
发布时间:2016-12-02 01:19


Java is one of the hyped-up Internet software technologies that have spawned the World Wide Web, awfulwords like "intranet", and those strange-looking addresses on business cards and TV commercials. Originallyknown as a way to jazz up Web pages with graphic animations -- stock tickers that crawl across your screen,for example, and dancing icons -- Java has quickly evolved into a whole lot more. To Microsoft''s dismay, itis fast becoming what is known as a computing platform -- a sturdy base upon which programmers can buildsoftware applications.

Java is making possible the rapid development of versatile programs for communicating and collaboratingon the Internet. We''re not just talking word processors and spreadsheets here, but also applications tohandle sales, customer service, accounting, databases, and human resources -- the meat and potatoes ofcorporate computing. Java is also making possible a controversial new class of cheap machines called networkcomputers, or NCs, which Sun, IBM, Oracle, Apple, and others hope will proliferate in corporations and ourhomes.

The way Java works is simple. Unlike ordinary software applications, which take up megabytes on the harddisk of your PC, Java applications, or "applets", are little programs that reside on the network incentralized servers. The network delivers them to your machine only when you need them; because the appletsare so much smaller than conventional programs, they don''t take forever to download.

Say you want to check out the sales results from the Southwest region. You''ll use your Internet browserto find the corporate intranet Website that dishes up financial data and, with a mouse click or two, ask forthe numbers. The server will zap you not only the data, but also the sales-analysis applet you need todisplay it. The numbers will pop up on your screen in a Java spreadsheet, so you can noodle around with themimmediately rather than hassle with importing them to your own spreadsheet program.

To graph the numbers, you''ll call in a charting applet that will let you print out your report nice andpretty, all without leaving your browser. And you''ll always get the latest, greatest version of the appletstoo: Since the software is stored in only one place, corporate technicians can keep it up to data moreeasily.

The real beauty of the Java language, however, is its power to save users money, because it vastlysimplifies creating and deploying applications and because it lets them keep their existing "legacy"computers and software. Java programs, once written, can run without modification on just about any kind ofcomputer: a PC, a Macintosh, a UNIX workstation -- heck, even a mainframe. The underlying operating systemmakes no difference. Java actually can breathe new life into older specialized computers that were at riskof becoming obsolete.

In scarcely a year, Java has evolved into a major challenger to Microsoft''s Windows family of PCoperating systems -- faster even than DOS and Windows rose to challenge traditional mainframes andminicomputers. Java is also well on its way to becoming the most important Internet software standard,catapulting Sun past Netscape and Microsoft as the leader in Internet computing.


Java是灸手可热的Internet软件技术中的一种,而这些技术孕育了World Wide Web、"内部网"一类令人生畏的词儿以及名片上和电视广告中那些怪模怪样的地址。最初,它是以一种利用图形动画来活跃Web页面的一种方法闻名,例如,股票报价从屏幕上慢慢移动和跳跃的图标,Java很快全面介入。令微软公司惊愕的是,它很快成了一种被称作计算平台的东西--一个能让程序员开发应用软件的坚实基础。





