最近流行h开头的英文歌曲,好听的有很多,比如happy ending。下面是小编给大家整理的h开头好听的英文歌,供大家参阅!
h开头好听的英文歌happy ending
h开头好听的英文歌happy ending歌手
2013年参加湖南卫视大型歌唱选秀节目《快乐男声》,荣获全国季军; 赛后发行了首支个人原创单曲《乘着破船回家》。
2014年4月22日发行首本个人写真画册《少年白PAX'S ATTITUDE》。
h开头好听的英文歌happy ending歌词
Listen careful if I got you everything I did all for you
Now I rescue my mind to show the little me in the big world
One Hey U come release my soul
Two Yea Me see the sun rise slow
Three Burning ridiculous dream
Four But I can't take it all to another world
Tell me life is not a memory that's enough for u enough for me
Stop waiting for obey your yearnings
Help me call me when I'm falling drop me through the rain into your dream
Now I get it all a happy ending
Whatever they said stand by my side all the time is passing by
What I did wrong not in my song forgive me and listen to me
One Hey U come release my soul
Two Yea Me see the sun rise slow
Three Burning ridiculous dream
Four But I can't take it all to another world
Tell me life is not a memory that's enough for u enough for me
Stop waiting for obey your yearnings
Help me call me when I'm falling drop me through the rain into your dream
Now I get it all a happy ending
Tell me life is not a memory that's enough for u enough for me
Stop waiting for obey your yearnings
Tell me life is not a memory that's enough for u enough for me
Stop waiting for obey your yearnings
Help me call me when I'm falling drop me through the rain into your dream
Now I get it all a happy ending
Help me call me when I'm falling drop me through the rain into your dream