
发布时间:2016-11-14 11:20

在英语中,冠词主要用来修饰名词和代词,但是用法比较复杂,属于难掌握的词类之一,而且也是中考、高考的必考内容。在初、高中阶段,除了要掌握冠词的一些比较常见的用法之外,一些特殊的用法也须加以注意。下面是小编整理的一些冠词的特殊用法, 希望让大家更好地认识冠词,提高英语水平。



1. 当句中的表语是单数可数名词,说话人为了强调而将这个表语名词提前时,这个名词前面不加冠词。

Mary is patient with her students and likes to communicate with them. Great teacher she is.

2. though引导的让步状语从句可以将表语位于句首倒装,though可以用as或者that代替。但是需要注意:当用as或者that引导时,该让步状语从句必须倒装。如果该从句的表语是单数可数名词,用倒装结构将其置于句首时,改名词前不用冠词。

Poor man as he is, he is honest.

3. 职位或者头衔名词作表语表示“独一无二的职务或者是正职”时,前面不用冠词。注意:也可以用不定冠词,但是意义不一样(表示“其中之一”的意思,不再表示“唯一”性)。

He is headmaster of the school.

比较:He is a headmaster of the school. 他是那个学校的一个校长(该校正副校长中的一个)。

4. 作表语的单数可数名词后面有enough修饰时,改名词已经被抽象化,具有形容词的性质,用来说明“某种程度”,此时该名词前也不用冠词。

He is fool enough to believe her. 他真是傻得可以,竟然相信她的话。

5. 在“more A than B”结构中,A 和B是单数可数名词时,也不用冠词,表示“与其说是B倒不如说是A”。

Although he has to sell his paintings to make money, he is more artist than businessman. 尽管他不得不通过卖他的画作赚钱,但是他是一个艺术家,而不是商人。

6. 当turn和go当系动词使用,意为“变成”,后面的表语是单数可数名词时,前面不加不定冠词,但是,当这个名词前有形容词修饰时,则需要加不定冠词。

She turned writer in her forties. 在她四十多岁的时候,她成了一位作家。

比较:She turned a famous writer in her forties.

7. 在某些作伴随状语的独立结构中,名词前一般不加冠词。

The policeman entered the room, gun in hand.

8. 序数词在下列情况下不用定冠词。


There is a hospital on Fifth Avenue.


First cousin(亲表兄弟),second to none(不亚于任何人/ 物),second only to sb/sth(仅次于某人或者某物),at first sight/glance, on second thoughts, first prize, from first to last(始终,一贯),first things first(重要的事情先做)等。


First-hand information is hard to get.

④序数词被用作名词而且是用于表示“名次”概念时,前面不用冠词。但是如果作为代词,意为“第一个人/ 物”时,则用定冠词。

These TV sets are all firsts. 这些电视剧全是一等奖。

Bob’s the first in his family to go to university.

9. 在一些表示方位的“方位词+介词+方位词”结构中,方位词前不加定冠词。如:from east to west; north by east; south by west; east by north等。

10.下列两种情况也不用冠词。①具体名词表示抽象概念,不表示具体的物,而是说明其用途或者作用,或者表示于此物有关的情形或者活动时;②或者是具体名词用于介词后表示抽象概念时。如:go to church, in bed, go to school, at school , at play等。



1. 在形容词比较级用于二者之间的比较时,此时句中没有than,而是有表示两者比较的介词短语或者是在明确的上下文中,比较级前要加定冠词。

This computer is the better of the two.

2. 在“the+比较级---, the +比较级---”结构中。

Actually, the busier he is, the happier he feels.

3. 在“all the +比较级”结构中。

He is not coming? That’s all the better.他不来了?那倒更好了。

4.在“so much the better/worse(就更好/ 更糟糕)”结构中。

If he doesn’t find a job, so much the worse for him. 假如他找不到一份工作的话,他的情况就更糟糕。


1. 有时形容词最高级用来加强语气,表示“非常,极其”之意时,一般不用定冠词;不过当其修饰单数可数名词时,需要加不定冠词。

She is still in closest touch with us.

It is a most (=very) touching story.

2. 作表语的最高级只用于同本身比较,不是和别人比较,此时句中没有表示范围的介词短语,前面不用定冠词。

Vegetables are best when they are fresh.

3.在though, as, that 引导的让步状语从句的倒装结构中,如果表语是最高级,前面不用定冠词。

Youngest that he is, he is the wisest.

4. 如果形容词最高级修饰的是同源宾语,不用定冠词修饰,而是用物主代词。

He dreamed his most dreadful dream last night.


1. 在姓名前或者是在Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms+姓氏前,用于表示“某一个,某位”这类不确定的概念的时候,要用不定冠词。

A Mr Brown wanted to see you. 有一位叫布朗的先生要见你。


He has caught in a heavy rain. 他碰上了一阵大雨。

I’ d like a coffee. 我要一份咖啡。

It is a pleasant for me to work with you. 能同你一起工作我真是非常高兴。

3.在“by the +但我名词”结构中,the 不能省,如by the day/week/hour/month/foot/gallon/yard/pound/dozen等。

We are paid by the week. 我们是按周计酬的。

Meat is sold by the pound.肉是论磅卖的。

5. 在表示一家人时,要用“the+ 姓氏复数”构成。

I went to the Greens yesterday, but they were not at home.



Peter is as good a cook as Jim.

2. 在“so(as, too, how, however)+形容词+a/an+单数名词”结构中,冠词须倒置。

It is so lovely a day that I’d like to go out this weekend. 天气这么好,我这个周末想出去(郊游)。

It is too difficult a task for us to finish in a short time. 对我们而言,这任务太难,短时间内无法完成。

How good a book it is! 这是多好的一本书啊。

3. 在“no, much, far+形容词的比较级+a/an+单数可数名词”结构中,冠词须倒置。

He was no better a teacher than a Senior Three student. 虽然是教师,但他并不比高三的学生强。

Tom is far cleverer a student than the other students in his class.汤姆比他班里的其他学生都要聪明的多。

4. 在“more,less+形容词原级+a/as+单数可数名词”结构中,冠词须倒置。

Johnson is scarcely less significant a figure. 约翰逊并非是次要人物。

She did not see why when she was alone she would be less good a dinner than when she had a guest.她就是不明白为什么她单独吃饭时不如和客人在一起吃饭时吃得香。
