
发布时间:2017-03-18 11:33



家庭暴力(domestic violence)指的是在亲密关系(intimate reiationship)中一方对另一方的虐待。通常来说,受害者是儿童和妇女。在中国古代,人们认为男人有权利惩罚他的孩子和妻子。广义上讲,家庭暴力不局限于明显的身体暴力,它也有许多其他的形式。关于家庭暴力产生的原因,出现了许多不同的理论,比如犯罪者的性格和心理特征。外部因素也有影响,比如犯罪者所处的环境。然而,没有一种理论能涵盖所有情况。


Domestic violence refers to the abuse by one partner against another in an intimate relationship.Commonly the victims are children and women.In ancient China, people believe that a man has the right to punish his children and wife.In a broad sense, domestic violence is not limited to obvious physical violence.There are many other forms of violence.Many different theories are brought up as to the causes of domestic violence,such as the the perpetrators'personality and mental characteristics.External factors also play a part,such as the perpetrators'surroundings.However, no theory seems to cover all cases.


大多数时候,留守儿童(leftover children)的问题很大程度上源于缺乏父母的情感关怀。通常,孩子由祖父母或父母的朋友、亲戚照顾。在大多数情况下,他们的监护人(guardian)没有受过很好的教育。对他们来说,确保孩子健康、吃得好是极重要的任务。只要孩子平安无事,他们就被认为做得很好了。监护人很少关心孩子的学习、心理需求或精神需求。他们也不花时间教孩子如何养成良好的习惯。


Most of the time, problems of the leftover children largely arise from a lack of emotional care from their parents. Usually, the children's grandparents or their parent's friends or relatives look after these children. In most cases, their guardians are not well educated. To them,making sure that the children are healthy and fed well is the most important task. As long as the children are safe and sound,they are considered to have done a good job. Guardians seldom care about children's study,psychological needs, or mental demands. Neither do they spend some time to teach kids how to develop good habits.




University students inBeijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Shenyang and someother big cities are increasingly choosing to getmarried right after graduating.This is in sharpcontrast to the situation in the 1980s and 1990swhen many urban youngsters put off marriage untilthey were “old enough”一in their 30s or even 40s.Many spent their time looking for spouseswith good economic backgrounds or attractive faces,instead of looking forlove.However,parents of these students choosing to get married right after graduating have totake care of the couples'daily affairs,as the young people are still figuring out how to live as afamily.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

青年奥林匹克运动会是专为全世界青年人设立的综合体育赛事。第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会于2014年8月16日至28日在南京举行。本届青奥会的口号是“分享青春 共筑未来”;寓意全世界青年人在奥林匹克精神感召下,欢聚一堂,相互切磋,相互鼓励,增进友谊,共同成长。吉祥物创意来自雨花石,意为提倡自然、运动、健康、快乐的生活方式;会徽将南京明城墙城门和江南民居轮廓组合在一起,勾勒出“NANJING”字样,寓意青春之门。


Youth Olympic Games, a comprehensive sports event, is designed for young people all over the world. The second summer youth Olympic Games was held from August 16, 2014 to 28 in Nanjing. Its slogan is "Share the youth, Build the future”, which means the young people around the world in the Olympic spirit, get together and play each other, encourage each other, enhance friendship and grow up together. Its Mascot comes from rain flower stones, advocating a lifestyle of natural, sports, healthy and happy; Its emblem will outline NANJING Ming city wall gate and folk houses together, with the idea of the gate of youth.


在中国,赠送礼物应考虑具体情况和场合。礼物常用红色或其他喜庆的颜色(festive color)来包装,但白色或黑色不适宜用于此。当你将礼物递出去时,收礼者(recipient)可能会礼貌谢绝。在情况下试着将礼物再-次送出去。通常收礼者在客人离开之后才打开礼物。此外,送礼还有—些禁忌(taboo)如给夫妻送伞就不合适,因为中文里“伞”与“散”同音。


In China, we should consider the specific situation and occasion when presenting gifts. The gifts are usually packaged in red or other festive colors. But white and black and not suitable in the packaging. When you offer the gift, the recipient may refuse it politely. In this case, you could try to offer the present once again. Usually, the recipient won't open the gift until the guest leaves. In addition, there are some taboos in giving gifts. For example, it is inappropriate to present an umbrella as a gift to a couple because the word “umbrella” has the same pronunciation with another word "separate" in Chinese.
