

eg. The city is planning to start a campaign against smoking.

We started a campaign for money raising for the flood area.

b)v: hold or join in a campaign

eg. He hasn't decided whether to campaign for the position.

Mary is campaigning for equal rights for women.

5. organization: organizing or organized system

eg. An army without organization would be useless.

Do you know the organization of the human body?

He is busy in the organization of the football club.

6. devote v: give up time or set apart for

该词通常构成词组devote… to,其中to 为介词,后接名词或代词或动名词.

eg. He devoted himself to writing.

He still devotes to the study of chemistry.

He has devoted all his life to helping the blind.

7. behave v: act or respond in a specified way

eg. He behaved like a true gentleman.

The young lady behaved courageously in the face of danger.

He behaved badly to the customers.


eg. His parents were satisfied with his behaviour.

I don’t like his rude behaviour.

8. worthwhile adj: rewarding enough to justify the time, money or effort that is spent

eg. The job is worthwhile.

It is worthwhile to read the book.

It is worthwhile to visiting the city.

区别worthwhile, worthy 及worth 的用法

be worth sth/doing sth

be worthy of sth/ being done sth

be worthwhile to do/doing sth

be worthy to be done

eg. The book is worth reading.

It is worthwhile to read the book.

The book is worthy of being read.

9. observe v: watch carefully

eg. The scientist observed the experiment.

I observed him stop at the gate.


eg. They decided to put him under observation.

10. respect

a) n: esteem or admiration

eg. They treated me with respect.

We show great respect for old man.

b) v: to have respect for

eg. He is highly respected by everyone.

I deeply respected his courage.

11. argue vi/vt: to express disagreement in words, often with strong feelings.

Eg. I don’t want to argue with you.

We argued the matter over four hours.

He argued that she should not go.

12. inspire v: encourage

eg. His speech inspired us to try again.

My parents inspire me to study harder.

The beautiful scenery inspired the writer.

13. support

a) n: act of supporting

eg. Tom is the chief support of the family.

We need your support.

I will support his plan.

b) v: to provide money , food, etc

eg. He has a large family to support.

I can support myself after graduate from university.

14. communication n: act of communicating

eg. Communication between old and young people is not so difficult as you think.

Mobile phone has become an important means of communication.

There is little communication between him and his parents.

15. explain v: make clear or know in detail

eg. Can you explain how the machine operates?

I was asked to explain the meaning of the sentence.

explain不能带双宾语, 不能说explain sb sth 而说成explain sth to sb

eg. Please explain this rule to me.

16. deliver v:

a) take to an intended receiver

eg. The mailman delivered the letters.

He delivered my message to his brother.

b) utter speech etc

eg. He delivered an important report at the meeting.

He delivered his speech successfully.

17. kindness: quality of being kind

eg. She always shows kindness to children and animals.

He helped the man out of kindness.

Thank you for your kindness.

18. considerate adj: careful not to hurt others

eg. She is considerate of others.

He’s always considerate towards old people.

Please be considerate.

consideration n: thinking that kept in mind

eg. The matter is under consideration.

We’ll give your advice careful consideration.

Health is the first consideration.

19. modest adj: not boasting/ shy

eg. He’s modest about his success.

He is a modest man.

Useful expressions

1. look down on/upon: regard sb or sth inferior to oneself

eg. She looks down on people who have never been to university.

He was looked down on because of his poor dress.

The proud girl looks down on all the other girls in her class.

2. care for: sympathetic concern

eg. He cares for nobody.

His mother cared for his health.

She is good at caring for patients.

3 deliver a baby 接生

eg. She once delivered a baby for a poor family.

She successfully delivered a baby last night.

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