Meaghan Smith - Mirror歌词

发布时间:2016-11-16 14:44

Meaghan Smith是来自美国的歌手。美国的独立音乐唱作人。

Meaghan Smith Mirror歌词/lyrics


When that little voice is telling you lies

Meaghan Smith - Mirror歌词

When there's too many tears to see through your own eyes

And you've lost your way, in this dark old world

And you can't find yourself, cause your vision's too blurred


I just wish you could see yourself through my eyes


And let me be your mirror, let me show you who I see

Let me reflect everything that you are to me

Let me be your mirror, let me show you who you are

Cause I wouldn't be me if you weren't my mirror


You shine like the sun, your lips speak the truth

You got beautiful eyes, that can see right through

Right through my heart, to my core where I burn

Yeah, you show me myself, and now it's my turn


I just wish you could see yourself through my eyes


And let me be your mirror, let me show you who I see

Let me reflect everything that you are to me

Let me be your mirror, let me show you who you are

Cause I wouldn't be me if you weren't my mirror

You go for perfection, it ends in rejection

You're losing connection

No sense of direction

You're confused by your own reflection


So let me be your mirror, let me show you who I see

Let me reflect everything that you are to me

Let me be your mirror, let me show you who you are

Cause I wouldn't be me if you weren't my mirror

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