
发布时间:2017-06-18 17:34




FreemanThomas said: "I was always drawn by my enthusiasm." TED speaker for love to do things, not for money. The funny thing is, if you do it for love, the money comes naturally. Who is he: FreemanThomas (Freeman Thomas), director of Ford design center. Thomas has 22 years of occupation experience, his works include: 500 horsepower dodge Tomahawk motorcycle, "North American car" strategy in Chrysler 300C, Audi TT concept car, the Volkswagen Concept 1 concept car (New Beetle).


Rupert said: "it is hard to hard", "there is no free lunch, but I have a lot of fun." TED speakers have a fun job, and they all work hard. I don't think they're workaholics. They're workaholics. He is a major shareholder, chairman and chief executive officer of RupertMurdoch (Rupert Murdoch), a leading news and media operator in the United States, the world's largest media empire news group. In terms of stock market capitalization, its news group is the world's largest multinational media group, also known as Murdoch's media empire".


"If you want to succeed, you really have to go deep into it, and then do it," lexGarden said." There is no secret that you want to master, that is, practicing * *, * * *, * * * * *. Who is he: AlexGarden, genius game developer. Alex Garden1989 came into contact with video games, he has been responsible for many famous game development, a lot of games we are familiar with, like "home" series, "monster island", "Warhammer" etc..


NormanJewison said: "I want to succeed is to focus on one thing." Who is he: NormanJewison (Norman Jewisen), energetic director and producer. He was nominated for 7 Oscar Awards (3 best director award, 4 best picture). His movies are total ever nominated for 45 Oscar awards, and won 12. He also had three degrees by the Directors Guild of America nominated for best director, and won the best director award at the Berlin Film Festival and Moscow film festival. Also won the honor award awarded by the Italy Donatello Award.


DavidGallo says, "force yourself, your soul, your face. You must be forced, forced, forced. You have to force yourself to overcome shyness and self doubt." Who is he: David Gallo (David Gallo), a pioneer in ocean exploration, an ambassador for linking ocean and land information. David Gallo is committed to promoting the exploration of the sea (once the Titanic Robert Ballard explorationists partner), he is one of the first to use the manned submersible robot and describe the high definition and with the details of the ocean marine scientist. Who said: GoldieHawn (Goldie Horn, American actress, film director, producer) said: "I always doubt yourself. Doubt that they are not good enough, not smart. I never believed that I would succeed. It is not always easy to force yourself to succeed, which is why you have to invent your mother. Frank Gehry said, "my mother used to push me."


"It's an honor to serve as a doctor," SherwinNuland said. "Now a lot of kids tell me they want to be millionaires. But one thing I said to them: "yes, but you can't serve yourself, you need to provide others with good service. Because that's how people get rich." Who is he: SherwinNuland (Sherwin Nuland), a 30 - year career physician and provides treatment for more than 10000 patients. Now, he is a writer, from the ideological, moral, mature and spiritual aspects of human beings to explore the question of life and death.


BillGates said: "I had an idea to set up the first microcomputer software company." It must be a good idea. There is nothing magical about creativity that comes up with ideas. They are simple things, and there is a lot of evidence. Who is he: BillGates (Bill Gate), a famous American entrepreneur, software engineer, philanthropist and chairman of the Microsoft Corp. In 1975, Gates and his childhood friend Paul Alan founded the Microsoft Corp, the world's largest provider of computer software, 31 years to become the world's richest man, has for many years on the "Forbes" global rich list.


"Perseverance is the first reason for our success," JoeKraus said. You have to stick to it, you have to go through crap, where crap is criticism, rejection, meanness and pressure." So, the answer to this question is simple: pay 4000 to the TED venue. If you can't come, do these eight things - believe me, this is the key to the success of the eight points.


FreemanThomas说:“我总是被我的热情所牵引着。”TED的讲演者因为有爱才做事情,不是为了钱。有趣的是,如果你是为了爱而做的,钱自然而然就来了。他是谁:FreemanThomas(弗里曼·托马斯),福特美国设计中心总监。Thomas有22年职业经历,他的作品包括:500马力道奇Tomahawk摩托,“北美轿车“战略中的克莱斯勒300c,奥迪TT概念车,大众Concept 1概念车(新甲克虫)。


Rupert说:“都是刻苦为努力”,“天下没有白吃的午餐,但是我得到了很多乐趣。”TED讲演者都有一份充满乐趣的工作,而且他们都很刻苦。我觉得,他们都不是工作狂,他们是享受工作狂。他是谁:RupertMurdoch (鲁伯特·默多克),美国著名的新闻和媒体经营者,全球庞大传媒帝国新闻集团的主要股东,董事长兼行政总裁。以股票市值来计算,其新闻集团已是世界上最大的跨国媒体集团,亦称为“默多克的传媒帝国“。


lexGarden说:“要想成功,就要真的深入其中,然后做到精通。”想要做到精通没有秘诀,就是练**,练**,再练**。他是谁:AlexGarden,天才游戏开发人。Alex Garden1989年开始接触电视游戏,他负责过很多著名的游戏开发,很多游戏大家都很熟悉,像《家园》系列、《怪兽岛》、《战锤》等。


NormanJewison说:“我想成功就要使自己专注于一件事情。”他是谁:NormanJewison(诺曼·杰威森),充满活力的导演及制片家。他个人曾被提名过7次奥斯卡金像奖(3座最佳导演奖,4座最佳影片)。而他的电影则共计提名过45项奥斯卡金像奖,并荣获过12项。他也曾三度被美国导演协会提名最佳导演,并在柏林影展及莫斯科影展拿过最佳导演奖。还曾得过意大利Donatello Award 所颁的荣誉奖。


DavidGallo说:“强迫你自己,心灵上,神情上。你一定要强迫,强迫,强迫。你要强迫自己去战胜羞涩和自我怀疑。”他是谁:David Gallo(大卫·盖洛),海洋探测的先驱,链接海洋和陆地上信息的大使。David Gallo致力于推动海洋勘探的推广(曾经是泰坦尼克号勘探家Robert Ballard的合伙人),他是第一个使用的载人潜水器和机器人描绘高清晰度和详细海洋细节的海洋学家之一。还有谁在说:GoldieHawn(戈尔迪·霍恩,美国女演员、导演、电影监制)说:“我总是怀疑自己。怀疑自己不够优秀,不用聪明。我从不相信我会成功。想要成功地强迫自己并不总容易,这就是为什么要发明妈妈。“Frank Gehry说:“我妈妈过去总是督促我。”








1. 成功的人是跟别人学习经验,失败的人只跟自己学习经验。 —— 佚名

2. 成功呈概率分布,关键是你能不能坚持到成功开始呈现的那一刻。 —— 佚名

3. 成功是一种态度! —— 皮尔

4. 失败是成功之母。

5. 只有千锤百炼,才能成为好钢。

6. 成功是走向成功的快捷方式。

7. 成功在于坚持。

8. 具有强烈自信心的人,是生活中的幸运者。

9. 成功=知识+人脉。

10. 人人都能成功。

11. 绊脚石乃是进身之阶。

12. 成功与不成功之间有时距离很短

13. 要成功就没有借口,要借口就不可能会成功。

14. 我是最棒的,我一定会成功。

15. 挫折和磨难是人生最珍贵的财富。

16. 我成功因为我志在成功!

17. 不敢做和不愿做的人,永远不会成功。

18. 成功是因为态度。

19. 为别人鼓掌的人也是在给自己的生命加油。

20. 集中兵力打歼灭战。
