
发布时间:2017-03-10 16:03




Clear Your Mental Space

Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion -- like stress, anger, or frustration. What was going through your mind as you were going through that negativity? Was your mind cluttered with thoughts? Or was it paralyzed, unable to think?

The next time you find yourself in the middle of a very stressful time, or you feel angry or frustrated, stop. Yes, that's right, stop. Whatever you're doing, stop and sit for one minute. While you're sitting there, completely immerse yourself in the negative emotion.

Allow that emotion to consume you. Allow yourself one minute to truly feel that emotion. Don't cheat yourself here. Take the entire minute -- but only one minute -- to do nothing else but feel that emotion.

When the minute is over, ask yourself, "Am I wiling to keep holding on to this negative emotion as I go through the rest of the day?"

Once you've allowed yourself to be totally immersed in the emotion and really fell it, you will be surprised to find that the emotion clears rather quickly.

If you feel you need to hold on to the emotion for a little longer, that is OK. Allow yourself another minute to feel the emotion.

When you feel you've had enough of the emotion, ask yourself if you're willing to carry that negativity with you for the rest of the day. If not, take a deep breath. As you exhale, release all that negativity with your breath.

This exercise seems simple -- almost too simple. But, it is very effective. By allowing that negative emotion the space to be truly felt, you are dealing with the emotion rather than stuffing it down and trying not to feel it. You are actually taking away the power of the emotion by giving it the space and attention it needs. When you immerse yourself in the emotion, and realize that it is only emotion, it loses its control. You can clear your head and proceed with your task.

Try it. Next time you're in the middle of a negative emotion, give yourself the space to feel the emotion and see what happens. Keep a piece of paper with you that says the following:

Stop. Immerse for one minute. Do I want to keep this negativity? Breath deep, exhale, release. Move on!

This will remind you of the steps to the process. Remember; take the time you need to really immerse yourself in the emotion. Then, when you feel you've felt it enough, release it -- really let go of it. You will be surprised at how quickly you can move on from a negative situation and get to what you really want to do!


On Meeting the Celebrated

I have always wondered at the passion many people have to meet the celebrated. The prestige(威望) you acquire by being able to tell your friends that you know famous men proves only that you are yourself of small account. The celebrated develop a technique to deal with the persons they come across. They show the world a mask, often an impressive one, but take care to conceal their real selves. They play the part that is expected from them, and with practice learn to play it very well, but you are stupid if you think that this public performance of theirs corresponds with the man within.

I have been attached, deeply attached, to a few people; but I have been interested in men in general not for their own sakes, but for the sake of my work. I have not, as Kant enjoined, regarded each man as an end in himself, but as material that might be useful to me as a writer. I have been more concerned with the obscure(昏暗的,朦胧的) than with the famous. They are more often themselves. They have had no need to create a figure to protect themselves from the world or to impress it. Their idiosyncrasies(个性) have had more chance to develop in the limited circle of their activity, and since they have never been in the public eye it has never occurred to them that they have anything to conceal. They display their oddities because it has never struck them that they are odd. And after all it is with the common run of men that we writers have to deal; kings, dictators, commercial magnates(巨头,富豪) are from our point of view very unsatisfactory. To write about them is a venture that has often tempted writers, but the failure that has attended their efforts shows that such beings are too exceptional to form a proper ground for a work of art. They cannot be made real. The ordinary is the writer's richer field. Its unexpectedness, its singularity, its infinite variety afford unending material. The great man is too often all of a piece; it is the little man that is a bundle of contradictory elements. He is inexhaustible. You never come to the end of the surprises he has in store for you. For my part I would much sooner spend a month on a desert island with a veterinary surgeon(兽医) than with a prime minister.



What sounds or impressions are you making on the people around you? Think about it. Your words, phrases, even your message may soon be forgotten but believe me, good or bad, your melody lingers(逗留).

An odd choice of phrase? Not really. The dictionary defines "melody" as a succession of sounds, and what is life other than the combining and blending of a succession of movements and sounds.

Just as a musical composition affects the moods and emotions of people who hear it, so too does the way you live your life.

Think of your life as a blank sheet of manuscript(手稿,原稿) paper.

Only the rhythm is there - it is up to you to create the harmony.

Naturally you will want your composition to be a success, a chart buster' even a Symphony - something to be remembered with pleasure.

So where to begin?


Have the right attitude, enjoy life, - and most importantly, be optimistic about the future.

Be genuinely interested in other people. Make a conscience effort to bring peace and happiness into other people's lives.

Avoid situations that generate excessive ambition, envy, anger and pride. They are all enemies of peace and will play havoc with(毁坏) your harmony.

It has been said that if these emotions or feelings were banished, the world would live in perpetual peace. Well, to banish them from the world is probably aiming a bit high but it shouldn't be too difficult to rid them from your own life.

Develop traits such as tact, diplomacy, compassion perceptiveness(洞察力) & sensitivity. These attributes are invaluable in enhancing not only your own life but the lives of those around you.

Everything you do has an effect on those around you. The way you move, whether you smile or frown. You are capable of making someone's day bright or miserable.

Take time to listen to other people. If there are too many discords & not enough harmony in their lives, encourage them to have a brighter outlook.

Throughout the world most people are striving for peace.

From the family unit seated around the dinner table to world leaders at the conference table, the name of the game is the pursuit of peace.

So, let us all play our part in composing the rhythm of life by consciously choosing peace and harmony in our daily lives to create a harmonious universe.
