
发布时间:2017-03-16 12:28


Oxford's lexicographers keep watch over billions of words every month — from literary novels to academic journals to blogs — and at the end of the year, they put their brainy heads together to select a single word that best embodies the zeitgeist.

Out of this year's numerous nominees, Oxford's word of the year for 2014 is vape.


According to Oxford's calculations, usage of vape more than doubled between 2013 and 2014.

Casper Grathwohl, president of Oxford's dictionaries division, tells TIME, "Vape only really caught on a few years ago and now we've seen a dramatic rise."






文中的vape就是“电子烟”的意思,它的出现可以追溯到上世纪80年代末期,当时美国的雷诺兹-纳贝斯克烟草公司正在研发世界上第一支“无烟”香烟("smokeless" cigarette),vape作动词,意为“吸电子烟”,也可以作名词,表示“电子烟”,也可以表示为electronic cigarette或e-cigarette。

最后一段中的catch on是动词短语,意为“流行;受欢迎”,和become popular或be in fashion的意思较接近,如:That new song will catch on quickly.(那首新歌很快就会流行起来。)
