
发布时间:2017-06-12 15:13

英文歌girls just wanna have fun,送给闺蜜听再好不过了。下面是小编给大家整理的关于闺蜜的英文歌,供大家参阅!


关于闺蜜的英文歌girls just wanna have fun简介

这首歌曲是Robert Hazard完成于1979年,并录制成DemoI小样,但因故并没有发行上市。


"Hey Now (Girls Just Want To Have Fun)"是这首经典歌曲的另一个版本,收录在辛迪1994年发行的精选集<Twelve Deadly Cyns...And Then Some>里。2005年,辛迪邀请日本女子团体帕妃与其共同录制全新的版本,并收录在不插电精选集<The Body Acoustic>中。

关于闺蜜的英文歌girls just wanna have fun歌手介绍

辛迪·劳帕(Cyndi Lauper),1953年6月22日生于纽约,美国创造歌手、制作人、演员、同志权利运动家。辛迪·劳帕是历史上同时拥有格莱美奖、艾美奖、托尼奖三大领域奖项的二十位艺术家之一。

1983年底推出首张个人专辑《She's So Unusual(她非比寻常)》,以其极尽鲜艳、夸张与多变的妆扮造型领导风潮,同时又以其演唱与创作才华,获得乐界一致好评,成为MTV早期主打艺人,并创下一张专辑便拥有四首TOP 5单曲的纪录,更于1985年获第27届格莱美音乐奖入围年度专辑、年度制作、年度最佳歌曲提名,并勇夺最佳新人奖头衔。Ben



关于闺蜜的英文歌girls just wanna have fun歌词

I come home in the morning light

My mother says when you gonna live your life right

Oh, mommy dear, we're not the fortunate ones

And girls, they wanna have fun

Oh, girls, they wanna have fun

The phone rings in the middle of the night

My father yells, "Whatcha gonna do with your life?"

"Oh, daddy dear, you know your still number one"

But girls, they wanna have fun

Oh girls, they wanna have

Thats all they really want, some fun

When the working day is done

Oh girls, they wanna have fun

Oh, girls just wanna have fun

Girls, they wanna, they wanna have fun

Girls, wanna have

Some boys take a beautiful girl

And hide her away from the rest of the world

I wanna be the one to walk in the sun

Oh girls, they wanna have fun

Oh girls, just wanna have

That's all they really want, is some fun

When the working day is done

Oh girls, they wanna have fun

Oh girls, just wanna have fun

Girls, they wanna, wanna have fun

Girls, wanna have

They just wanna, they just wanna

They just wanna, they just wanna

Girls, just wanna have fun

They just wanna, they just wanna

They just wanna, they just wanna

They just wanna, they just wanna

Oh girls, girls, just wanna have fun

When the working

When the working day is done

Oh, ooh, when the working day is done

Oh girls, girls just wanna have fun


They just wanna, they just wanna

They just wanna, they just wanna

Oh girls, girls just wanna have fun

They just wanna, they just wanna

They just wanna, they just wanna

Girls, girls, just wanna have fun

Girls just wanna have fun

They just wanna, they just wanna

They just wanna, they just wanna
